button down shirt / JCPenney / jeans / Kohl's / Old Navy / sandals / sundress / t-shirt / tee shirt

Floral Sandals & Men’s Button Down: The Moments That Take Your Breath Away


floral sandals, men's button down, white jeans

I won’t waste time complaining about the weather again, but I do want to point out that it was almost 75 degrees Friday, it snowed Sunday and Monday I was mowing the yard in shorts and a tee shirt. Just sayin’. I do want to tell you about something I witnessed this morning that made me love my job even more than I already do…


…One of my girls requires more help with every day skills than all of my other students. She has an aid with her all day except for first thing in the morning. One of my other students took it upon herself years ago to look out for her and help her with anything she needed help with. She meets her at the bus, takes her to and helps her with breakfast and then walks her to my room and gets her bag unpacked and organized. She actually started doing that when we were all still at the elementary school.

Today she wasn’t available to help and a truly amazing thing happened as a result. I have another student who has been with me the longest. I’ve had her since the third grade and she’s now an eighth grader. For those of you who haven’t been around for my stories, there was a period of time I taught at the elementary and then moved to the middle school last year; hence I’ve had the pleasure of having several of my kids for years. Anyway, this particular girl used to be a bit difficult back in the day. Even so, she’s super funny and I’ve always had a special bond with her. In particular, she has always struggled with social skills. She hasn’t always been the most pleasant person and had a predisposition for being, shall we say, snappish with others; both kids and adults. Since my life skills program started last year, I’ve had the opportunity to work all day, both directly and indirectly, on social skills and how to treat others. Since then, she has grown leaps and bounds.

As I said, today the girl who usually helps wasn’t there. The bell rings and in walks my student who needs a little extra help with my little ball of personality right on her heels. She helped her remove and unpack her bag, got her situated at her seat and even took out the girl’s glasses and helped her to clean them and put them on. My heart literally melted. Although it may not seem to be that big of a deal to an outsider, trust me, this was huge. I and the two other adults in my room kind of froze in place and held our collective breath while covertly watching. Oftentimes really fabulous and unexpected things will happen with the kids when they don’t know that you’re watching. I always compare it to when you happen upon a deer up close in your back yard. You can’t move; you can’t even breathe or you risk startling it and scaring it away. This was one of those moments. It was truly a beautiful thing…it’s not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.


Ahhh…yes, it’s the über fabulous floral sandals. Man, I tell ya, these little beauties make any outfit into a party. Take today’s outfit for example. A basic striped tee, white jeans and my new favorite shirt from my husband’s side of the closet. Simple? Yes. Plain? Perhaps. But throw on this floral color explosion for the feet and now my friends, we got somethin’ goin’ on. I mentioned when I first wore these a few weeks back, that due to the level of comfort and awesome I had ordered a pair in black and also off white metallic. It occurred to me Monday night that they hadn’t arrived yet. I called JCPenney yesterday and was told the off white was out of stock and the black pair had arrived at the store and were waiting for me. I went to pick them up…no sandals. No record of an order. W.T.H.?? They are currently attempting to track down the missing black pair, and oddly enough, the off white pair appears to be in stock online again…hmmm…


Don’t overlook the power of a pair of standout shoes. Seriously, I’m not playin’. A pair of shoes can make or break a look. Choose wisely my friends, choose wisely. Sometimes bright colors and unexpected prints will do the trick. Maybe a unique heel or a sexy lace up is what’s needed. And yes, sometimes a simple pair of Chucks are just what the doctor ordered. My typical plan of attack is go for the unexpected. The fancy heels paired with jeans and the Chucks paired with something dressy, but sometimes it’s as easy as adding a bright pair of shoes to a simple look. Don’t overthink it, go with your instincts.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans Ifloral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans IMG_2956 floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans floral sandals, men's button down shirt, white jeans

Sandals: JCPenney;  Tee: Kohl’s;  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar);  Shirt: Husband’s closet

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8 years ago

It is stories like this that make our job so worth it! And I love your stripes with those pretty floral sandals!

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

Awwww that’s wonderful, I can totally understand who your heart melted a little bit
LOVE the outfit – those shoes are fabulous! I just bought a killer floral pair too 🙂
Suzy xx

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

I love the look of your husband’s shirt as a topper to this outfit. And the sandals are absolutely gorgeous and totally make the outfit! And what a great story about your student. Things like that let you know that you have done your job well and that you have succeeded. Beautiful!


8 years ago

You always have the best stories.

LOVE the shoes!


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Great story—it makes you love the kids all over again!!
As for the shoes—you’re singing to the choir (ha ha) and I’m loving yours (of course! Do you get sick of me gushing over your shoes?—You have quite the collection!!)

8 years ago

Love the mix of masculine and feminine. You made it work so well together!

8 years ago

Such a lovely story Debbie, aww 🙂

Love this look, especially your sandals, they are lovely ..

Thanks for sharing at the Wednesday blog hop..

8 years ago

Can’t go wrong with a pair of statement shoes like that Debbie!

Come check out my latest collab with Los Angeles-based brand TOBI – I’m sure you’ll love it!!


Celia M. -
8 years ago

A wonderful story … children really are diamonds in the rough and with a little care , patience and faith ~ time will reveal their beautiful inner radiance. Love this look and the shoes are a brilliant finishing touch … Happy Thursday 🙂

8 years ago

I love a great pair of floral heels. They are perfect for summer.

Whitney Nic James
8 years ago

Another GREAT outfit! Love the heels too…so fun!


Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

Love the mix of stripes & those fun sandals!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


8 years ago

Sorry to hear of the missing shoes. That type of thing seems to be the norm for JCPenney these days. So sad to see what that company has become. Back in the day it was one of the stalwarts of Main Street.

Love the print shoes, though. Love them enough it might even be worth the hassle of trying to shop JCP.

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I can’t nail it, but this look is just awesome on you. Great styling, dear!

8 years ago

Once in ahwile I visit your blog and never leave a comment. But this story was so worth reading and I love your comfy chic style. Enjoy your Life!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

How did I miss this. What a beautiful sight that must have been, Debbie. I probably would’ve teared up. And then tried to hide the tears in case it made the little ball of excitement embarrassed 🙂 xoxo

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