I’m a huge fan of mindless entertainment….
…my brain really needs downtime during the day. Up until recently my mindless entertainment was Candy Crush on my Kindle. Yes, I know the cool kids don’t play that anymore, but since when did I care what the cool kids were doing? Why “up until recently”? A friend of mine told me about Covet and that was all she wrote. It’s a fashion styling game that I now have downloaded on my Kindle as well. You guys, seriously, it’s kind of addicting. I know that in the court of public opinion playing games on your phone or tablet is considered a serious waste of time. Perhaps, but I think everyone can use a little break for their brain throughout the day; kind of a time to recharge. The cool thing is, while it is mindless, you’re still using your brain to come up with fabulous outfits. It’s pretty straightforward too. Each day there are style challenges and you use pieces in your closet to style outfits that fit the challenges. You can purchase items for your closet with diamonds or “cash” which you earn through completing and/or winning challenges and you can also win clothing via the challenges.
Why am I wasting time telling you about this? Well, the funny thing is while styling outfits on the game, I’ve planted little seeds of real-life styling inspiration in the dark recesses of my brain. See Exhibit A:
Now, am I a six foot tall willowy 20 year old? Uh, no. Nine times out of ten though, I do make my model a redhead. I’m a weirdo; I know this. I did come up with putting these particular pieces together while styling outfits on Covet. Sadly, one cannot “front tuck” a sweater, so alas, the sweater had to hang free on the game. Pretty cool though isn’t it? Mindless entertainment and outfit planning all at one time; maybe it’s not such a time waste after all.
My favorite print mix (and probably the easiest to pull off) is floral and stripes. I haven’t worn floral joggers in quite awhile and since I was inspired by my mad Covet styling skills, I decided it was time to dig them out of the closet. Since there’s still a bit of a chill hanging in the air, this striped top was the perfect weight and the colors were right for pairing with the floral joggers. I don’t know if I’ve worn this moto vest more than once ever. Quite honestly I was about to get rid of it because I just wasn’t loving the way it fit. But I’m glad I hung on to it because it worked well with this particular outfit; it’s kind of the wild card of the whole look and adds interest that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.
When putting an outfit together, try to throw in a “wild card”; that one item that doesn’t quite fit in, but yet somehow does. Visual interest guaranteed.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Joggers: Forever 21 (Similar); Top: c/o Shein; Moto Vest: Forever 21 (Similar)
Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card
Co-hosts: Avec Amber // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Stylish Adventures with AL // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Dorky’s Deals // Lauryncakes // TheBoxQueen // A Labour of Life // Fashion Fairy Dust
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 4/26 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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