boyfriend shorts / embellished top / gray sweatshirt / sweatshirt / wedge sandals

Fancy Sweats

     I love sweatshirts.  I own A LOT of them!  They are in regular rotation during the fall and winter months.  I always keep at least a few out of seasonal storage in the summer for those nights that are just a little too cool.  A sweatshirt is even better if it’s paired with something unexpected…like a pencil skirt, pumps, and a statement necklace.  What’s even better than that? A sweatshirt that is fancy on it’s own!  When I saw this sweatshirt with embellished shoulders on clearance at boohoo I thought, “You will be mine!” The only problem was picking a color.  I went with gray because it’s so versatile and it’s my favorite neutral.  What do you think? Do you “fancy up” your sweatshirts?
     Today I’m linking up with Rita at for her What We Wore Link Up.  Swing by and check out Rita and the other great blogs who are linking up!

Style Tip:  When you’re wearing a top that is embellished near the neckline, go with minimal or no jewelry up top (necklaces, earrings).  Let the embellishment take center stage.

Sweatshirt:;  Shorts: GAP;  Sandals: Victoria’s Secret (No longer available)

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