boho outfit / boho top / casual / casual outfit / denim shorts / Ettika / JCPenney / Old Navy / Shein / shorts / style tips / top

Floral Peplum Top & Peep Toe Booties: It’s An Honor

floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts

This past Friday night was a special night for me. It was the Style Awards at Style Week Pittsburgh and if you happen to have read this post back in June, you may or may not remember that I was one of the nominees for Fashion Blogger of the Year…


…I didn’t win, and quite honestly, I really didn’t expect to. I’ve often heard people say, “It’s an honor just to be nominated” in regard to various awards from the Oscars to the high school prom queen. And yes, it might be cliche, and some may think that’s just what someone says when they didn’t win, but here’s the thing…it’s true.

I cannot tell you how excited I was just to be nominated. Seriously. First of all, I’m a country girl who lives about an hour and a half from Pittsburgh. So for my blog to have even caught someone’s attention and then be considered a serious enough contender to be nominated? Please. That is definitely an honor in itself.

And can I just tell you how absolutely cool it is to have people that you don’t even know come up to you and tell you that they read your blog and truly enjoy it? Wow. Just wow.  I know that people read my blog, and I truly appreciate each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart, but to actually randomly meet readers face to face? It means so, so much and takes it to a whole different level. It kind of vindicates all of the time and love I put into it.


No, this is obviously not what I wore to the Style Awards. If you follow me on Instagram (and if you’re not, what are you waiting for!) you already saw a sneak peek of what I wore. That will be an outfit post for another day.

I’ve started beefing up my closet for the upcoming Fall season. And this Shein floral peplum top (c/o Shein) was a perfect transitional piece in my opinion. It’s lightweight, but the darker, moodier floral makes it perfect for the cooler months. Here I’m wearing it layered over my Old Navy peplum tank top. It’s like they were made for each other, am I right?

The floral peplum top is cute on it’s own (as a matter of fact I wore it again yesterday, but without the tank underneath), but I loved the added “ruffliness” I got by pairing it with the peplum tank top. I have to tell you, I’m still quite pleased with the sizing at Shein. It’s been pretty much right on point with each and every item I’ve received from them. I ordered this top in the same size I would order from say Target or Old Navy and it fit me perfectly.

The denim boyfriend shorts haven’t made an appearance for awhile and since it is still summer after all, that’s the route I went. I have these same peep toe booties in black, but I thought the brown pair made things a little more interesting.


Always be on the lookout in your own closet, for pieces that will work together in interesting and unexpected ways. Layering is an easy way to do that. When layering tops, make sure the under layer that will be peeking out brings something fun to the party. Whether it be a ruffle, some lace or a fun print make sure it adds something to the look and works in harmony with the top layer.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shortsfloral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shortsfloral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shortsfloral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts floral peplum top, peep toe booties, denim shorts

Floral peplum top: c/o Shein;  Shorts: Old Navy (Similar);  Booties: JCPenney (Similar);  Necklace: Ettika

**Top was received c/o Shein. All opinions, as always, are my own.

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8 years ago

Congrats on the nomination. I agree that being nominated is a win by itself. And peplum is a girl’s best friend!

8 years ago

I agree – it *is* an honor to be recognized, and congratulations. Love your top – I am looking for similar for when it finally gets below 90 here : > xo


linda cassidy
8 years ago

great look, love the top and the brown peep toes.

Kris Chamberlain
Kris Chamberlain
8 years ago

Congratulations! Your nomination is a win but you’ve always been a winner to me!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

How totally cool you got nominated!! Really —I agree…just to be in the running means quite a bit!
Of course you deserve it—I love how you make getting dressed fun—not just your boring pants & tops!
And you have interesting stories too—I still laugh about the UPS guy!

Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

Oh, you’re The Winner in MY eyes!



Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Debbie, that really is such an honor and what an amazing experience! I am loving this top and I do believe I have those same booties from JCPenney! Great minds, my friend, great minds! Fabulous outfit! And congratulations on your nomination!


8 years ago

This is such a cute top, love the print! And yes, so awesome to be nominated!

8 years ago

I agree that it is still cool that you were nominated. What an honor! You look fantastic.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

8 years ago

Love the booties! They are a bit high for me, but I may check out the ANA booties with the chunky heel next time I’m at JCP 🙂


Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

I’m sorry you didn’t win, especially as I voted for you but chuffed for you that you were nominated. That really is a feather in your cap.
Lovin’ the darker floral on you Debbie.

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

First of all, well done on that nomination Debbie. It’s great to have recognition and things can only grow and grow from this. Awesome stuff!
And I know you’ve got a whole outfit on show here, but all I can see, all I want to talk about are those amazing boots. What fab footwear for this transitional period aka autumn. They are beautiful, perfect in every way and yet another thing to put on my wishlist.
Another great post Debbie x

8 years ago

Oh I definitely think for something like that, it really is an honor to be nominated! Congrats on the nomination! That is amazing! Love the outfit, too. The layered tops are perfection together!

Michelle Orsi
8 years ago

Love this top! gotta look for it during my next Shein order!

8 years ago

Peplum top looks so pretty on you. Great pick!

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