fall style / Grace and Lace / JCPenney / Marmi Shoes / skirt extender / style tips / sweater / tights / work outfit

Floral Baby Doll Dress & Berkshire Tights: Road Trip

Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter.

By now, any of you who are regular readers know how much I love my day job


…Yesterday was one of the thousand reasons why I love it. The kids and I went on a road trip; actually a field trip, but road trip just sounds so much cooler, doesn’t it? We, along with the high school life skills class and the autistic class went to a local apple orchard for a tour around the orchard and their processing facility. I actually learned some pretty cool things…for example, did you know that they keep bee hives at the orchards so the bees will pollinate the trees? And I could go on for days about the unbelievable activities of bees inside their hives…they are some crazy beasts I tell ya.

Taking them out in the world isn’t only part of my curriculum, it’s also one of my most favorite things to do. Watching their faces when they see new things, and watching them become completely engrossed in learning something new never ceases to make my heart smile. It was even more fun because they got the chance to hang out with their compadres who had moved on to ninth grade. If you ever doubt that there is still good in the world take some time to hang out with some special needs kids and trust me, your faith in the beauty of life will be restored.


Yes, the floral baby doll dress is cute, the sweater and boots are fabulous, but the star here? The tights. Unbelievable right? Even more so because if you know me at all, then you know that I utterly despise wearing tights. I always feel like my internal organs are slowly being compressed down to my feet…kinda like when you squeeze the last of the toothpaste out of the tube.

Not these Berkshire tights though; and I’m telling you the God’s honest truth. I wore these all day long at work and at the end of the day all of the important parts were still in my abdomen. Perhaps it’s because all of Berkshire’s tights are based on actual female fit model specifications. I’m wearing the Sheer Diamond Pantyhose with today’s outfit. Here’s the thing though, they are 20 denier and feel as substantial (actually even more so) then most thicker tights. I personally plan on picking up several more pairs in different styles and colors. And that’s something coming from a self-proclaimed tights hater. I’m actually pretty excited about it because while I’ve always despised wearing them, I do love the way tights can add a new level of interest to an outfit, especially when they are colored or textured and Berkshire has a nice selection of both.


If you’re on the market for new tights this Fall/Winter definitely give Berkshire Legwear a try. They are magically comfortable and well made to boot. And if that wasn’t enticing enough, all of my readers will receive 15% through December 16th. Simply use the code Blogger15 at checkout. If you do try them, please let me know what you think!


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter.Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter.Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter. Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter. Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter.Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter. Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter. Floral babydoll dress, fringe ankle boots and tights. Finding the perfect tights for Fall/Winter.

Dress: JCPenney;  Sweater: Grace & Lace;  Tights: c/o Berkshire Legwear;  Boots:  Marmi Shoes

**This post was sponsored by Berkshire Legwear, but as always, all opinions are my own.

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Darlene Fadem
7 years ago

I hate tights too, but those are AWESOME! Love the whole look!

7 years ago

Your tights are so fun and perfect with that outfit!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

How refreshing to hear someone say how much they love their job Debbie!! I think we learn some of those things as kids, but there’s so much we are learning that it doesn’t all stick—that’s why I love going on tours when we travel!! It’s like being on a field trip all over again! I had to laugh at your description of wearing tights. I must admit, I’ve never felt that way—to me they keep me nice and warm! Then again, maybe it feels like the leotards we had to wear in gymnastics–tight and non moving? You look fantastic! jodie… Read more »

Beth M.
7 years ago

The new ‘do looks super healthy and thick!

7 years ago

such a great fall look!!! love your hair!!!

7 years ago

Great look Debbie, love this colour for Fall 🙂 Love the whole look!

Thanks for sharing at the Wednesday Blog Hop 🙂

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

I love this look. I am a tights kind of gal, because I have very bad varicose veins. So I know what you mean…my hubby affectionately refers to me putting on tights like squeezing into sausage casings. Ha, ha. Yours look amazing and having them be well made is a plus. I hate it when the first time you put them on they run! This outfit is so cute! Thanks for sharing your story too. It is fun to hear what other people are up to. – Amy

7 years ago

What a rewarding perk of the job! love this fabulous boho look!

Andrea Nine
Andrea Nine
7 years ago

I swear you wear olive better than anyone I know!! So pretty on you! I love that you took your students on a road trip and an apple orchard is such a fun little Fall adventure!! I bet your students love you just like we readers do!!!

7 years ago

Loving this layered look! The colors, patterns and textures are gorgeous!

xx, Elise

Casey Capra
7 years ago

I super like the sweater over the dress!! I need to try that this season!

7 years ago

I love your style! That dress is amazing and you rock it!
Have a look at me blog and feel free ro give me some advice

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Love the “double” skirt

7 years ago

Loved hearing about your adventure with your students! Your patterned tights are so cute and perfect for this layered look!

Doused In Pink

Linda Cassidy
7 years ago

love apple orchards and I adore this outfit. I am a tights person so hello love the recommendation

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