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Floral Boho Sundress & Fringe Boots: Patience Is A Virtue

Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.

Today’s post is the last of the shots featuring me sporting the robot foot surgical boot…


…I haven’t been wearing the boot for almost two weeks now, so I figured I had better use these before they became totally irrelevant. As I mentioned in this post, the only thing I can currently wear on my feet are my Birkenstocks with the adjustable straps. I will admit though, after discovering that my foot will occasionally fit into other shoes, I have been mixing up the footwear a bit, but only for photos. It’s still way too painful to wear most shoes.

According to the surgeon, whom I saw yesterday, I still have at least another month before I can even attempt anything remotely strenuous, like exercise of any kind or lawn mowing. As irritating as it may be, she’s probably right. If I spend too much time roaming around on the foot, I pay for it when evening rolls around as it swells and gets bruise-y looking. I know, I know…patience is a virtue. But how much fun is being virtuous?


I’m a sucker for anything blush, so this pretty floral boho sundress is definitely a favorite of mine. It’s one of those light pieces that is perfect for hot weather, but I also layered it under a chunky cardigan and over skinny jeans back when there was still a nip in the air. Since I was still in the boot when I wore this, heel height was a consideration to keep me somewhat level. The heel on my fringe ankle boots was almost perfect and nothing works better with a boho style dress than a pair of ankle boots, especially when they have fringe.


Anyone who is even semi-regular reader knows that I’m a huge fan of skirt extenders like this chiffon extender, the same extender in ivory, and here’s an entire post dedicated to my whole collection. What I’m wearing under this floral boho sundress is actually another sundress with lace and tulle trim. If you’re looking to add some visual interest, or some length, to a dress or tunic you don’t only have to rely only on extenders. Another slightly longer dress with a pretty hemline will do the trick as well. The key to it working and not being uncomfortable to wear is that the underneath dress should be either sleeveless or spaghetti strap. Also, keep in mind the weight of the material. Lightweight cotton, knit or some sort of blend is ideal.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots. Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots. Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots. Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.Floral boho sundress and fringe ankle boots.

Floral Dress: Military Hippie;  Boots: Similar;  Lace Dress: Similar

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7 years ago

It is frustrating when our bodies don’t react or heal as quickly as we’d like them to.

I’ve been basically “taking it easy” since November because of a list of issues mostly with my back and neck and every time I think I’ll be cleared to workout I’m told not to. I totally understand your frustration about needed to be patient. It’s a stark reminder that I’m not 20 anymore.


Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Oh dont tell me about have to be patience! I hate it!
But who likes to mow the lawn anyway!😂😂😂
Happy weekend!

7 years ago

You’re stylish in your boot and it’s hard to be patient after surgery.
I was in a boot and on a scooter for 3 months. Really screwed up my hips and lower back because I wasn’t walking.
I am so glad you did a post on extenders!
I started using them last year when the sun dresses were a tad too short for my taste!


Amy Christensen
7 years ago

This is a great way to make a shorter dress longer. I love all the lace and layers. Very pretty, Debbie. Glad you are healing up…patience? It’s something we wait a life time for. Ha, ha. – Amy

Caitlin | Beauty & Colour
7 years ago

That’s actually something I’d never seen before with extending a skirt, very cool!

Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Now…I just want to point out that I might consider not mowing the lawn a good thing!! LOL

7 years ago

I would have never guessed that you’re wearing a dress under a dress. I love this and your gorgeous accessories; so nicely put together. I can’t decide which boot I like better with the outfit…the tan or the black. kidding of course. Hope your foot heals quickly, but until then you’re rocking it!

7 years ago

Love this swing-y summer dress. And you’re so right – virtue is not fun. But we do need to rest our injured parts for a bit longer after age 40 : > Thanks for linking up, xox


7 years ago

I am so happy that foot boot came off and soon you will be wearing all of your shoes. That blush dress is so you with the bohemian vibe and as always your extenders are flawless under the dress!

BTW, I read and loved your Pride T-Shirt post too. I 100% support the entire LGBT community, too!

Happy 4th of July my friend!

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Debbie, I hope you are soon recovered from your surgery as I know foot pain is very difficult! I bet you will be very excited when you can wear regular shoes and feel better. Love this delicate dress on you, very feminine with the lace trim. I love it with the boots!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

7 years ago

This is a beautiful boho dress and looks even better with your lace extender. After telling myself over and over I was going to order one, I made myself stop mid-read and throw one in my cart. Anyway, your fringe bootie was a great choice. I hope you heal soon. I know it is difficult to be patient, but you will be so much better off in the end.

Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Hey, I would love for you to join me as co-host some time.

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

Emma Peach
7 years ago

I love your pretty dress and it looks great with the lace extender. I would be very impatient too…not to mow the lawn though! Hoping your foot heals soon. Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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