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Embroidered Bomber Jacket & Skinny Jeans: Quietly Into The Night

Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas.

No, this is not another post lamenting yet another article telling those of us over a certain age what we can and cannot wear. In fact, this is a post celebrating an article that is providing us with yet another voice proudly proclaiming that no, we will not go quietly into the night…


…quietly because we’re sporting our slip on orthopedic shoes, whisper thin house dress and a hairnet. Awww…hell no. I will stomp loudly into the night sporting my high heeled over the knee boots, shredded skinny jeans, a concert tee and a moto jacket thank you very much. “Don’t Dress Your Age” written by Julia Baird a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times appeared online this weekend complete with it’s own Instagram hashtag #NYTstylenotage.

In the article Julia points out (and pokes fun at) the plethora of ridiculous advice floating around out there in regard to how a woman should dress once she hits 40. And seriously, what is it about 40 anyways? That seems to be the most commonly used magic number in articles dictating to women what they should not wear after a particular point in time. What the hell happens at 40 that suddenly makes us too old for…well, anything? Granted, 40 seemed to be the number at which things gradually started falling apart for me. I all of a sudden needed bifocals, wrinkles started appearing in places that I didn’t even know one could wrinkle, and my hormones? That’s a whole other hot mess.

But my sartorial choices? Nope, nothing changed there. Except perhaps I got even bolder when deciding what to dazzle the world with on any given day. Am I trying to dress like a 25 year old? No. I’m dressing like me, plain and simple. 25 or 50 is utterly and completely irrelevant. And the real beauty of 50 is that I don’t give a sh*t. At 25 I did, probably too much. And that leads me to what was my favorite part of the article; Ms. Baird’s last sentence: “I would saunter off, dangerously liberated, feeling envious eyes on my back — having reached, finally, the age when you can reject rejection.” I am the age when I can reject rejection. I think that needs to be on a t-shirt…which of course I’d pair with a tulle skirt and Converse.


This is a perfect outfit for flying in the face of convention; an embroidered bomber jacket (and it’s reversible!), distressed skinny jeans and a pair of Adidas Superstars. I realized while perusing my scarves to find one for this outfit (not only for decorative purposes, it was chilly friends) that I do not have any scarves in pastel shades. And that is definitely going to need remedied. Yes, the one I’m wearing is decidedly light pink, but it’s angora and sheds like crazy and that is no bueno.

My heavier weight striped top was perfect with both the colors and floral embroidery on the jacket, and I’m also digging how the stripes on the Adidas echo the top. I’m looking forward to pairing the bomber with both my black midi skirt and either my pink tulle or pink chiffon skirts. I’m predicting it will be a fabulous mix of tomboy girly coolness. And quite honestly, probably not something I would’ve been bold enough to wear when I was 25.


Pick up a bomber jacket or two. Yes, they are trendy which can be a vote against picking one up I know, but I’ve been rocking my floral bomber for the last couple of years and it really is a versatile style. A bomber jacket transcends trends, and just think how cool you’ll feel wearing yours once all of the youngsters have sold theirs off on Poshmark.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas. Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas.Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas. Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas. Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas.Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas. Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas. Embroidered bomber jacket, skinny jeans and Adidas outfit. Fall outfit ideas.

Jacket: Charlotte Russe;  Jeans: Macy’s;  Top: Shein;  Shoes: Nordstrom

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8 years ago

Reject rejection! I love it. What a fabulous post true and liberating – it’s how I feel, and starting to dress that way! We’ve all got our own style, and yes not afraid to show it. Brilliant Jacqui

8 years ago

Love the flowers on your jacket 🙂

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
8 years ago

A perfect look for fall!

8 years ago

I loved that article and agree with you…I’d buy that t-shirt.

Staying true to ourselves has nothing to do with dressing younger.


8 years ago

Wonderful article and I so agree. I can reject rejection now! You look marvelous and I love that bomber jacket. xo


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I loved that article too—I shared it on FB because we need to make sure all women of every age hears the message, right?
Your jacket is so covet worthy, Debbie!!
I was even perusing the online shopping for something like it this weekend, but I did resist!!

8 years ago

Love all your fashions but something about this black, white, pink collaboration really appeals to me

8 years ago

Had to order the jacket. A must with the ballet pink tulle skirt, maybe with engineer boots.
Heading toward 60th BD next year, definitey do NOT care!
Carry on, Deb.

renae in real life
8 years ago

Speaking of skinny jeans, I can’t wear mine anymore. I can’t wear anything tight. I get immediately swollen and I need to keep swelling to a very minimum. Odd side effect to having had chemo, I guess. So baggy boyfriend jeans are my favorite. Thanks for the complement on the pixie. I am loving and it is soooooooo easy to do. ☺

Amy Loochtan
Amy Loochtan
8 years ago

this jacket is on point! Bombers are so popular right now and this one is grea!
Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

8 years ago

Such a great combo!

8 years ago

Yes to rejecting rejection! Your bomber jacket is so cute! Love the embroidery detail!

Doused In Pink

Fashionably Idu
8 years ago

Cute floral bomber Debbie. Your pictures are always so beautiful. I hope your school year has been great.

Mary Murnane
8 years ago

Gorgeous embroidery, I love this jacket!


8 years ago

you have such great style . . . I love everything about this look head to toe

Life is just Rosie

8 years ago

Loving your attitude Debbie and the bomber jacket! Coincidentally I’m also wearing a bomber jacket, having decided it doesn’t matter if I last wore one in the 70s.

8 years ago

Your bomber jacket is beautiful!

And yes to an age where we can reject rejection!!!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

YAAAS, Debbie!!! Say it loud, say it proud. What is so torrid about turning 40 that we suddenly go downhill??? Is it our “turning back into a pumpkin” marker?

8 years ago

Love the last line Deb! I know, the article was spot on. I remember saying to my guitar student when I turned 40, Ah oh, everything is going to go downhill!… ( joking of course) and then it kinda did with EDS., just conincidentally. It is funny that the arbitrary number is 40…. I love the jacket, such a pretty pattern on the back and so cool its reversable. You look great! And yeah Ill wear my leather pants till….? age
thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Great look and I actually know quite a few ladies in their 40’s that dress quite nice and even look younger (like yourself). I think it is in the fun and willingness to go against norm and conquer that I like.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” link up
Rachel xo

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