casual style

Floral Maxi Skirt & Blondie Tee: Weekly Randomness

Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee.

Here’s what made this week’s list of random thoughts and musings…


…In no particular order, these are the things that caught my attention or tickled my fancy in the last seven days:

  • I’ve always been a fan of dress down days in the workplace, but after my appointment with my attorney last Friday, I really am. Normally, he is all business; as in, I’ve tried injecting just the tiniest bit of humor into conversations and he basically just looks at me and I’m pretty sure that I’ve heard crickets. Um, okay…now I know to behave myself whenever I meet with him and I keep my silly thoughts to myself. Interesting side note: my attorney is married to my doctor…weird right? But I digress…Friday is apparently dress down day at the law office. He was sporting jeans and an actually pretty cool untucked printed button down instead of the usual suit and tie. When he spied my Blondie tee he asked if I’d seen her in concert, and then we chatted about Joan Jett, Cyndi Lauper and Rod Stewart touring. I even tried throwing out a couple of amusing comments into the legal commentary and was rewarded with a smirk of mild amusement. I suppose I can consider that a success. In any case, I totally attribute the change in demeanor to the change in wardrobe. Further evidence that personal style does indeed make a difference.
  • I want to throw out a great big thank you to our friends across the pond. The protests in Great Britain and Scotland in response to the visit of the current occupant of our White House warmed my heart. I’m not being facetious, it seriously made me feel better knowing that the rest of the world gets it and agrees with the majority of us who are trapped in the surreal reality show that is currently playing out in our country.
  • I came across this article about beauty hacks to simplify your life. I have always done both #14 and #15 and can attest to their effectiveness. And I’m not sure why #17 has never occurred to me before…
  • If you happen to follow me on Pinterest (and if you aren’t, here’s the link) then you know that I go on occasional squirrel pinning benders. Something about them is just so insanely cute, especially the varieties with long ear hair…I can’t even with the cuteness! Anyhow, I loved this story about a rogue squirrel in London who went on a crime spree. Fortunately for him, the police released him without charges.


Yes, this is the outfit that I wore to the attorney’s office on Friday. Maybe he was a little more chatty not just because of his more chill attire, but also because of the Blondie tee. I’ve found that oftentimes in addition to being an easy way to add some cool to just about anything, a graphic tee can also be a great conversation starter in certain situations.

Now can we talk about this skirt? Trust me, it’s even more beautiful in person. The colors, the swishiness and the fact that it is the just perfect length for my elevation impaired self made me fall immediately in love. It’s perfect for the current ridiculous heat, but I can see it going into Fall and Winter with perhaps a black sweater, tights or leggings underneath if it’s really cold, and boots. I’ve linked the exact skirt, but it is still full price online. If you live near an H&M you should check in-store because I found mine on the clearance rack for just $17.


If you don’t already have a few, add some cool graphic tees or tanks to your wardrobe. Choose tees with images or words that truly speak to you or have meaning for you and you’ll love wearing them. They truly do work with so many outfits; from a casual jeans and sneakers look to a skirt, pumps and a strand of pearls.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee. Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee.Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee. Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee.Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee. Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee.Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee. Floral maxi skirt and Blondie tee.

Skirt: H&M;  Tee: Similar:  Birkenstocks: Similar

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6 years ago

Maybe your attorney finally had a little bailey’s in his coffee?? I’m sure that’s not the funnest job ever, but a little humor goes a long way!! I’m just surprised your positive personality hadn’t broken through his demeanor before?? Heck, you make me smile with all the bright colors you’re sporting!!!

6 years ago

Love it that your attorney warmed up on Casual Friday. I try to get our accountant to smile, but so far no go. You’re looking confident and gorgeous, and the skirt is all that. And yes, thanks to our UK friends who spoke out! xox


6 years ago

I was so happy with our friends in the UK! Not only did they have that fabulous balloon floating, but they made themselves heard at the Scottish golf course owned by Orange Hitler, thereby forcing himself to pause his incessant golf. Gotta love the Scots, not only did they invent men in kilts (absurdly and completely HOT), bagpipes, and golf, they also know how to protest. Not to mention the accents which are also completely hot. A shout out to Belgium as well, who were kind enough to float that lovely orange baby balloon. Your attorney cracked a smirk? Amazing!… Read more »

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Wasn’t his behavior to the queen just shameless! Pfff. I always get comments when I wear my Siouxie and the Banshees tee. Always about the dark look. Yeah, it’s punk okay. Funny what clothes can do right!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love your skirt and blonde tee! So cute and (obviously) disarming! 😉 I read the beauty hacks article and got a few to try out! Thanks for sharing. Have you ever seen a black squirrel? They are black here in Colorado where I work and I keep thinking it’s a cat when I see it out of the corner of my eye. Really pretty!

Mariann Yip
6 years ago

Love this ethereal look! I love the floral skirt!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

I am obsessed with that skirt! Of course I love Blondie too and really need a tee myself – why don’t I have one already??? Crazy. Nice to know your attorney can dress casually, lol!!!

6 years ago

Well, your attorney sounds as awesome, fun and fabulous as you. That colorful floral maxi skirt is dreamy and picks up all the pinks in your beautiful ombre hair. I love a good graphic tee too and in the Summer wear my tees with a lot of cute skirts!

You should link this today with our special “Skirt-themed” linkup below. Any cute Summer outfits are welcome!


Bettye L Rainwater
6 years ago

Love the beauty hacks. Had to laugh at #2 – “Try tweezing you eyebrows in the car! The natural light allows you to see hairs you might have otherwise missed in your bathroom mirror.” I do this…but not my eyebrows…but it’s the perfect spot for removing chin hairs!

There’s some others there I’m def going to try, thanks for sharing!


Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Your attorney sounds a blast – haha – well somewhere deep inside! We loved seeing the Trump blimp – childish, yes – but how wonderful we can express ourselves with humour. Besides, Trump really upset the London major so of course he was going to allow this form of ‘free speech’ haha xx

6 years ago

I will have to try this look, although I’ve only JUST bought my first graphic tee! Thanks for sharing on the #linkup Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

Hi Deb!
Law and laughter dont mix? Well, at least you got him a little more casually talking than the norm. Love Blondie, Call me!
Love the print of your skirt, pretty and vibrant colors. Looks great with the tee. I need to style my deff Leppard tee sometime.
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Emma Peach
6 years ago

I love your Blondie T-shirt! Debbie Harry is so cool. I’m a squirrel lover too and am lucky enough to get really close to them – even hand feed the babies – where I volunteer 🙂 Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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