Brickyard Buffalo / burgundy pumps / faux leather skirt / pink sweatshirt / statement necklaces / Townhouse Boutique

Faux Leather Pencil Skirt & Sweatshirt: Miss Evil Kitty

Miss Evil Kitty…how cool of a name is that? It sounds like Hello Kitty’s archenemy. Although that sounds like a good idea, because c’mon seriously, Hello Kitty is so ridiculous she should have an archenemy, that is not what I’m talking about. It’s actually the name of a cute little online boutique that recently sent me some beautiful hair pins to try out. All three pins were flowers of varying colors, so of course that made me happy. When I put this outfit together the other day, I decided the pink rose bobby pin was perfect to go with it.

Ya know what else is perfect? A sweatshirt with pockets. Not your standard kangaroo pocket in the front; no sir. I’m talking pockets on the sides. For whatever reason I’m a big fan of always having my hands shoved in pockets so this is like my dream sweatshirt. See, you guys thought the “hand in pocket pose” was my go to blogger babe pose. Nope, that’s pretty much how I roll all day long. As per my usual modus operandi, I paired it with my faux leather pencil skirt because most people in their right mind wouldn’t do that. So what’s your take on pockets? Love ’em or hate ’em?

Linking up with: Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, The Wednesday Pants, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Celebrate Southern.

IMG_7337 pink sweatshirt, statement necklace

statement necklace Miss Evil Kitty floral bobby pin Miss Evil Kitty bobby pins

faux leather pencil skirt, burgundy pumps faux leather pencil skirt, sweatshirt, marsala pumps

Skirt: Ann Taylor (No longer available);  Sweatshirt: Townhouse Boutique;  Hair Pins: c/o Miss Evil Kitty;  Shoes: Brickyard Buffalo (No longer available)


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9 years ago

I love the shoes here!

Pockets make everything better. Each day should have pockets that we can shove stuff into. Wouldn’t that be great?


9 years ago

i really like the skirt with the longer sweatshirt!

9 years ago

Very cute, all around. Love the shoes. Every hero needs an archvillain. (You’re so funny!)

When I first started wearing women’s clothes, I wondered “Where are the pockets?!” I couldn’t believe they (mostly) don’t have pockets. What do you people do with your wallet, etc.? That’s when I learned about handbags. I once asked readers on my blog if they like the few clothes that do have pockets and the answers were overwhelming YES. Which makes me wonder why more female items don’t have them.

9 years ago

This is really a lovely outfit! Perfect for everyday.


9 years ago

Great look Debbie, love your skirt 🙂

Thanks for linking up…

9 years ago

haha I believe Hello Kitty would actually wear these lovelies as she wears bows and hair pins too I believe. Great outfit and look Debbie, I love the color of everything.
Rachel xo

Garay Treasures

9 years ago

I”m totally a pocket lover! You know what else I love…your shoe choice with this outfit. Brilliant!!!


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