burgundy ankle boots / floral blouse / lounge pants / Tractor Supply / Uniqlo

Floral Blouse, Lounge Pants & Denim Vest: The Holy Grail

So often I read about finding their “holy grail” whether it be the perfect red lipstick, the just right jeans, the hair product that gives them Giselle hair, whatever. While I do have certain products and/or brands of clothing I’m super loyal to I don’t know that I’ve ever found my “holy grail” (although my GAP boyfriend jeans are pretty damn close) of anything. That is until now. This is in no way a sponsored post. Believe me, I’d be doing a happy dance if it was. Strivectin, my friends. Strivectin. Case closed, done deal. I will never use another facial moisturizer again. I’ve always been curious, but truth be told, I didn’t want to spend the money to find out it didn’t work. Because my friends, it ain’t cheap; at least not by my definition.

I finally decided about a month ago to give it a go and it is hands down awesome. I’ve always used Olay Regenerist and maybe it was holding things at bay, but I never noticed an actual difference. After about a week using the Strivectin I saw a noticeable difference around my eyes and on my neck. I always use it in the morning and shoot for before bed, but here’s a dirty little secret for ya, I don’t always get around to washing off my makeup at night. Oh, the horror. Most nights I do use it, but not always. I love it so much, I actually sprung for the eye cream the other day. I’ll report back after I’ve used it for awhile. To sum it up, did it make me look 25? No. Did it make the transgressions of my youth and the march of time less obvious? Yes. Will it work for you? Who knows, but you might want to give it a try. View this as a public service announcement to my friends “of a certain age” as well as to my younger pals…because hey, a little prevention might go a long way. You’ll thank me later.

How about this floral blouse? Is it not gorgeous? Where did I find this little gem? Wait for it….Tractor Supply. Many moons ago I also found this belt at Tractor Supply as well. I know, why am I shopping at Tractor Supply? Actually, I was there for dog food and spied this on the clearance rack on my way to the pet aisle. This goes to show you, keep an open mind in regard to where you look for clothes and accessories. I often shop in the men’s department, the boys department, and I recently picked up a gorgeous scarf at our local small town pharmacy. Cool things can be found just about anywhere if you keep your eyes open.

I was originally going to pair it with my navy blue GAP khakis, but, um…I may have ingested one or three too many packages of Red Velvet Oreos last month and therefore my khakis weren’t fitting in the most attractive manner. Hence, the lounge pants. Honest, they are the exact shade of burgundy that’s in the flowers on the top. For some reason every time I photograph them they seem to read brick red in the photos. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Wednesday Blog Hop, Random Wednesdays, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday.


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Blouse: Tractor Supply (In store purchase);  Pants: Uniqlo (Old);  Booties: Amazon (Old)

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9 years ago

Your floral blouse is so pretty!

Amber Duffey
9 years ago

LOVE those booties!! Especially with this comfort chic look, the floral looks great on you!

Thanks so much for linking up, as always!

Hugs! Amber

9 years ago

That coral denim blouse is so pretty and unique. Looks perfect with the burgundy pants and booties. =)

9 years ago

You look great!

9 years ago

Your floral blouse is so pretty! What a great find! I’m going to check out Strivectin. Thanks for the recommendation!

Doused In Pink

Maricel Edwards
9 years ago

Well, it looks like a deliberate lounge pants pairing anyway, what with your boots matching and all!

Yep, I love that my feet are the perfect size that’s able to “swing both ways” in the children’s department and women’s. Boys’ Chucks are so much cheaper, doncha know?

Strivectin, huh? Must investigate.

9 years ago

Oooh…I wonder if I can get a sample of that from my drugstore. I have super sensitive skin but after your rave review I’d love to give it a try. I too only use Oil of Olay right now.


9 years ago

Ok, I’ll trust you that the pants match. :o) The blouse is too pretty!!!


Lubka Christova
9 years ago

Fabulous outfit – very chic and trendy!

9 years ago

Yay for finding your holy grail item, how awesome. You look lovely and vibrant. I like the colors in your outfit as well.
Garay Treasures

9 years ago

Great pictures and fabulous look! Have a lovely day dear!
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog

9 years ago

Loving the outfits! Loving your blog and happy I stopped by:) xo, Hayley

9 years ago

To be honest I think I would prefer this floral top with the lounge pants you have on. I was trying to picture khakis but I really like this outfit. It’s comfort and style mixed into one. It’s not easy to dress up a pair of lounge pants and you did it perfectly!

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