floral t-shirt / floral tee / GAP / khakis / Payless / Poshmark / sneakers / statement necklace / target

Floral Print Tee & Khakis: Nothing But A Number

When I was a mere pup I remember hearing people say that age is nothing but a number. Being young and foolish, I thought that was something old people said to make themselves feel better about, well, you know…being old. But somewhere in my 30’s I realized that maybe there was something to it. And having recently turned 50, I know that there’s truth in the statement. It’s a fact of life that various bits and pieces are falling apart; I’m now absolutely blind without glasses, I need a foot surgery that I wouldn’t have needed at 21 and things ache for no apparent reason to name a few. The thing is, that in my mind and my soul, where it really matters I’m still and always will be a kid. The same silly and trivial things make me laugh, two of my favorite movies are still Joe Dirt and The Son In Law, I love chasing my dogs around the yard, and my IPhone has a sparkly glittery case. Over the years my style has evolved, but I can’t say that it has aged. And you know what, that’s okay. There is no arbitrary age at which you are required to wear orthopedic shoes or polyester elastic waist pants. My grandma did, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean that I have to. If people judge me, that’s their problem, not mine. Keeping with that line of thought, I’ve discovered two gorgeous women over the last few months who have become my heroes; definitely from a fashion standpoint, but also because of how they live their lives. The first is Dorrie Jacobson at Senior Style Bible. I follow her Instagram and Facebook page religiously and the same goes for @saramaijewels on Instagram. Both of these women are the epitome of agelessness. I strongly suggest checking them out if you’re looking for inspiration, regardless of your age.

I cannot get enough of this floral print tee from the Prabal Gurung collection at Target from a year or so ago. When I first scored it on Poshmark I wore it right away (here) and I’m still in love with it. I tried to get it at Target, but if you recall that collection sold out crazy fast and I sadly missed out. So now that I have it, I’ve been giving it the lovin’ it deserves. I’ll be honest, these shoes are of the faux variety. I have indeed started a little Converse collection, but I still have these from a gazillion years ago from Payless. They’re such a fabulous color I just can’t be a label snob and ignore them, am I right? Even though the tee is crazy bright I still threw in some pops of color via the belt and shoes. The olive khakis kept all of the color grounded so I didn’t look like I was collateral damage in a freak paint factory explosion.

Linking up with:  Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style.

floral print tee, khakis, sneakers floral print tee, khakis, sneakers floral print tee, khakis floral print tee, turquoise necklace floral print tee, khakis floral print tee, khakis, sneakers

Tee: Target via Poshmark;  Pants: GAP via Poshmark;  Sneakers: Payless (Old)

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9 years ago

I am just like you Debbie 🙂

Love your top and sneakers!! Great look.

Have a lovely weekend and thanks so much for linking up..

Maricel Edwards
9 years ago

Huzzah to your growing Chucks collection! So proud! And thanks for showing me another way to style this tee. I, too, own this beauty but am always struggling for a way to make it work because reasons. You look perfect in this ensemble. And finally, woots to your approach to age and numbers and dressing. I’ve actually been thinking along those lines meself as yet another birthday looms nigh. I’m at that stage where I literally have to do math to remember how old I am when people ask. LOL.

Maricel Edwards
9 years ago

Wait. Shut up! She’s 80?! 0_0 Will now stalk her blog. Religiously indeed.

9 years ago

I have to totally agree with you about age being a number. I think it is a mindset.( and I am not saying that cuz I am old! haha) Really, if I didnt have EDS I would be out there rock climbing, just doing everything I like to do. I used to tell my guitar students that were older that it is never to late to learn something new!

Love these bright colors on you Deb, yeah Poshmark, and the converse as well!

jess xx

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

I love your style and spirit and love that you do what works for you and makes you happy. This outfit makes me happy to look at it! Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday and have a fab weekend!
Dawn Lucy

Monika Faulkner
9 years ago

Have I mentioned before how depressed I am that Target has pulled out of Canada, dearest Debbie?? I realize that some designer collaborations (okay, probably MOST of them) probably sell out like crazy…but now that I have to cross the border for them…good luck, Chuck!! And speaking of chucks, this “faux” version you’re sporting definitely needs to remain part of your shoe wardrobe for the fab colour alone!! XOXO

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