Ageless Style Link Up / Boho / boho dress / boho outfit / casual / casual outfit / casual style / style tips

Floral Print Kimono & White Sundress: Strategic Rudeness

Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots.

As much as I love Instagram, sometimes it also infuriates me…


…Actually, it’s not Instagram per se that is infuriating (irritating is probably a better word, I save infuriating for things that actually matter), it’s the games people play on Instagram that irritate me. Back in January I wrote a post about a trend that I had noticed. A rather high number of people would follow my account, then if I would follow back they would in turn unfollow a short time thereafter.

Personally, I find that to be all kinds of rude. And do you know what I recently discovered accidentally while searching for something else? That is an actual strategy to gain followers. A strategy. There is actually a freakin’ guide book that can be purchased to explain the strategy in depth. What the hell? Are. You. Kidding. Me? Who knew that blatantly using people to grow your numbers was strategic?

As we all know, growing your Instagram following is a slow and arduous process. I have occasionally used giveaways (which also irritates some people, I know), but I have gained some engaged genuinely interested followers that way. The thing about giveaways is, while they might be irritating when they pop up in your feed, you can scroll right by and no one’s feelings get hurt. On the other hand, following someone whom you have zero interest in with the sole purpose of getting them to follow you back is simply put, ignorant.

There will never come a day that I follow someone, only to unfollow them once I’ve lured them in. Do I follow back everyone that follows me? Nope. Quite honestly I get overwhelmed if my number of people that I’m following gets too high. I do appreciate every single person that chooses to follow me though, and I do make an effort to visit their accounts and show them some love from time to time. I’d rather my numbers stagnate if the alternative is to be unkind to people…even if I have never met them before.


“Flower Power” is the chosen theme of this month’s Ageless Style Link Up. I, along with my nine lovely compadres have each given our own spin to floral fashion so definitely visit the other ladies and see what they’ve come up with this month. While my base is decidedly neutral with the drool worthy lace trim sundress layered over a plain white tee, the floral print kimono paired with the crazy gorgeous flowers in the background give the look a definite shot of flower power.

This is hands down my favorite sundress/slip dress. I own it in blue and mustard yellow as well. They are the perfect layering pieces, the lace is gorgeous and the shoulder straps are actually a drawstring in the back so you can lengthen/shorten it to your hearts content. This particular kimono seemed to be everywhere last Spring/Summer, but alas I could no longer find it to link for you. I love the way the bright colors contrast so well with the beige background. Layered with the dress and tee, the floral print kimono made the perfect warm Spring day outfit.


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times; if you really love a particular piece and know that you’ll wear it to death, I suggest buying it in a few different colors. I do this all of the time and have never regretted it.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…


Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots. Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots.Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots. Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots.Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots. Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots.Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots. Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots. Floral print kimono, white sundress and ankle boots.

Kimono: Similar;  Dress: Free People;  Boots: 6pm;  Necklace: Chico’s (Similar)

Ageless Style Link Up


  • Have fun and make some new friends! Please visit at least 2 other links.
  • Please link to your actual post and not your blog’s homepage.
  • Please link back to the Ageless Style Link Up in your linked post.
  • Feel free to use #AgelessStyleBloggers in all of your social media posts
  • Please follow each of your hosts on at least one social media channel via the links below.

Ana ~ Mrs. American Made bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, twitter, facebook

Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Diane~ Fashion On The 4th Floor bloglovin, instagramfacebook, twitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Nicole ~ High Latitude Style blog, pinterest, twitter,facebook, google, instagram, bloglovin

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, blog, twitter

Jill ~ Doused In Pink bloglovin , facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, blog

Yvonne ~ Funky Forty blog, twitter, facebook, bloglovin, instagram, pinterest

Paula ~ Dimples On My What bloglovin, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, blog

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7 years ago

I think Instagram is the worst social platform! I’m often tempted to remove myself from there. I too have a lot of this bad behaviour going on! And then, it’s so hard to keep up with!
Looking fabulous and so romantic here Debbie. Thank you for hosting x

Shelbee on the Edge
7 years ago

Debbie, I am loving this flower power look from head to toe! The kimono is so so gorgeous! I just stocked a bunch of new ones in Shelbee’s Shoppe! Now I need to get them photographed and posted on line! And I must apologize that I chuckled a little at your rant…I think because I was enlightened of this IG strategy about 6 months ago and my reaction was exactly the same as yours. I was like “Are you serious? People actually take the time to do that? Lure in follows then go back and unfollow?” Seriously, not only is… Read more »

7 years ago

What a fabulous combo of slip dress, and floral kimono, so soft and feminine!
I have heard about that instagram trend, it is irksome indeed!
I do think loyalty and decent behavior should be expected!
xx, Elle

Jaymie Ashcraft
7 years ago

That is the most annoying thing!!!! It just makes me laugh though, I’d never be able to remember who I’d follow and then go back and unfollow!! Ha!

7 years ago

The first thing that made me visit your blog via Jess’s link up were those gorgeous necklaces that I noticed on the photo. What beautiful pieces! And all your look is so comfy and relaxed and very pretty.

7 years ago


I too have just learned about the Instagram, Like, Follow, where they get you to follow them back then they unfollow you.
I’m too old to play games .
It seems the older I get the more authentic my friendships are with women, even the ones like you, whom I have yet to meet but hope to do so one day!

7 years ago

You look adorable. I still need to style my SAME kimono similar to what you’ve done here.

7 years ago

First up, I have companies reaching out to me all the time wanting to boost my Instagram followers where I post the content and they manage my followers using these exact same methods. No thank you. Also because these practices are becoming so common I do not follow anyone anymore unless I have engaged with them in some way through their blog or a style challenge. I don’t want to be used just to boost the following of someone else. Great theme choice for this month! Floral has been growing on me this year like never before. Your kimono looks… Read more »

7 years ago

I had no idea people do that on Instagram. It is rude, time-consuming and pointless. I try to make an effort to visit everyone that follows me too, both on Instagram and Insta Stories and all the comments I make are always genuine. Love that dress and I live by the same philosophy, if you like a piece buy more than one of it, get different colors/prints. Your kimono is stunning too (believe it or not I don’t own a floral kimono yet) and perfect for the Flower Power theme that you chose dear Debbie. I love that you are… Read more »

7 years ago

Yes, Instagram is becoming quite frustrating… Not only the follow/unfollow “method” but also the fact that it is usually done via a bot (including likes and comments). I have had some people I personally know do this to me (I realize they don’t realize this as they are using a bot, and it doesn’t feel good…). Having said that, I actually love interacting with people on Instagram, I just have to remember to ignore the silliness, or I get upset… I love your flower kimono with the pretty dress. And you jewelry is gorgeous. I bought my first kimono last… Read more »

7 years ago

You’re preaching to the choir here on both the IG strategy and florals. For several months now I’ve been using an app that helps me see who has unfollowed me. If I’m following them from a bait and switch ploy, then I promptly unfollow them in return. I adore your outfit and you look fabulous. The photos are awesome.


jess jannenga
7 years ago

Oh, Deb, I think there are so many annoying and rude strategies for IG… I get frustrated at it! I don’t understand that method either. I am going to follow someone if I see something that interests me, has a style I like etc… no alterior motive! Love the lace hem and the very pretty floral kimono on you.
thanks for linking!
jess xx

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. You look adorable in this outfit. The necklace is a perfect touch.

Dawn Lucy
7 years ago

Such a cute look, Debbie. And yes, I totally agree that it’s rude when IGers do this. Do you know they even have some sort of bots that follow and unfollow for them? I never unfollow someone who is following me (unless they do something totally annoying like posting 10 pics of their dinner in a row!!). 😉

Thanks so much for linking up and have a great weekend!

Dawn Lucy

7 years ago

I got so fed up of people on Instagram following and then un-following that I kept away for a while and stopped following people back altogether. I have just started back regular and still don’t follow people who follow me as I find it hard to check if the un-followed again. I need to get back into it again.

Love your dress and Kimono Debbie, thanks for sharing at the weekend bloghop

7 years ago

You reach new levels of gorgeousness with this outfit – I love the dress on its own but with the floral print kimono and turquoise jewelry, it’s just fabulous.
Thanks for joining the Fabulous Friday link up!

Daenel T.
7 years ago

I don’t follow someone just because they follow me. They have to fit into one of two categories:

1. We’ve interacted on some other platform
2. I like their content

That kimono is so pretty. Such a great theme for the month.

Scotti Cohn
7 years ago

Love the Flower Power ensemble! Apparently lots of folks “buying” followers on Instagram in order to boost them somehow in the feeds (?) I hate that. I do follow people back when they follow me, unless I look at their profile and posts and can’t relate at all, or if their account is set to “private” and I can’t see anything about them at all. I mean, really? I’m going to follow you? LOL

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