Ageless Style Link Up / casual style

Faux Fur Vest & Moto Jacket: 4 Tips For Choosing/Using A Word Of The Year

Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.

Last week I shared with you my two focus words for the year…


…I didn’t go into detail in regard to how I was applying the words (intentional and discover) to my life because I plan on them being a sort of all-encompassing theme for the year if that makes sense.

I realize that we are only 8 days into the new year, but so far using the words as my guide, I’ve made some pretty positive changes in several areas. The changes weren’t forced like I typically felt going the resolution route; they were more organic and hence more meaningful.

It started small, and in a most unusual place…my underwear drawer…hey, a girl’s gotta start somewhere right? While putting away laundry it occurred to me that my drawer had way too many of those underwear; you all know what I’m talking about, those ratty old beater pairs that you keep around “just in case”. Just in case of what I do not know, but regardless, there they were eating up valuable real estate in my drawer. So I threw every single pair of them away. Why not have a drawer full of the nice underwear that I love as opposed to back ups that were beyond hope? Seriously girls, there’s no such thing as vintage panties. The same thing applied to the sock drawer…the makeup case…and the Christmas ornaments. Anything that I didn’t love, that I was holding onto out of habit or some weird unspoken reason in my head…out it went.

I made a point to spend quality time with a few of my girlfriends. We talked, we laughed, we enjoyed each other’s company. Every single day I write a few things in my planner/journal about my day, and I am so loving writing again. I’ve been making the bed and straightening up the house each day so that it doesn’t pile up on me. I scheduled a professional photo shoot for my birthday in March. And here’s the one big balls to wall thing that I did…I reserved and paid for a condo in Key West for a family vacation with my husband and kids this Summer! You guys, that one is huge; we have not been on a proper vacation since 2008. And that is primarily because like I said in last week’s post, I have been living my life haphazardly. I’ve merely been existing, and that quite simply, is no longer good enough.

If you have thought about trying a word of the year and were perhaps unsure of how that would work, allow me to give you some advice based on my experience…

  1. Choose the word(s) very carefully. Choose a word based on changes that you would like to see in your life. Choose a word that matters to you…a word that resonates on a deeper level.
  2. Then spend time with the word in your head; think about the ways it might guide you to where you want to go.
  3. Write/post the word in places that you will see it often. My words are written in a number of places in my planner. I even got all fancy and used stickers in my planner spelling the words out on the inside cover. I also have quote stickers throughout my planner that are based on my words. I take just a minute each day to look through them.
  4. Put your word into practice in an organic, not forced, way. Allow your word to just flow naturally into your daily activities and it will guide you in the direction that you need to go.

Like I said last week, a word of the year might not be for everyone and that’s perfectly okay. You might be thinking it’s all mumbo jumbo and that’s okay too. It works for me and that’s what’s important to me. But if it’s something that you think might help you to get yourself on the right track, then what are you waiting for? Give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain.


This months Ageless Style Link Up theme comes from my friend Jennie…“Faux Fur” was her styling idea of choice and I couldn’t have been happier. I love me some faux fur in the Winter as evidenced by my pink fur coat, my fur trimmed denim jacket, my fur trimmed puffer coat, and my leopard print faux fur which I just realized (and I’m not sure how this is even a thing) has never made the blog. You can be sure I’ll remedy that right directly.

Anyhow, I didn’t want to take the easy route with this prompt so I thought outside of the box and layered my outerwear; faux fur vest over moto jacket. If you’ve never tried that you should; layering your outerwear not only provides additional warmth, but it really ups the style factor of whatever you’re wearing.

The rest of the look is comprised of even more layers. A black thermal button down layered over a lace camiover the knee boots layered over skinny jeans…it’s like layer-palooza around here. Layering is one of the easiest tricks to add a little spark to an everyday look. Layering can be done all year ’round, but for those of us in the colder regions it’s especially useful in the Fall and Winter.


In the Winter our outerwear is not only what we wear the most, but it’s also oftentimes the only thing that others see in regard to our outfit. That being the case, have fun with your outerwear. Layer denim jackets over chunky cardigans, fur vests over jackets or coats or maybe a try a denim jacket layered under one of your lighter weight Winter coats.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!

Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots. Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots. Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots. Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots. Faux fur vest, moto jacket and over the knee boots.

Vest: Kohls (Similar);  Jacket: Blank NYC (Similar);  Boots: Amazon;  Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Top: JCPenney;  Cami: Nasty Gal


Daenel ~ Living Outside The Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, bloglovin

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter

Jonet ~ Fabulously Chic Over 50 blog, facebook, , instagram, pinterest, twitter

Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter

Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest

Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook

This month’s guest co-host for the Ageless Style Link Up is Leslie from Once Upon A Time & Happily Ever After. Stop by Leslie’s blog for all things lifestyle, crafting, fashion and family. You can follow along with Leslie on her blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter.

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Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Fur and lace are rather fabulous together! You look amazing Debbie! I’ll have to work on my two words – fab idea xx

6 years ago

You started the new year good! Wow, impressive. Looking forward to your shoot, but I have to say that your photos always look pretty professional!

6 years ago

I love the focus on being intentional and not just living haphazardly. That really resonated with me. My self- care is long overdue.
I could live in the outfit you are wearing. It looks greet on you!

6 years ago

Once again we’re twinning in our faux fur vests. 😉 But while I too went through an underwear drawer cleanout extravaganza a couple of years ago, I did keep some (I’m down to one now), ahem, “vintage” pairs. There are times, and I’m living in one now, when stress does a number on my digestive system, and nothing burns me more than wrecking a beautiful pair of undies. But just before the new year, I bought lots of new pretty, fresh ones. So, when the ones I’m wearing now are “vintage”, I have some new beauties waiting. Your TMI Friend,… Read more »

Mary Katherine
Mary Katherine
6 years ago

Inspiring post! I’m doing many of those things myself, and really enjoying it. There’s nothing like throwing out ratty underwear! I have to say that one of the best things about being post-menopausal is not “worrying” about panties – y’all know EXACTLY what I’m talking about…and the photos are SO fun! I’ve never had a professional photo shoot, and want to do that this year. Trying to line one up for my vacay to Old San Juan in April. Keep up the great work!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

First, you always make me laugh..vintage undies?? But seriously, my mom NEVER throws them out. She’ll add new elastic to them (oy!!)
But what a great feeling to schedule a vacation…lord knows you deserve it after the couple of years you’ve had.
And the vest over a jacket. It’s one of my favorite ways to be creative. I even included it in my faux fur vest video (it’s in Monday’s blog post)

6 years ago

You look positively badass, Debbie! Never would have thought to layer my faux fur vest over a moto jacket and you have made me a believer. Everything about this look is simply amazing.

Good for you making progress with your words for the year. Like you, I do so much better going that route vs resolutions. Yay for planning a vacation, too!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love your pics – the location, the lighting, the poses! You are rocking this look too! I’m so glad to hear you booked a vacation and being more intentional.

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Congrats on the changes you’ve been making. I dd the same thing a year or so ago with my underwear drawer, isn’t it funny how we hold on to things like that? It feels so freeing to get rid of things and clear out the clutter to me that once I get started I can’t stop. Your family is most definitely due for a vacation and you will love Key West! It will be the perfect vacation for you all. Sun, fun, swimming, great places to eat and drink – just a great place to chill. Whenever you take photos… Read more »

6 years ago

Yep, January is a good time for getting rid of things that don’t bring us joy. I pulled several things out of my closet and made donate, consign and eBay piles. It’s kind of nice to get a little cash for unwanted items. I’m happy to hear you planned a vacation, it seems like time speeds up as our kids get older and it’s harder to get everyone together–I hope you have a fabulous time, plus you can’t be Key West for a laid back vibe!

Daenel T.
6 years ago

Daaaaaang, Woman! Love love love.

And I also love that you’re being intentional in the things you do. Funny you should mention the underwear drawer — I need to dump mine. NOW. It’s really bad and if I were ever in an accident and someone saw them I’d be mortified. Why do I keep them? Because they’re comfortable. *sigh*

Leslie Susan Clingan
6 years ago

What? You put the faux fur vest over the moto jacket? Genius! I had to do a double and triple take, Originally though the fur was a collar. I love this idea. Living in the southwest, it is rarely so cold that I would need a vest and jacket for long. And having the vest on the inside would mean dealing with a length of it peeking out from under the jacket like a furry ruffle. No bueno. You are so clever! Why can’t I think out of the box. I tend to think in the ’round’ – same things… Read more »

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

You look stunning in this edgy look! Great photos. Thanks for linking up at the Top of the World Style linkup party.

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Oh you sassy thing! This is brilliant layer-palooza and one that I must join! I am dying over this outfit and may need to create my own inspired by yours! Fan-freaking-tastic, my friend. And I am loving your method of choosing a word or words of the year. While I have already written about my phrase/mantra of the year (Think smaller to go bigger”), I will be sharing more about my word(s) of the year next week…2019 will be the year of “Letting Go” for me! Thanks for always inspiring me. This post will be featured on Tuesday’s #SpreadTheKindness Link… Read more »

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

Love these pictures Debbie! The boots picture and all of the wood with your outfit, the bridge. LOVE the faux fur vest on you! Part of my goal this year is to install some filers and experiment. I do like the idea of a word to focus on for the year.
thanks for linking!
jess xx

6 years ago

This outfit is so cute! And I have to say your hair is very beautiful. Keep it up, xoxo

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