Another motorcycle ride, another report from bizarro world…
You guys know that I always get good material when the hubs and I go out on the bike. There are just too many oddities and too much freaky backwoods weirdness around here for me not to see something that makes me think, “Um, what the hell?” I mean seriously, remember chicken camping?
As per usual, we were out in the middle of nowhere and we happen upon this field. I’m talking a pretty sizable field; as in a small herd of cattle would have plenty of grazing room. But are there cows in this field? Groundhogs? Emus maybe? Of course not. That would be too normal. It was filled with these miniature Stonehenge-like structures. Evenly space, covering the entire field, two to three feet tall stone structures as far as the eye could see. Hmmm…sacred cattle burial ground? Druid ritual meeting place? New age hillbilly party spot? Your guess is as good as mine my friends. Something to ponder though, isn’t it?
Of the outfits I’ve shot in the last week, quite honestly, this was not my favorite. But since my other two posts were jeans I figured I should mix it up a bit for ya and go with a non-denim look. The funny thing about this floral slip dress is it’s actually a summer dress and I haven’t yet worn it when the temperature was above 65 degrees. I’m not sure why. Maybe the colors just lean more towards Fall/Winter than they do Summer. Actually, when I posted it on Instagram the other day I referred to it as “Fall florals. The Morticia Addams edition”. Maybe I could wear to the next ritual event at the hillbilly Stonehenge.
A sundress can be multi-seasonal. Layer it under a cardigan or chunky knit or over a turtleneck or long sleeved tee. Replace the sandals with boots and you’re good to go.
LINK UPS: Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Dress: JCPenney (Similar, Similar); Cardigan: JCPenney (Similar, Similar) Moto Boots: Target (Similar, Similar)
Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card or Cash (via Paypal) – winner’s choice
Co-hosts: The Mommyhood Mentor ♥ Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog ♥ Prescribed To Fashion ♥ Live Life Naturally ♥ SWEET HAUTE ♥ Threads for Thomas ♥ Kentucky Charm ♥ ♥ Pieced Together ♥ MINCK | CO. ♥ Colour Queen ♥ Fashion Fairy Dust ♥ The Vera Story ♥ La Vie Petite ♥ Elegantly Dressed and Stylish ♥ Uncustomary Art ♥ Parenting Healthy
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 10/30 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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