faux leather track pants / JCPenney / leopard pumps / Nordstrom / pink scarf / target

Faux Leather Joggers, Fuzzy Sweater & Leopard Pumps: Thursday Fashion Files Link Up

Today I’m super excited to be the Guest Co-host for the first official Thursday Fashion Files Link Party along with the super sweet Carrie from Curly Crafty Mom and the always stylish Jill from Doused In Pink. Make sure you join in on the fun and link up with us!

I know many of you probably think I’m a complete lunatic for taking my shots outside in the snow. And let me tell you ahead of time, before you scroll down and see my kick ass leopard pumps, I did not tromp around in the snow in those suckers. A lunatic perhaps, but stupid I’m not. While outside I was sportin’ my ever-present Bearpaws and I put these back on before taking the snaps. In any case, I’m not as insane brave as you think I am. Before I head out, I get all of my camera settings taken care of, my tripod ready and my clothes adjusted. The spot where I take my pictures is only about fifteen feet outside my back door, so I bolt out there and get ‘er done in approximately two or three minutes. That’s it. Even I can handle the chill for two or three minutes. Unless, like I mentioned the other day, the temperature involves less than two digits or a minus sign then my friends, all bets are off. And I can tell you for certain, there will be no outside pictures tomorrow. The high is -1…you read that right…-1. Seriously, how can -1 even be called a “high”??

I do love my faux leather joggers, but they seem to have one rather inconvenient downfall I was unaware of. Apparently when it’s super dry inside due to having the heat fired up to fight off the Arctic air, they become a giant ball of static. Every time I moved they latched on to me like plastic wrap you’re trying to tear off the roll. Whenever I stood up I’d have to bend over and yank down the ankles to unglue them from legs. My husband suggested I put a blow dryer down my pants and inflate them a little bit…he’s always so helpful like that. The black fuzzy sweater had a similar issue. It attracted every teeny tiny bit of pink fuzz off of my scarf so it kind of looks like a black and pink tweed sweater…ya, let’s go with that. #winterstyleproblems

Linking up with: Thursday Style Files, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, A Labour Of Fashion, Reason To Dress, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday at Mummy’s Got Style, Fashion Item Friday.

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Joggers: Nordstrom (Old);  Sweater: JCPenney (In-store purchase);  Pumps: Target

Welcome to the first week of Thursday Fashion Files!




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Follow Carrie:
Link Up Guidelines:
1. Feel free to grab our button to display on your blog sidebar. Help spread the word and share about our link up community.
2. Follow your hosts. Leave a comment letting us know you are a new follower and we will be sure to follow back.
3. Share the love by visiting and commenting to at least three other blogs in the link up. 


Guest Co-Host:
This week I welcome Debbie at Fashion Fairy Dust as our Guest Co-Host! If you enjoy casual and dressy mixes, a huge assortment of different graphic tees styled with boyfriend jeans and gorgeous statement necklaces, then you will enjoy Debbie’s blog… which includes all of that plus more! Debbie is a dog-lover, coffee-addict and believes jewelry and shoes make an outfit. Stop by her blog if you haven’t already and you’ll be impressed!
Now let’s get linking!

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Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Three of my very FAV bloggers hosting a link up together?! I’m so there! Hope to see you all tomorrow for FUN FASHION FRIDAY!
Dawn Lucy

10 years ago

I love your pink sweater!

10 years ago

Haha! Your husband is hilarious! I love those leather joggers! Perfectly styled with a pop of pink and leopard! So happy you are our first co-host!

Doused In Pink

10 years ago

Ha ha! I’d love to see those pants all puffed out from the hair dryer! Your husband is such a smart guy ; )

I’m still trying to figure out Instagram and so far don’t even know how to respond to comments unless I’m on my computer. I’m just as bad in Twitter. Too many social media platforms for me. I need an app that posts to everything at once.


10 years ago

Hi Debbie, Snow pictures are awesome. I live in my leather joggers and I you are right, those are some kick ass leopard pumps.

10 years ago

I love this look! That sweater looks so cozy and I love joggers! I can’t wait to wear mine, but I have to wait until it gets warmer sadly. I love your blog though!

Mrs C
10 years ago

I can imagine you with the jogger sticking down your legs.. makes me think what we go through for the sake of fashion 😉 I would go through that too since the joggers are hot!

10 years ago

Kudos on braving the cold. Love the outfit.

Chelsey Patti
10 years ago

Loving the leather joggers! Looking cute!

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
10 years ago

Faux leather joggers?! Are you serious? Why don’t I have these already? My husband usually takes my photos, but he got me a timer for Christmas (ha, think that was a hint?). It has been SO cold that I haven’t had time to play around with it yet, so he is still taking my photos outside. Ha. 🙂 Thanks for co-hosting with us today!

Tina Bradley
10 years ago

Lovely pics, Debbie! I (of course) am adoring the pink and the leo print, too! xx T.

Nora Minassian/Jacket Society
10 years ago

Love those faux leather joggers, they look great with you lepard pumps, you look fab and you dont even look cold 😉

Linda A Cassidy
10 years ago

Haha I do the same, set up, run out three minutes tops and pray I get the shots I need. I am not one of those 70 shots to get the perfect one for me. Set timer, snap and go ( my cannon will not utilize a remote dang it. Love your outfit today, those joggers are great

10 years ago

I know exactly what you mean while taking photos in the snow, Debbie! I also show authentic looks depending on the weather but I don’t always want to wear functional boots and a coat… therefore I tend to take my coat off for a moment or quickly change into a different pair of shoes 😉
I love your faux leather trousers and have several pairs. Love them so much and always hope my readers won’t get bored 😉 Yours look great (understand what you mean regarding the “giant ball of static”! Hope spring comes soon…

Annette | Lady of Style

10 years ago

Those joggers and heels are amazing! You look fantastic!

10 years ago

The scarf, the sweater and the pants…wonderful! Not at all. You´re not crazy to take the pictures on the outside!! I love the snowy mood and how the colors are highlighted 🙂 Well done 🙂

Many Greetings,

10 years ago

Oh wow you still have lots of snow Debbie, love your shoes 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop…

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

Oh no about your cute jogger pants! Totally reminds me of the friends episode that Ross gets trap in some leather pants. How about spraying some of that anit static stuff?


10 years ago

Hehe! We totally do the same thing! At home, my photo spot was a quiet, semi-secluded place I’d stop on my way home from work, but these days, I end up taking most of my photos at work on my lunch break! With the freezing cold weather, it’s a huge “set up tripod, lipstick on, set camera timer, run outside, hit shutter, pose, check, repeat” process that may or may not include some running back inside between shots! On another note, those joggers are killer epic! : signe : the daily savant : Shark Tooth Earrings Giveaway Floral Cocktail Ring… Read more »

10 years ago

Oh gosh! I am laughing so hard! I could almost feel the pants clinging to my own legs. :o)


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