GAP / JCPenney / jeans / sandals / style tips / sweatshirt / target / utility vest

Floral Print Sandals & Boyfriend Jeans: Playin’ Hookie

floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, purple sweatshirt

Remember that feeling when you were a kid and you skipped school just to do something fun…


…it felt like the possibilities for adventure were unlimited and the time that you had for said adventures was limitless? Everyone else was confined to their daily routine, but not you. Nope, you were free. Free to do as you pleased for an entire day. That’s how I’m feeling right now. The husband and I both took a personal day from work and we’re playing hookie. We were talking about what we wanted to do and do you know what he suggested? Shopping. Yes, shopping. As if I wasn’t already crazy in love with the guy.


Jeans and a sweatshirt. Pretty much as basic as it gets unless you’re wearing pajamas. So how do you jazz up something that simple? Super bright floral print sandals will do the trick my friends. Throw in a borderline obnoxious flower statement necklace and you’re headed straight for nowhere near basic. Can I tell you that when I found these floral print sandals I may or may not have let out a little squeal? And then maybe I shed a tear when there weren’t any in my size? But thanks to the miracle that is the Internet, I did indeed score the size I needed. Apparently the fashion planets were all in alignment because miracle of all miracles, not only was the heel the just perfect “high, but not too high” height, but the strap hit just right on my jacked up right foot. The cherry on the floral print sandal sundae? They were comfortable all day at work. All day. No switching them out for flats by lunch. And since they were the just perfect height, straps in the right place comfortable slightly sexy sandal, you guys have to be able to guess what I did…yes, I ordered them in off white metallic and black patent leather. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times…multiples. If you love something, buy it in multiples.


Even something as super basic as a sweatshirt and jeans can be made special with the right shoes and accessories. Sure, kickin’ it in a pair of Chucks is a good thing, but sometimes you need to give your sweatshirt and jeans a shot of awesome. Why? Because a) it’s fun, and b) it freaks people out. It’s unexpected. It’s different. Anybody can throw on a pair of sneakers with a sweatshirt; only the bold girls rock fancy shoes and bling that can be seen from the space station with a sweatshirt. Live on the edge, be a bold girl.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt floral print sandals, boyfriend jeans, utility vest, sweatshirt

Sandals: JCPenney;  Vest: Target (Similar);  Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar);  Sweatshirt: JCPenney (Similar)

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8 years ago

Purple is gorgeous on you, perfect with the vest!

Amy Arnold
Amy Arnold
8 years ago

Love those fun shoes, specially with your bright top. What a pretty color!

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

8 years ago

Love your shoes Debbie, they are so me!!

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop…

8 years ago

Playing hooky should be a required element in life, sounds like you and hubby had a nice day! Love the magenta and olive and those heels are pretty!!

8 years ago

What a fun day! I always need a day like that! I call it a mental health day! Love this boyfriend jeans with your heels!
Stylin In St. Louis

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

And I’m the woman who doesn’t own a single pair of kicks, who wears only heels with her jeans 🙂 I’m also the woman who can’t stop laughing because you described it as a borderline obnoxious necklace HAHAHA love it, love the outfit, love you xoxo

p/s thank you, my friend, for always supporting my link-ups and posts, you are such a treasure

Kelsey Bang
8 years ago

that necklace is fantastic! great look!

hanna marie
8 years ago

Very cute look!

Michelle Orsi
8 years ago

Your shoes & necklace add such cute feminine touches to a casual outfit! Need those heels

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