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Floral Maxi Skirt & Black Sweater: The Power Of A Word

Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.

I have never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions…


…Back in the day I would have all of these grand goals for the year, and like most people, by February I was so over it. Resolutions may work for some people, but I feel like I’m just setting myself up for failure.

Recently though, I became intrigued with the idea of choosing a word of the year. I’d noticed people talking about it on Instagram and then I read a few articles about it and I was hooked. Here’s the thing, while I don’t do well with lofty specifics like for example, “I’ll work out every day and only eat lettuce and carrots” or “I will visit all 50 states during Summer vacation”; I also don’t do well with no guidance as all. This is evidenced by the way I have haphazardly lived the last several years of my life.

What do I mean by “haphazard”? Be forewarned…I’m about to get real here…I mean just allowing one day to run into the next with no real attention to what is going on around me. I mean still living under the illusion left over from my twenties that I had forever to do this or do that. I mean getting so caught up in the issues of a loved one that I’ve lost sight of who I am. I mean finding my comfort zone and then taking up residence there. None of these things are acceptable, not anymore.

The feeling that I needed to change things, change the way I’m living my life, has been niggling at my brain for months. It just seemed like so much, like it was insurmountable. I needed focus. That’s why I think choosing a guiding word really resonated with me. A properly chosen word provides laser focus while at the same time it also provides generality so I can apply it where I need it. Choosing a word as the focus for improving one’s life might seem simplistic, but think about it for a minute…think about the power that a word or words can have. Words have the power to both do great damage and to add more beauty to the world. Taking that into consideration, why couldn’t a well chosen word, one that really resonates with you personally, lead to positive change in regard to how you live your life?

I thought long and hard about what changes were most important to me and that in turn led me to my word. It was a gradual process, but eventually the word that made sense for me popped into my brain. Actually I ended up choosing two words that will work in tandem with one another. It’s not like there’s a rule written somewhere that says I can only have one, and in my case two seemed like a better fit. My words are intentional and discover. I won’t bore you with the specifics of how I’m going to apply the words, but I can tell you that I can already feel a difference.

Another thing that I used to do back in the day was carry a planner around with me in my purse. It had all of my important dates, appointments, notes and whatnot. I liked having my life right there in front of me in black and white. When cell phones came into being I started keeping track of things on my phone so the planner fell by the wayside. Funny thing is, I’ve always really missed it. The last planner I used is still in my desk and whenever I happen upon it, I leaf through it…it’s like a little memory book from that year.

I suppose you can guess what I did…yep, I bought a planner for this year. It’s beautiful and I already remember why I loved having one so much. Having it all right there in front of you is just something that a phone can’t provide. The one that I have has plenty of space for thoughts, ideas and goals. And planners have changed since the last time I carried one; now there are all kinds of fun stickers (I’ve got a thing for stickers) made specifically for planners/journals. It’s like little girl fun for big girls.

I started using it in December and one thing that I’ve been making sure to do is write down at least one thing that happened each day. That way I can look back and remember a little bit about each day as opposed to just going through the motions and forgetting about it. Besides keeping me organized in regard to dates, appointments and deadlines I really feel like the planner will help to keep me focused and consistent with applying my words to my life. Is this the end all be all that will rock my world and change it forever? No. But it will help me work towards the best version of myself; the best version of my life…and that’s enough for me.


Apparently wearing a maxi skirt/dress during the Fall/Winter is not something people normally do. Who knew? I was unaware until recently when I read an article in my newsfeed extolling the virtues of the new “trend” of wearing maxis in the Winter. I guess I’m more of a trendsetter than I realized because I do it all time as evidenced here, here and here. Why? Because what better thing is there to layer leggings or tights under in the arctic months than a maxi skirt…

I picked this skirt up on super ginormous clearance at H&M a couple years ago. I have worn it probably a zillion times so I’d say it’s been more than worth the $7 I spent on it. It was perfect for Summer, but I knew even then it would be just as good once the temperatures turned. I love how the black sweater and boots grounded it and made it seasonally appropriate. I also love the fact it buttons up the front so the leggings are visible (but my butt isn’t).


Maxi skirts and dresses are definitely appropriate for year ’round wear. They make the perfect partner for layering over leggings, tights and over the knee boots.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots. Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots. Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots. Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.Floral skirt, black sweater & ankle boots.

Skirt: H&M (Similar);  Sweater: Similar;  Leggings: American Eagle;  Boots: Aldo (Similar)

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5 years ago

I can t live without a paper planner!😂😂 I love to write everything down….that and my memorie seems to be lost since menopause!
It is a good Idea to wear a maxi skirt in Winter, I am all for layering!

marilyn buchfink
marilyn buchfink
5 years ago

Debbie, several years ago a lady at work gave me a planner for Christmas. I thought “what am I going to do with this, I am definitely not a “yuppie”? Well, I started using it and to this day I would be totally lost without it. Who knew? Not me. As for maxi skirts in the winter, I live in Oklahoma and that is a better time to where them, because in the summer around here it is 100 degrees and humid, I don’t want to be in yards of fabric in that kind of weather, so I wear them… Read more »

marilyn buchfink
marilyn buchfink
5 years ago

wear them

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Much to my sons chagrin I prefer a paper planner as well and always have. There are just some things that are so much better, like a real book and a real planner. I keep them as well because they are a yearbook of sorts. I used to keep a big calendar on the fridge for the same reason. Now that the boys are gone I can keep my own planner. My husband uses Cozi and insists we do too for family events. So good for you, and I love the words you chose! I also love that skirt –… Read more »

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

That’s exactly why I love our Sentence of the Day posts. Because it’s like a journal along with photos. I’ve lately started including only the days where something really happened, but it’s a nice memory of the past month!!
How funny because I was just thinking about maxis. I have so many ideas for our posts, and not enough time!!

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

Love your words. I’ve been trying to hone in on one (or two) for me. I thought of intentional. This year we will get our special needs “baby” living with us full time in May – so I was kinda thinking of something that will keep me not feeling overwhelmed with this change in our life/marriage. I was also thinking I’ll need to organize things differently when he is with us full time. 2019 is definitely going to be a year of change for us and change is good!

jacqui berry
5 years ago

What a great outfit, I love the patterned skirt with the black jumper! Thanks for sharing on #chicandstylish Jacqui Mummabstylish

5 years ago

I could have written your opening paragraphs. I may do my own post “spin” on a word of the year. I’ve been thinking “initiate”. Yes, I know maxis aren’t really worn in winter, which doesn’t make a lot of sense, especially where I live. Good on you for being a trendsetter! I admit, I’m a bit sheepish on wearing maxis this time of year–goodness, it’s been in the 80s here, what am I worried about??? I agree that the button front is great for showing off leggings!

5 years ago

Your words for the year are inspiring! I see you as a deep thinker, and I know you will flourish with these words to guide. I don’t have a single word, but last year I decided to meditate on “being of service” and “enjoy this.” Your line about having all the time in the world in our 20’s hit me in the heart. We all thought that! And how quickly those decades passed!

And of course, I love your maxi of Spring florals, grazing the snow. Gorgeous. xox

Shelbee on the Edge
5 years ago

Debbie, I am with you on the resolutions thing. I have been focused on making changes for myself since the fall and I don’t need a silly calendar date to let me know that every day is a new opportunity for growth and improvement. That being said, I have chosen a phrase to get my focus on…and it is this…”Think smaller in order to go bigger.” I will shorten it to simply “think small” when I need to remind myself. It’s all on the blog today. In any event, you look fabulous as always and I wish you all the… Read more »

Julie | This Main Line Life
5 years ago

I’m not a big fan of resolutions either. I’d rather make changes throughout the year as it makes sense. Love that skirt, so pretty.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

Resolutions are so yesterday haha. I love the new idea along the lines of ‘a word for 2019’ – mine is any word that gives me more peace or better health ‘pause’ ‘breath’ ‘stop’ etc. Beautiful photographs Debbie – you look fabulous xx Maria

Jessica A Jannenga
5 years ago

Hi Debbie
I do love paper in some things, I am kinda old school. I have a planner and a journal I use, I do tend to like to write things down. Love the word of the year Idea, as it is a great way to focus. I haven’t done it or chosen a word, but do think it is a good idea. LOVE your skirt the colors are so pretty and vibrant. The lace up style on your sweater is so cool too!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

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