Boho Style / casual style

Floral Ruffled Mini Skirt & Graphic Tee: Weekly Randomness

Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.

Hola friends…


…It’s time again for weekly randomness!

  • School starts again in another week and a half and I think that the number one thing that I’m going to miss most is having my morning coffee outside. First thing, I get my coffee and find a seat at one of the many outdoor seating areas we have in our yard; whichever one happens to be calling my name that day. Then I just sit. I enjoy my coffee while feeling the warm breeze and the sun on my face. I watch the dogs do their dog things and just chill. It is seriously the most peaceful part of the day and I’m sad to see it go again for another year.
  • One of my pet peeves is misspelled signs; it literally makes me crazy. So imagine my chagrin when I saw this the other day:

Okay, I don’t need to say more, but I’m going to. Egregious spelling and grammatical errors aside, pumpkins?? Are you freakin’ kidding me? Who needs a pumpkin at this juncture in time? It’s still August for God’s sake…

  • How is it that the one single stealth tissue that stows away in the deep dark recesses of a pocket in some random item in the laundry always just happens to be in the load of darks? That’s purely rhetorical because the physics involved in this conundrum is and always shall remain one of life’s great mysteries.
  • How insanely out of this world cute is my new grandpuppy, Chloe? She already has her own Instagram account (check it out for cuteness overload) and is fielding collaboration offers. And the puppy breath? I absolutely love puppy breath and couldn’t get enough of her sweet little kisses…
  • And omg…this Buzzfeed list of things that we all saw at our grandma’s house when we were kids…so scary accurate. Piles of Reader’s Digests and wafer cookies anyone?


Of course I’m wearing the now omnipresent Freebird booties so I won’t bore you with the details yet again. The floral ruffled mini skirt though? Ya, I want to talk about that…and the perfection that is this graphic tee/tank top.

Target recently started carrying a new line called Wild Fable…yes, it’s a juniors line and no, I do not care. Like I always say, if you love something it doesn’t matter in the least where you got it from whether it be the junior’s department, the men’s department or the kid’s department. Plain and simple, if you love it, wear it. Anyhow, this cute little floral ruffled mini skirt is from that line. It’s perfect for the crazy hot days we’ve been experiencing and it will be equally as fabulous in the winter with tights, over the knee boots and a sweater.

When I pick up a graphic tee or tank top, the saying or graphic has to resonate with me in some way. With that in mind, this tank top is perfect. Three of my favorite things…weekends, coffee and dogs…although not necessarily in that order. My favorite pairing with a graphic tee is with a skirt of some sort so these two were perfect together. I also like a graphic tee styled under a blazer like I did here.


It does not matter where you shop. All that matters is how you feel in your clothes. If you feel like a smokin’ hot badass goddess then it makes not a bit of difference if your entire look came from Forever 21.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono. Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono. Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono. Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.Floral ruffled mini skirt, graphic tee and kimono.

Skirt: Target;  Tank top: Target:  Boots: Freebird;  Kimono: TJ Maxx (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I was just telling my husband that almost every cute dog has an Instagram account out there!! Those are the best posts to see in the morning!! And Chloe is bundles of goodness!!
I love the fact that we can shop where we want now…heck, who know that fact anyways?? It’s kinda like your size—no one knows that either, so stop obsessing over it…(in my humble opinion)!

6 years ago

What a darling puppy! I know you’ve mentioned your Freebirds before, but they are *so* perfect for you I would hope to see them in many, many more posts! <3

6 years ago

Chloe is so darn cute! We were going to name Zoe Chloe and then changed it at the last minute. Puppies…is there anything better in life? Nope.


Suzy Turner
6 years ago

OMG Chloe is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I wouldn’t be able to let her go, lol!
I HATE seeing signs that are spelt wrong too – in drives me insane! It happens a lot here in Portugal, mainly signs that have been translated into English. I always think, they’re spending money on a decent sign, why not get someone who knows the language to check it!?!
You look fabulous, as always. Love the addition of the lace duster (i just LOVE lace).
Suzy xx

6 years ago

I just discovered that Target collection – it has some cool edgy pieces I would def. try. Your floral skirt is perfection, but this week you are upstaged by the pup. (Never work with animals, they say in Hollywood). Love the Buzzfeed article too; stay fabulous. xox


6 years ago

Nice boots, but I want the puppy.

Daenel T.
6 years ago

Those boots are all kinds of fabulous! I’m the same way with graphic tees — the message or graphic has to be something that represents me. I almost bought a “Clueless” tee today.

Also it is way too soon for pumpkin anything.

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Oh that Pumkin sign has me laughing! Bless their hearts! But yeah, why are they selling pumpkins in August?
Chloe is adorable! How cute!
That skirt is so cute too and I didn’t know about Target’s new line. Love the lace kimono, the booties, the graphic tee – it’s all fantastic! Enjoy the last few relaxing days of break!

Bettye Rainwater
6 years ago

I just bought a Wild Fable dress! They come in plus sizes! I loved loved the dress! But the fit was off for me. So sad. So So sad. It was CLOSE…but not right enough to keep. But they do have a lot of nice things.

ohmygod that baby just stop. Does he have that lovely loose skin?


Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Oh I love the idea of sitting outside with a morning coffee – I should do that. Chloe is absolutely adorable!!! I have a Boston Terrier called Poppy – you can see her in my latest beauty video – stealing the show!!! Their faces are just too much aren’t they. Poppy is completely crazy, but we love her to bits. Love your floral shirt btw – I just got so distracted by your grandpup! xx

6 years ago

1. your outfit is so fun! I love all the mixed prints and textures, and the edginess of it all
2. OMGGGG PUPPPY is sooo cute! ah!
3. Lord, spelling and grammar really gets my goat too!

Hope you’re having a great week!

XO Sahra
Que Sera Sahra

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

Great look. I need tat T-shirt with cats. Love the lace kimono. Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup

jacqui berry
6 years ago

Gorgeous or what! But aren’t all dogs cute really – x I’m with you on the tissue front, how bloody annoying they can be. Grrrr!!! Thanks for sharing your lovely outfit, I love the lace long coverup. Jacqui Mummabstylish

Emma Peach
6 years ago

Absolutely gorgeous puppy! I was working with someone at the weekend who had a top printed with “If I can’t bring my dog I’m not coming”! I thought that was brilliant. I love your ruffle skirt and graphic tee together, and the sheer kimono is fab! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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