casual / casual outfit / GAP / JCPenney / jeans / kimono / sandals / style tips

Floral Halter Top & Pink Kimono: Hot Flashes And Hell’s Furnace

floral halter top, pink kimono, distressed jeans

No, the hot flashes and hell’s furnace are not the same thing. The hot flashes are, well, hot flashes and hell’s furnace? That’s where I’ve been working for the last week…


…I posted a shot of my outfit on Instagram last Wednesday and it was the last one of the week. As I had explained in the caption, that was it. No more outfits for the week and definitely no shots for the blog. Why? Because the temperature inside the school was so insanely unbearable that I decided to throw in the proverbial towel; although I really couldn’t because I needed it to constantly wipe the dripping sweat off of my face. By 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning I had removed all clothing that I could get away with without getting arrested, including every single piece of jewelry. The rest of the week I didn’t even bother. You read that correctly. Zero effort was put into getting dressed for work because there was no point. I pulled out the loosest fitting things I could find; no layers and the bra was swapped out for a bralette. The only jewelry was my wedding rings. Makeup was the bare minimum and I did nothing to the hair other than twist it up in a clip.

The reason for all of this insanity is simple. Every day the temperatures were in the low 90’s and the humidity made it feel like the upper 90’s. On the morning news the local weatherman always has a graphic with a list of descriptor words for the day’s weather. The top two each morning last week? Oppressive. Unbearable. Trust me, the man knows what he’s talking about.

You might be wondering why this all should matter if I’m going to work? Unless one is employed in say, a steel mill, air conditioning is typically omnipresent nowadays. Nope. We have no air conditioning. I do not mean that it is temporarily out of service and the air conditioning fairies are working feverishly to repair it. There is no air conditioning in the middle or high school. I kid you not. It would be the perfect place to hold a hot yoga class. Or perhaps get your sauna on. But the conditions are not exactly optimal for being shut in a room full of teenagers while attempting to teach them stuff. No siree; hot, sweaty, lethargic 13 year olds are not your ideal audience for a math lesson.

Now for the fun part; hot flashes. And not the quaint little baby sweats I’ve had off and on for the last year or so that I thought were hot flashes. I’m talking full-blown I want to tear the flesh off of my body hot flashes. If you haven’t had the joy of the experience, it’s kind of hard to explain. It’s like someone has poured gasoline on your insides and ignited it. And the unbearable heat spreads slowly from your mid-section out to your extremities. I mean, you can actually feel it spreading outward. And it’s just so damn…hot. They’ve only really just started in the last few weeks. I have maybe three a night and then one or two throughout the day. Couple the hot flashes with the hell’s furnace that was my classroom and I truly just wanted to dive out the second story window. But the whole me being a role model thing kinda made that a bad idea.


Fortunately I had a few outfits that I had shot previously on backup. Tuesday I did wear a really cute dress to work which I attempted to shoot after work. If you looked up “hot mess” in the dictionary, one of those pictures would be there. The dress was stuck to me in places that a dress should not be stuck, my makeup was down in my cleavage and my hair…I can’t even with the hair. I’m all for keepin’ it real friends, but I prefer real as in what I look like on a day where I made an effort as opposed to real as in what I look like after I’ve push mowed my entire yard under the midday sun.

I wore this floral halter top a few weeks back for a girls’ night out. I happened upon it a couple of months ago on clearance at JCPenney’s for around $10, and since the colors were so in your face summer-like I couldn’t resist. It was a cool enough evening that I was able to reunite with my long lost love…a.k.a. the best distressed boyfriend jeans ever. To ward off the air conditioning induced chill (which I would have killed for last week) I threw the hot pink kimono over top. They were kind of made for each other don’t you think? I stuck with the flatform sandals as opposed to heels since my foot has been acting up and I figured it was probably a good idea to not anger it any further.


As much as I love heels, I have a variety of flats, kitten heels and wedges to choose from when my high heels aren’t loving me back. I have found that even with a bum foot I can still wear shoes with some height as long as they are either a kitten heel or a wedge, preferably with a bit of a platform in the front.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeans floral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeansfloral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeans floral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeansfloral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeansfloral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeans floral halter top, pink kimono, boyfriend jeans

Top: JCPenney (Similar);  Kimono: H&M (Similar);  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Sandals: JCPenney (Similar)

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8 years ago

A wonderful blouse, I love the pattern and the light emanating!

8 years ago

It is so crazy how many schools still don’t have air conditioning…so sorry you have to deal with that! On the bright side, that top is super cute, I love the bright colors!

8 years ago

Feeling bad for you over those hot flashes Debbie but you do look great in pink!

I’m back to the blog world with the 3rd installment of my collaboration with Los Angeles brand TOBI – come check it out and lemme know what you think! #shopTobi

Have a great week ahead!


8 years ago

Gorgeous blouse. And sorry for your hot flashes – they are truly indescribable! Good news is they finally subside (I am not going to tell you when : > ). Big iced tea for you! xox


8 years ago

It should be illegal not to have A/C in the Summer. That’s crazy.

8 years ago

I was just in the South of France where air conditioning was nil and sweating was in style. And I nixed those hot flashes with hormones ~ I’ll take my chances with cancer.

Love the top! I totally need more cute summer print tops .. maybe next year 😉


8 years ago

I love this gorgeous pink floral print on you Deb! Beautiful with the bright kimono. Oh my, I can relate! First, I think the phrase Hot Flash is a misnomer! It is never o er in a,flash!! It can last all night! Also, I used to have to try and teach music to 5-6th graders I. A trailer where the air broke down, in South Carolina.. I can’t even remember what I wore. It’s not fun when you step out the door and start sweating!
Well, you look gorgeous in these pics!!
Jess xx
Stop by if you can

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I really just can’t imagine what it was like in the classrooms—seems very unproductive & crazy!
This shirt makes up for all the hotness though! It’s such a vibrant & wonderful pink—is it neon?
I must admit, I only miss the humidity occasionally—it’s very dry & arid here, which can be good & bad. I think my skin loves the humidity—at least I’m not as scaly when I’m in it!!

8 years ago

So stylish and pretty look! Love the top!

8 years ago

People are always shocked when I tell them my school doesn’t have AC. Yes, education in general is grossly underfunded and that money will not be going to provide AC. Hope the heat gets better for you! You look incredible with that top and kimono. Seriously one of my favorite outfits on you!

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Debbie I’m totally loving you in this bright pink. Such a great colour with your fab hair. Sorry to hear about the hot flashes and the hellish work conditions. I’m amazed you can find the brain space to keep the blog running with these kind of handicaps. The flashes last forever or just for 6 months – all depends on your own version of the peri/menopause. Sucks eh? Good luck, honey. You look wonderful despite all of this.
Anna x

8 years ago

Whatt?? No air conditioner?? Like isn’t that illegal? Much as I’m always cold, soon as I start teaching, I’m hot as a hare and so thankful for our brand new humongous air conditioning unit. It’s effective, so much so I need a space heater after I dismiss my class at 11:30. So sorry about that scorching heat Debbie. I can’t stop laughing about the ‘hot mess outfit story though, hahah. Glad you had this cute back up. I can’t believe that top only cost 10bucks. What a steal! I don’t typically do halters but you rocked this one. I love… Read more »

8 years ago

I really feel for you. We have had a very hot humid summer, worse than normal. I couldn’t imagine spending the whole day locked up in a room without AC on.

Maybe things have cooled down there like they have here a bit…although today it was still 34 C with the humidex at night at least we’re getting some relief.


8 years ago

Such a pretty look! Your pink kimono is gorgeous and looks amazing on you!

xx, Elise

8 years ago

I posted earluer but wanted to say!
thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Wow! Double whammy of heat waves! I had to take hormones to function so I certainly understand what it is like. Very pretty outfit! I hope you find some relief soon!

8 years ago

No air conditioning in your school! That’s terrible they haven’t done something about that, I am sorry it;s been rough there and with the hot flashes that’s got to be worse. Thanks for sharing and hopefully the cooler temperatures come your way sooner. Lovely pink tones in this outfit.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

7 years ago

This color and kimono are such a fabulous color! So gorgeous on you

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