floral print tee / JCPenney / multicolor flats / Poshmark / statement necklace / t-shirt / target / Uncategorized

Floral Print Tee & Neon Pink Cardigan: Poshmark Is Like Crack

Oh my, oh my…how easily I become obsessed. My newest obsession? Poshmark. Never heard of it? Check it out. Already a member? Then you know what I’m talkin’ about. It’s thrifting to the billionth degree. It’s Ebay for dummies. It’s the best invention in recent history. This floral print tee was one of the things I lusted over from the Prabal Gurung for Target collection, but sadly didn’t get because it sold out. It was $30 and I scored it for $6 and it’s like brand new. I have found so many crazy fabulous things while perusing Poshmark I can’t even tell you. My Posh closet is currently empty, but as soon as I have a minute to sort through things I’m going to start selling because it appears to be pretty easy to do. The buying part is easy, maybe too easy. See it, love it, buy it. Ya, because I needed immediate gratification like that. Hence, the addiction. I always knew I’d be a beast of a thrifter if only I didn’t live in the backwoods of nowhere and had a reasonably cool thrift store nearby. Now I do. In my phone. Outrageously awesome and dangerous all at the same time.

Like I said, this absolutely gorgeous floral print tee was originally from Target. What screams Spring more than crazy bright flowers? Nothing, except maybe crazy bright flowers with a neon pink cardigan and obnoxious shoes. The shoes are also from the Gurung collection. Funny thing about these shoes. Much like these boots they are a hit with boys between the ages of 11 and 14. Kind of a strange demographic don’t ya think? I almost didn’t wear a necklace, but this one caught my eye hanging on my necklace wall, and since it matched the turquoise in the flowers perfectly I threw it on. Worked out rather well I think.

Linking up with:  Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style.

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Tee: Target via Poshmark;  Cardigan: Walmart (Old);  Shoes: Target (Old);  Joggers: JCPenney (In-store purchase)

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JuggleMum, Nadine Hill (@Businessmum)
10 years ago

I love the colours you’ve chosen here and you look beautiful! A bright outfit always makes me feel better!

Maricel Edwards
10 years ago

Ah, thanks for the styling tip! I’ve been meaning to rewear my PG top but couldn’t think of how since it’s a tad bit too long and I’m not into tucking in right now. But with a cardi, I could just be convinced to do so. The shoes are adorbs! Are they comfortable? Run true to size? May have to Poshmark me a pair. Speaking of, be careful with PM – their return policy is kinda whack. In the middle of a case right now meself. But yes, I do love the adventure aspect of shopping there. It’s like thrifting… Read more »

10 years ago

I’ve never heard of poshmark but that sounds right up my alley! Going to check it out now. Love love love that pink cardigan – it’s so fun!

10 years ago

Haha! What was I doing before coming to your post. Shopping on Poshmark! I , Jess, have a problem.Itoo, am addicted to PM!! Great deals are to be had! Also fun getting packages. 🙂 I love the floral top on you the colors are so vibrant with your hair deb, and the lilac cardi is perfect as well.

from the link up,please stop by, jess xx
Hope to see you at my Link up Turning Heads on Tues March 17!

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Head to head wonderful and springy! I’ve got to check out Poshmark! Thanks so much for linking up with fun look with Fun Fashion Friday! Have a great weekend, Debbie!
Dawn Lucy

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

danger will robinson danger ( and who even knows what I am talking about, scy fy freaks like me) Warning to myself to stay off Poshmark or I could be in trouble. Love all the colour and those shoes yum

10 years ago

Yes, I’ve heard of Poshmark…I’m resisting it for just that reason. Too easy! :o) I already have PLENTY of clothes. I just picked out a super bright floral outfit for church in the morning, then I saw your outfit…great minds. :o)


Irene Papadopoulou
10 years ago

love this spring perfect outfit! love the shoes!


10 years ago

Love your shoes Debbie 🙂

Mummy's Got Style
10 years ago

Love this vibrant, bold look. You look fierce. Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

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