This is it my friends; the last few days until my birthday. And it’s a big one. With a “0” in it. No, it’s not 30. To be perfectly honest with you, 50 scares me a lot less than 40, and 40 wasn’t as terrifying as 30. 30 was terrifying for the simple fact my mother passed away when she was 34 so when I turned 30 all I wanted was to be 35 because I had it in my head that I would die at 34 as well. Obviously that didn’t happen. My fear of 40 was simply based on vanity because man, that sounded old. Now that 50 has arrived I’ve amassed a trove of infinite wisdom and ya know what? It is what is. Like I’ve said many times, I have the taste of a twelve year old girl and the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy so 50 is purely arbitrary. I’m gonna own 50 and I’m gonna kick 50’s ass. So, how do you like me now?
With that being said my damn near 50 year old self is rocking the leather leggings with a floral kimono and a sweatshirt. And I strongly believe I will continue to do so when I’m 70. Can I just tell you how much I love this tunic sweatshirt? I scored it from Townhouse Boutique. They sell their items via Facebook and Instagram on kind of a first come, first served basis. When it popped up in my email I immediately wanted it because it was so me. It’s soft and comfortable, but not at all bulky. I’ll be able to wear it well into the spring and summer on cooler evenings too. The floral kimono has been in my closet since the great kimono binge of Spring 2014. It’s probably the one I wear the most because I love the colors so much. I wanted to add some visual interest to the sweatshirt and leggings and I knew it was just the ticket. I went with the taupe fringe booties because black was just too predictable and if there’s one thing I’m not, it’s predictable.
Linking up with: Thursday Style Files, Throwback Thursday, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, A Labour of Fashion, Reason To Dress.
Kimono: Tilly’s (Old); Leggings: Nordstrom; Sweatshirt: Townhouse Boutique; Booties: Tilly’s
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