kimono / Macy's / overalls / Sears / short sleeve baseball t-shirt

Fall…I’ve Got A Bone To Pick With You: Overalls, Kimono And Peep Toe Booties

     The other day I threw a little tantrum in regards to June and July going missing (see my rant here). Well, on a related topic, I’m now irritated with Fall. Normally, Fall is my most favorite time of year. What’s not to love…the changing leaves, the smell of the air, sweaters and boots but still no coats, all things pumpkin…But let’s get back to the leaves. I posted a picture on Instagram yesterday of a tree that’s already turning bright yellow and orange, and trust me, it’s not alone in it’s change of outerwear. WTH??? It’s August, Fall! One of the things I love best about you is that you predictably arrive around mid-September and ummm…well, it’s August man. Get. A. Grip. It is not your turn yet. Have you become the bully of the seasons, just barging in and strong arming summer out of your way? The other seasons aren’t going to want to hang with you if you don’t knock it off. After that beastly polar vortex, didn’t we earn our three month respite?
     Okay, enough of that. Let’s talk clothes. I wore this the other day for a coffee date with my bestie. You guys are already aware of my love for overalls, so I won’t bore you with it again. Happily some properly placed band-aids allowed me to wear my sweet little booties with no injury. I do intend to try the suggestions that you lovelies gave me the other day in regard to making them pain free, I’ve just been lazy and not gotten to it yet. This kimono is not really quite a kimono. I think I’ll to defer to my made up word kimodigan. It’s like a kimono/cardigan hybrid. This was saved from last months brutal and merciless attic massacre. I thought it deserved one more shot and now that I’ve worn it I’m thinking I’ll let it hang around a while longer. I’m nice like that.

Linking up with:  Working Girl With StyleSummer Style Weekly Link UpSpotlight Weekly Link Up and Tres-chic Fashion Link Up.

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Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

My flaming bush has already started turning red, let me tell you NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL. I need overalls, this has now moved to my must have list.

10 years ago

Pretty. I like the shoes and cute nail-polish. Fall is a great time for fashion, but we’ve screwed up our planet so weather conditions are now unpredictable.

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I’m shocked how cool it is here today. It kind of feels like we didn’t even have a summer this year.

I love the colours on you.


Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Great combo Deb, love the overalls and the colors in the kimono, looks great. How did school go? I love fall everything about it, but I am due for a vaca to the beach and want hot weather, SO I agree!
from the link up
please stop by, jess

10 years ago

I’m with you- I love fall, but it’s too early!
Love this look. 🙂


M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

The kimodigan needs to stay; after all, it so perfectly goes with your toes! 😀

10 years ago

Oh wow I haven’t seen trees change yet, leavings falling yes. When spring came it lasted like 2 weeks before hog humid weather stayed and that was in March or April. Those two weeks of spring weather were heavenly though. Happy upcoming fall (though in August). Rachel xo

10 years ago

Good Morning, you look great and the colors are so fresh and easy…
I also disagree with the fall in August, but with us it is the same.

Signe Savant
10 years ago

First of all, I am obsessed with your shoes. Second, I’m totally on the fence with you about this fall thing. My birthday is 13 days before Halloween and I am a lover of all things ghostly. Don’t even get me started on pumpkin and the smell of the air! I had the windows open, my Woodwick Fireside candle lit while devouring pumpkin spice Via that my dad sent me last autumn the other night (while watching “The Haunted Mansion,” of course) and loved every second of it. On the flip side, I realized that I’ve barely worn any of… Read more »

Tina Bradley
10 years ago

Adorable overall styling, Debbie! T.

10 years ago

My favorite thing is the belt. Totally unnecessary, yet totally cool!!!


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