Even though I love my job, I always look forward to summer vacation. But this year was different…
…In teaching, we aren’t supposed to play favorites. But I think that it’s human nature to bond with some individuals more than we do with others; in any group of humans in your life, there is always going to be a “favorite”. All of my kids mean the world to me, but there is always that one. And for me, that “one” is leaving me this year to move on to the high school.
As I’ve mentioned before, I was teaching at the elementary prior to moving back up to the middle school. Because of that it just so happens that the group of kids I have right now have been with me since they were in the fourth grade. Even before I had this boy in my fourth grade class, I knew him. He was this adorable little pudgy cheeked boy with personality by the boatload. He was blessed with super cool parents, so I vividly recall many times back in the day that he would be on the computer in my elementary classroom while singing classic 80’s songs to himself…a boy after my own heart.
As he got older, his personality became even more fabulous. Besides his affection for classic 80’s music, his sense of humor is hysterical, and he has a deep and unwavering love for history and politics. Over the last few years we’ve had many a in-depth conversation on the how’s and why’s of historical events and the current state of American government. Believe me, the boy has opinions on everything and isn’t afraid to voice them. He has even been known to stop the superintendent in the hallway to (respectfully) voice his opinion on things at school that he felt needed changed.
In any case, every day I looked forward to our morning political discussions because he always had questions about what his hero Anderson Cooper had to say the night before. I could always count on him to make me laugh no matter how rough the day had been. But now the time has come for him to move on. Yes, I am so very proud of him. And yes, I am so happy that he’s taking another step towards becoming the excellent adult I know that he’ll be. But I’m also so very sad. There will truly be a hole in my classroom where he used to be.
I actually had to leave 8th grade graduation for awhile. After he came out on stage and in front of God and country, struck his supermodel pose (yes, he really did) I had to go to the office and sob while my friend hugged me and offered up tissues. The entire last week was filled with moments that I would tear up and have to hide it from the kids. I had the hardest time hiding it when on the last day, my boy rolled up in my room with these:
Yes, he also knows how to charm the ladies. And while I will miss him always, I can take comfort in knowing that he is going to take that beautiful light that is him out into the world and make it a better place then it was before.
How pretty is this embroidered tee shirt that I received c/o Shein? I’m really loving the embroidery trend, especially when you find it on something super casual like a soft slouchy tee. The other detail that makes this particular top a standout is the strappy off the shoulder neckline. It’s a more subtle off the shoulder look, so it would be perfect for those of you who might be hesitant to try that particular look.
Keeping with the casual comfortable vibe (and working around the robot foot) I paired the embroidered tee shirt with my favorite olive green slouchy pants and one mauve colored Birkenstock.
If there is a particular trend that you like, but are afraid to try, then take baby steps. This embroidered tee shirt is an example with it’s slight off the shoulder cut. It’s like off the shoulder “lite”. It’s the perfect way to try the trend without feeling like you’re diving in head-first. Bonus Tip: Stock up on lacy bralettes to wear under your off the shoulder tops. It adds a pretty little hit of lace with the added advantage of not worrying about bra straps. Extra Double Bonus Tip: American Eagle has an excellent selection of bralettes for the bustier girls among us.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Tee Shirt: c/o Shein; Pants: JCPenney (Similar); Sandals: Birkenstock (Similar); Bralette: American Eagle