Work Style

Faux Leather Skirt & Floral Top: The Spring Skirt Series

Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.

It’s a funny thing how the world works…


…I’m not much of a suit wearer. For the most part I like to keep things casual and comfortable; in my mind, a suit is the opposite of that. Obviously my tuned changed in light of my recent two part velvet suit collaboration (Part One and Part Two) with Jennie and Sheela…I mean c’mon, how can anyone not love that little slice of velvet heaven…suit or not?

Truth be told though, my original first suit love was none other than my Sheldon suit. It’s bold, it’s risky, it’s plaid; not your garden variety suit much like my new velvet love. Well, my friend from the North, Linda of A Labour Of Life, also owns the exact same Sheldon suit. Coincidence? Perhaps. I think it’s more a case of great minds…

Anyhow, a month or so ago, it occurred to her that since we both had the same suit we should do a little collaboration post. Lo and behold I had just worn and posted the suit and trust me, it’s not an outfit you can repeat super often since it’s not exactly subtle. Once a great idea takes seed though ya gotta run with it. Hence, we bring you The Great Three Part Skirt Series of Spring 2018. Alright, perhaps I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but it is a three part series, it is featuring skirts, and well, it is supposed to be Spring. And I happen to think it’s great, so there ya go.


First up in our monthly skirt series is our take on styling a faux leather skirt for Spring, although I do feel guilty saying “Spring” while Linda is still obviously buried in snow. All that snow doesn’t get my girl down though. Just look at how much fun she’s having! That’s one thing I’ve always admired about Linda…she always looks like she’s having a blast in her photos. Oftentimes I’m sure that she is, as my friend is quite the traveler. She’s often off on fun adventures snapping shots that show not only her fun creative fashion sense, but also the local sights.

With the snow in mind, Linda layered her pencil style faux leather skirt over a cool pair of printed tights paired with black wedge booties. The blush pink top adds a pretty softness to the edgier skirt; and you all know I love to play opposites off of one another. Snow be damned, in a nod to Spring I love how she finished off her look with that beautiful floral necklace. Spring is a state of mind my friends…

For Linda’s full post stop by A Labour Of Life and see what her take is on today’s looks!

I on the other hand lucked out with very little snow and slightly warmer temperatures. Instead of my pencil skirt, I went for my faux leather circle skirt. Although the look is dark, the floral print peplum top is most definitely a Spring piece. Since it’s still pretty nippy out, I opted for tights, but went with a sheer lighter weight version. Paired with my over the knee boots I was just warm enough for the between season air.

Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.


A faux leather skirt will still work heading into Spring. Simply pair it with softer more “Spring-like” pieces like Linda’s blush pink top or the floral peplum top that I’m wearing.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket. Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket. Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket. Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.Faux leather skirt, floral print top and denim jacket.

Skirt: Similar;  Top: Similar;  Boots: ASOS (Similar);  Jacket: H&M (Similar)

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6 years ago

Before I say anything else, I have to say I love your hair color! It’s fabulous! The red is just so bright. Second, this is a great transitional outfit and one day it really will be spring right? <3 Jamie

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

It’s hard to think of it being Spring when it’s till so cold, isn’t it, Debbie? Thankfully, here in the Algarve though, the sun is finally shining. It’s beautiful and warm outside but apparently the rain isn’t over yet, with ore coming this weekend. Well, we can’t have everything can we?
Needless to say, I LOVE your outfit – I think you always look fabulous! I do love Linda’s pink top and those fun tights. Hopefully she can put the tights away soon though!
Suzy xx

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

What fun, and yes, Linda looks like she is having a blast! I’m not much of a suit girl either but that velvet suit of yours was so beautiful and fun !

6 years ago

Your velvet suit made me want to buy a suit! And I’m retired. Love this faux leather swirly skirt, and the Spring-y blouse. Thanks for linking up and stay fabulous, xo


Daenel T.
6 years ago

Such a fabulous skirt! I need to pull mine out of the closet and give it a little air time. I love how you paired it with the floral top. I tend to wear mine with a polka dot sweater. Every. Single. Time. Talk about a rut.

It’s so hard to believe it’s Spring. Saturday we were wearing shorts and yesterday I had on a winter coat…. *sigh*

6 years ago

Great fashion inspo as always; I was going to put my faux leather skirt away but now I’m thinking about different spring tops I can wear with it.

6 years ago

I love all these fun collaborations you are doing lately Debbie. Plus your style is always awesome as is Linda’s. At times, I see similarities with your styles and personalities too because you are both sweet, kind and generous. And girl I see that snow there finally melted for you. Same here. I will be loving this skirt series for sure and I plan on doing a skirt series myself, soon. I think both a leather black pencil skirt and a leather (either fax or not) a-line midi skirt are musts for a closet. Love how you styled yours. Always… Read more »

Emma Peach
6 years ago

I love the skirt! It looks fab with the dark floral print top and boots. Spring is teasing us here in the UK, we get a little taste and then it’s gone!

Emma xxx

Linda Cassidy
6 years ago

Thank you and I always thought you were a great suit gal, just the cool suit variety. Can’t wait for the snow to melt and the tulle to come out of storage. Keep smirking my dear friend. ( so wish Ic could and look as awesome as you do)

6 years ago

Seriously, your suits are so “un-suit-like” – they’re all Debbie-ized and stuff, velvets and plaids. Much more than regular stuffy suits. Though I did see an article this morning about Korean street fashion and they were making even traditional suits into fun outfits!

I think you’re gonna have a liiiiitle more time to wear your faux leather circle skirt. I doubt there’s any more (real) snow to be had but the “cool” seems to be sticking around.


Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

You both look great! I love Linda’s pink with black, and your outfit is very pretty with the floral top and circle skirt. i don’t know why i dont think of my faux leather for Spring. Thanks for the inspiration!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

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