The world in which we live sometimes makes it difficult to not become cynical…
…I think that this is especially true for those of us who work in public service type positions. Many days of the week we have to deal with so much of the not so pretty side of society. There are particular families that we deal with on a regular basis that will just suck the faith in humanity right out of you if you allow them to. They are raising their children in appalling circumstances. They treat us as if we are the enemy when ironically on any given day I have fed, counseled, educated and loved their child. They believe themselves to be entitled; to everything without lifting a finger to contribute to the well-being of their children or society in general.
If you allow it, this steady stream of ugly can and will suck you down into a vortex of negativity and cynicism from which escape is difficult. Here’s the key: you simply cannot allow it. You have to fight it. You have to constantly remind yourself and remember that there is good in the world; there are good people out there. Surround yourself with people that make you laugh. Surround yourself with people that you love and who love you back. And always be on the lookout for the unexpected little moments of beauty in the world.
I was feeling especially cynical after a trying day at work when, at Walmart of all places, I was reminded once again of the beauty that remains in humanity. I ran into an acquaintance who is the parent of an autistic eleven year old son and she along with her boy were getting groceries. At first I didn’t realize who she was as I’ve only met her once, but I was watching this woman and thinking how amazing she was with her child. She allowed him to push the cart and showed infinite patience each time he ran it into her; she patiently showed him where things were on the shelves and had him help pick items and place them in the cart all the while verbally interacting with him. It was beautiful to witness.
We passed one another in an aisle and when we made eye contact we realized we knew each other. Her son is at a place on the spectrum where communication and social interaction is extremely difficult for him, but even so, she introduced us just as anyone would do with their child; and as it should be I might add. If you are at all familiar with children/adults with autism then you know that this was no easy feat. I spoke with him gently and with complete disregard for the hand flapping, walking in circles and vocalizations.
What was truly special about this interaction was the gentleman who was coming up the aisle with his cart. Because of the nature of the interaction, he was unable to get around us and had to stop and wait. He stood there patiently until we were done and when the mother apologized to him his response was, “It’s perfectly alright. Not a problem at all.” That simple statement coupled with the beautiful relationship between that mother and her son was all that I needed to pull me back out of the vortex for another day.
When I visited Boutique 16063 and saw this dress, I knew that I had to have it. The fit, the colors, the print; what’s not to love. It’s a substantial, yet still lighter weight knit and the skirt is fully lined which gives it some shape and movement.
Since the weather was nice I knew that I wanted to pair it with ankle boots. Then it occurred to me…my brown lace up peep toes were the perfect color. Although it was warm, it wasn’t that warm, hence the addition of the ankle socks. I know the thought of pairing socks with any shoe that isn’t a sneaker or boot is super intimidating. Don’t let it be though.
I think the key is to choose the right style of sandal. It’s been my experience that the sock with sandal look works best and is easiest to do with a more substantial sandal or like in this case, a bootie/sandal hybrid. If you do choose to go with a strappier sandal, I suggest a very lightweight sock to avoid a bulky look.
Don’t be afraid to try something different. For example, socks with sandals. What I did here was the easy way to do it; they aren’t exactly sandals, but more peep toe ankle boots. In any case, if it works, it works. If not? So what? It’s only clothes…and that’s the beauty of it. You can start all over again the next day.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Dress: Boutique 16063 (Similar); Boots: Three Bird Nest (Similar)