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Floral Print Dress & Lace Duster: It’s The Little Things

Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.

Sometimes sayings or quotes are so overused that they become trite and meaningless…


…Such is the case with the phrase “It’s the little things in life”. You hear it quite often as a reminder to appreciate the moments as opposed to getting so caught up in the daily grind that you miss the beauty happening right in front of you. While it’s true that it might be overused, it’s also pretty sound advice.

I’ve found that the older I’ve gotten the more I have come to appreciate the little things; it’s the moments that matter. It’s the moments that when all added together, make that elusive thing called happiness. I thought I’d share with you a few of “the little things” that have made me smile recently:

  • Breathing in the scent of the fresh cut tulips in my kitchen
  • Sharing a spontaneous laugh about something silly with my husband
  • Just sitting quietly and watching the smile and complete contentment on the face of one of my autistic students while he’s involved in an activity that he loves
  • Seeing my hyacinths and daffodils starting to poke through the Earth
  • Feeling the sunlight on my face
  • The smell of coffee brewing in the morning
  • Watching my daughter taking the time to chat and genuinely engage with my students
  • Still seeing daylight when it’s after 7 p.m.

See what I mean? None of these seem to be all that important in the big picture. But that’s just it…they are the big picture. So try to remember, as trite as it may sound, it truly is the little things in life that matter. What are the little things that have made you smile lately?


Layering can be a girl’s best friend. This burgundy floral print dress is pretty on it’s own…but the addition of the lace duster (actually it’s a swimsuit cover up) over top takes it to a whole new level. When I wore this brown floral dress, I layered a tulle skirt underneath for a similar hit of visual interest.

This particular floral print dress is perfect for in between seasons weather. It’s a soft stretchy knit, but it’s still substantial enough for a little warmth. The shorter sleeves make it easy to layer underneath a duster, sweater or jacket. I personally hate layering long sleeves over long sleeves…I feel so constricted when I do that so I’m a big fan of shorter sleeves for layering purposes.

My pink over the knee boots were the perfect finishing touch. Not only do they match the print in the dress, they also kept the gams warm since while it might look like Spring it’s definitely still pretty chilly outside. I added the belt to give it all some shape (and another level of interest) because there’s actually a whole lot of volume going on with the dress.


Layering isn’t only something you do in the Winter for necessities sake. Layering pieces is an easy way to add visual interest to any outfit. When the weather starts to warm up simply layer lighter weight pieces. Think tee shirts, tank tops, lace or lightweight kimonos, blazers and jackets. And don’t forget the bottom half; you can always layer a skirt or lace extender underneath a dress for a little peek of lace, tulle or chiffon at the hemline.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots. Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots. Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots. Burgundy floral print dress, lace duster and pink over the knee boots.

Dress: Similar;  Duster: JCPenney (Similar);  Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
7 years ago

This is exactly why I wouldn’t ever want to go back in age….I don’t think I appreciated the little things then, like I do now!!
I consider this an advantage of getting older!!
For me, it’s sleeping in in the mornings (except for the cat that needs to announce that it’s 5 am…ha ha).
That and clean sheets!!!
Love the layering Debbie!!

Ba Gold
Ba Gold
7 years ago

When I was a kid in school none of my teachers dressed cool. They all wore boring pant suits or ugly dresses. You dress great & look so happy. I’m sure that is part of your success in teaching your kids, well that & all the hard work, late nights & total love you have for each of them. LOVE your boots!

Kellyann Rohr
7 years ago

Such a pretty outfit – so feminine and soft! Those boots are beautiful!
Yes, the little things are the big things and with age we realize that (hopefully). There are so many gifts of wisdom that come with our advancing age, life really is beautiful when you take the time to appreciate all the moments that make each day so special.
Happy Monday friend!

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I agree with Jodie – I didn’t appreciate the little things in life when I was younger either. We seem to take far more notice as we get older don’t we? I love to watch my cats laying on the sofa next to me. They’re so adorable, they always make me smile. Throwing a ball for the dogs too. Watching my hubby sleep usually makes me smile too (unless he’s snoring too loud LOL). We’re finally getting some rain here in Portugal at the moment, and I love to stand by the window and just watch it – especially seeing… Read more »

Robin LaMonte
7 years ago


What a wonderful message again friend!
It touches me as a mother of a special needs daughter, when you wrote about the smile from the autistic boy or your daughter engaging with your class that made your “It’s the little things” list. They made mine too.

We need to slow down and enjoy the little moments in life.
As always you are wonderful!


Emma Peach
6 years ago

Such a beautiful outfit Debbie! The lace duster is gorgeous over the floral print dress, and those pink boots are fabulous! I definitely appreciate the little things more now, especially nature.

Emma xxx

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

First, love those rose lace up boots so feminine andpretty with this look! I love the lace duster with florals, so pretty on you! I have been more reflective over the past several years and do try and appreciate those little things.. I love your list, laughing with your hubby, smelling the coffee.. i try not to take things for granted!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

6 years ago

Lovely layers! Such a great way to add dimension and interest to a look.

6 years ago

So very pretty! I like the floral and lace together and especially love how the pink OTK boots complete this. I am always a fan of layering year round for the visual interest.

Yes, the little things make such a difference and I appreciate them so much more these days. 🙂

Thanks for linking up!

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