No, 24 out of 30 isn’t the score I got on the maturity rating scale. That’s waaayyy too high…
That would be the number of days that it has rained in June. And that’s official weather data my friends, straight from the weather dude’s mouth. I know I’m Whiny McWhiny pants in regard to the weather, but c’mon!! 24 out of 30 days of rain, 80% of the month; are you freakin’ kidding me?? They actually did a special on our local news about people being diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder; in June people. Now you know there’s something amiss when people are in need of phototherapy during the first month of summer.
Hence, the gloomy, wet, frizzy haired photo awesomeness you see here today. I was actually dressed to go to an early morning doctor’s appointment when the office called to cancel right before I left. Being the dedicated blogger I am I took some snaps before changing back into my “I’m not leaving the house uniform” i.e. tank top, baggy shorts and beater sandals. I figured why waste a perfectly good outfit when I was already wearing it, right? The camo tee, jeans and sandals were fine on their own, but I added the floral print bomber jacket to look a little more pulled together. Since the third-piece rule is pretty much the one and only fashion rule I believe to be accurate, I try to keep it in mind most days when I get dressed. (See here and here for more examples.)
Linking up with: The Wednesday Pants, Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Color And Grace Fashion Link Up, Thursday Fashion Files, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Summer Style Link Up, A Labour of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up, Thursday Favorites, Throwback Thursday.
Jacket: Brickyard Buffalo (No longer available); Tee: Walmart (In-store purchase); Jeans: Old Navy; Sandals: Target (Old); Necklaces: Rocksbox