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Faux Leather Moto Jacket & Kimono: The Smell Of Summer

moto jacket, kimono, harem pants

Lately the weather has been pretty much perfection. So yesterday was the first official bike ride of the year…


…bike as in motorcycle. Typically when we’re out cruising I see totally bizarre things that I can’t wait to tell you guys about; for example the hillbilly stonehenge and the most fabulous chicken campground ever. This time though, we didn’t buy a ticket to an alternate reality. Just a nice quiet ride with my hair blowing and the smell of summer on the air. Isn’t it strange how you can smell a season coming in the air? Seriously. If you live somewhere that you’re fortunate enough to experience all four seasons in all of their glory, you can actually smell them coming right when Mother Nature is about at the tipping point into the next season. Each season has it’s own distinct smell. Fall is kind of earthy and cool with a mix of leaves and overripe apples. Winter is clean, crisp and cold. Spring smells like rain, dirt (but in a weird good way) and fresh plants. And summer? It’s a mix of warm sunshine and a hint of flowers. Seasonal scented candles aren’t a gazillion dollar business for nothing, although no scent in the world beats the real thing.


This is another one of those outfits where I threw together a bunch of pieces that just probably should not work together. Harem pants, a floral kimono, stripe top and a faux leather moto jacket? Sounds like craziness I know, but somehow the pieces all worked together. The key was the color scheme. I kept the bottom half neutral with the gray pants and black peep toes, and all of the top pieces had an element of blue in them. Thus, at least in my opinion, it all just worked. And bonus points because even though I wore this to work, it felt like I was wearing pajamas all day.


If you want to give mixing discordant pieces a try, then be sure to have one unifying element amongst them. The unifying element could be color, texture or print. In this case, I kept the colors in agreement with each other so seemingly mismatched pieces all worked together to make an outfit.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

moto jacket, kimono, harem pants moto jacket, kimono, harem pants tassel necklace moto jacket, kimono, harem pants moto jacket, kimono, harem pants moto jacket, kimono, harem pants moto jacket, kimono, harem pants

Jacket: Forever 21 (Similar);  Kimono: JCPenney (Similar);  Harem pants: Boohoo (Similar); Sandals: JCPenney (Similar)

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Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card

Co-hosts: Avec Amber // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Stylish Adventures with AL //  Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Dorky’s Deals // Lauryncakes // TheBoxQueen // A Labour of Life // Fashion Fairy Dust

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!

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8 years ago

While not a super fan of harem pants, I sure do love your sheer flower blouse 🙂


8 years ago

Good for you. Now is about when most bikers take their machines out of storage and return to riding. I, however, being the mad man that I am, rode up to Canada in February when it was painfully cold. Sometimes even I think I’m a lunatic.

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

LOVE! I mean the feeling of all day pjs to work – divine! And a tassel necklace to boot. You’re absolutely right it does work by keeping the colour theme running throughout.

And there’s a wee shout out for you on the blog today!

8 years ago

Summer can’t come quick enough! Love the stripes with that fun print!

8 years ago

I like the details of your whole look!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Ahhh….see….you’re a natural at print mixing!
I think one of the basics is the striped tee—I might have to get a couple more for my closet!!

8 years ago

So true, color can be such a unifying element in outfits. I am loving that kimono! such pretty colors!

8 years ago

Fun!! Love all the pieces in this look! Beautiful!

xx, Elise

Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago

Love the kimono!!

8 years ago

What a fun kimono. I can also see this being an amazing cover up for the beach!

8 years ago

Mother nature sure is something, sometimes too crazy. Anyway, great layering filled with fun.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

Ana Luiza
8 years ago

Love the blue moto jacket!
– Ana Luiza
Northwest Blonde

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