H&M / JCPenney / kimono / leggings / platform sandals / Sears / statement necklace / tank top / target

Floral Print Leggings & Pink Kimono: Stylin’ Like An Eleven Year Old

floral print leggings, pink kimono, black sandals


It’s no big secret that I do the majority of my clothes shopping in the junior’s department of whatever store I happen to be in. Or at Forever 21, which in my opinion should just be called “Forever Fabulous” because seriously, who would want to be forever 21? 

Okay, I need to get to the point. It’s that time of year again; yes, school clothes shopping has commenced. Not the “official” big shopping day, just a small reconnaissance mission to the local JCPenney. Since my daughter is only eleven and still about 3/4 of a head shorter than me, we headed upstairs to the girl’s department. Um, ya. Nothing fit. Lengthwise sure, but my baby girl developed a bootie among a few other things. Needless to say, Daddy is gearin’ up to do some gun cleanin’ on the front porch. I guess I should’ve expected it after the May shopping trip. So it was off to the Junior’s Department we went. As it is to be expected, we have similar taste in a lot of clothing. That being said, we both came home with a pair of these leggings. Hey, don’t judge me. So what? I’m wearing the same clothes as my eleven year old middle school daughter, I’m not seeing a problem with it.

All joking aside, a lot of women aren’t comfortable wearing clothes that younger women (or girls) wear. If this is due to their taste or personal style that’s fine. What I find to be truly sad is when a woman dresses in specific clothing because she feels she should at her age, whatever that means.  I know I’ve said this before on numerous occasions; hell, it’s the whole premise behind my blog, but seriously, wear what you love. Don’t let some arbitrary department/age division in clothing prevent you from wearing what is appropriate for you. If it makes you happy and you can rock it, then there’s not a reason in the world not to. Not even if you’re eleven year old is wearing the same outfit.

I mean really, did you get a good look at these floral print leggings? The colors are crazy gorgeous, how could I resist? I was immediately attracted to the neon-esque bright colors on black. At first glance one might not think you could do a lot with these, but the styling options are huge. How sweet are these going to look in the winter with tall black boots, a black and white striped turtleneck and cocoon cardigan? Or with chambray on top? Under my black midi skirt? See what I mean? Huge options my friends. While I love my pink kimono with denim, it was the perfect partner in crime for these leggings. I thought about going all black on top, but my undying love for the pink kimono won out.

Linking up with: Fun Fashion Friday, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style, Passion For Fashion, Favorite Fashion Friday, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Charming Friday, Friday Finds.

floral print leggings, pink kimono, black platform sandals floral print leggings, pink kimono, black platform sandals floral print leggings, pink kimono, black platform sandals floral print leggings, pink kimono, black platform sandals floral print leggings, pink kimono, black platform sandals

Leggings: JCPenney;  Kimono: H&M;  Sandals: Target (Old)


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9 years ago

Amen sister!


9 years ago

I agree! Wear what you love and look great in! There are a few things I wont wear, but it is because that is my personal choice – they look great on other women my age! So work what you have!! I love your bright colors here too! And I agree – forever 21 would not be good(: Susan

9 years ago

The leggings are so cute, I love the fun vibrant colors!

9 years ago

GORGEOUS outfit! The leggings rock with color and beauty, and echoing them with the cardi was inspired.

It’s foolish to conform to any notion about what’s “appropriate” for a middle-aged woman. We should choose clothes that appeal to us. There’s nothing wrong with wearing pieces an 11-year old might like. I see middle-aged women in F21 and similar stores all the time. The ultimate judge of style is our own minds.

9 years ago

This is such a fun outfit! I love the bright vibrant colors! You look fabulous!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

Gorgeous look! I Love these pretty leggings. Your pink kimono compliments them perfectly. There have been times I have seen things in the junior department I thought were really cute, but then hesitated on actually purchasing them because of the age stigma. Debbie, you are giving me the courage to give up that thinking. Thanks for linking up with Charming Friday and have a great weekend!

9 years ago

Would love to see F21 change to Forever Fabulous! Then I wouldn’t feel so out of place when I shop there .. lol.

No, wouldn’t want to be 21 again .. but would love to hang out in my 30’s forever .. lol.


9 years ago

lovely floral print, great idea for the summer!!

Susan the
9 years ago

This is a great outfit. Flattering to any figure. I love how you’ve accessorized. That is something I am not confident about so I notice it when I see it.

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

I just love that you bought the same floral pair of leggings are your daughter 🙂 Super cute. I have a son that is 9 and my daughter is 6… my daughter is my little mini-me, she loves watching me get dressed up for my outfits posts, put on makeup, etc. I really can see us doing the same thing some years down the road… lol! And, too funny about your husband needing to clean his gun on the porch! HA! I really love pink on you!


9 years ago

This outfit is FAB! I’ve been looking for a good Kimono for a while and have yet to find one!!!

Petite Silver Vixen (@petitevix)
9 years ago

That’s so cool you both bought the same leggings and why not? They’re fabulous, especially with the kimono and the statement necklace. And if you hadn’t had said they were children’s I’d never have known! Being 5’1″, I’ve occasionally bought kiddies – there’s no tax on them in the UK, so even better! And because I’ve diddlydiddy feet, in the winter time I even buy boys socks as they’re simply the best fit!

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Your we-should-wear-what-we-want attitude is just one of the fabulous things I adore about you, Debbie! I mean, did you see that fashion blogger shirt I wore?! I’m sure it was made for 11 year olds! Anyway, the floral leggings are fabulous and I can see you styling them many ways. I’m happy childless, but every once in awhile, it would be so fun to take an 11 year old shopping!! 😀

Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

Love this outfit Debbie, your leggings are great 🙂

Thanks for linking up ..

Mummy's Got Style
9 years ago

They are stunning and love your heels too, I really want to rock floral trousers, you’ve inspired me

Heather Wyancko
9 years ago

Forever Fabulous!… Hell yeah! I say it too… ‘Who wouldn’t want to be FOREVER 21?”
Kimonos are amazing… I would live it mine if I could.
Heather Wyancko

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