boots / cardigan / dress / Grace and Lace / JCPenney / statement necklace / style tips

Floral Sundress & Convertible Sweater: It’s The Ride, Not The Destination

floral sundress, convertible sweater, combat boots

I’ve been putting a lot of thought into getting older lately…


…although I’m not sure exactly why. Maybe it’s due in part to the post I wrote last week on style over 50 or perhaps I’m just feeling hormonally introspective. Ya, I made that up. The ladies in the crowd know what I’m talking about though. Those occasional bursts of deep profound thoughts when you’re convinced that you just may be the second coming of Aristotle; that would be hormonal introspection. Makes sense, right?

Anyway, when I still touched by the bloom of youth, I was convinced that happiness was a goal; something one chased after. Once it was caught you would be happy. Every day. All of the time. Um, that’s not how it works. Besides, being happy every day, all of the time would be exhausting. And quite honestly, sometimes it takes a little misery to make you appreciate the happiness when it comes. It’s more along the lines of this quote “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.” That right there pretty much nails it on the head.

Yesterday at work my friends and I were talking about what has become one of my favorite parts of the work week. At first glance it’s a seemingly inconsequential period of about 10 minutes twice a week, but it’s so much more than that. Our school is participating in a sports program for special needs kids run by a local college. Three of my students are participating and two of the three are siblings. The two of them don’t have access to transportation to participate, so on Tuesdays and Thursdays my friend Tracey and I drive them home after practice. That my friends, is when the magic happens. We have so much fun just being silly on that short drive to their house. The giggling that comes from that backseat just makes my heart happy. The four of us riff off of each other like a finely tuned comedy team. I know that I will remember those moments for the rest of my life and I’d like to think the kids will too.

The point of all of this is, it really, truly is the moments that matter. Happiness isn’t the destination, it’s the ride. In this case, literally and figuratively.


The 90’s isn’t one of the most memorable decades in regard to style, at least in my opinion. One thing I did really dig back in the day was the floral dress/combat boot combo and I like to recreate it from time to time. The addition of the long almost gossamer knit sweater gives it a subtle Stevie Nicks vibe. So there ya have it; a flashback to the 90’s with a small side trip to the 70’s all in one outfit. The longer straighter line of the dress gives it a more modern spin though as opposed to the more babydoll/skater dress from the 90’s. And the sweater? Ah, but this is no ordinary sweater. It’s another one of those magical marvels from Grace and Lace. It’s called the “Two Fit Knit Cardigan” for a reason. It’s a lightweight slouchy pullover and then…flip the front over your head and…tada! It’s a cardigan. I swear, they are like the Criss Angel of clothing.


When revisiting style from another decade try not to be too literal in order to avoid looking “costumey”. Give a look from the past a modern twist either through a different cut (like the longer narrow skirt as opposed to a skater skirt) or through the creative use of accessories and add-on pieces.

Need a little help styling outfits of your own? Check out the Stuff N Style app. It helps you get your closet organized plus you can get styling advice from other users for pieces already in your closet. How cool is that? And take a minute to stop by the Stuff N Style blog for an interview with me by app designer Hanh Nguyen.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat boots statement necklace floral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat bootsfloral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat bootsfloral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat boots floral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat boots floral sundress, convertible cardigan, combat boots

Dress: JCPenney (Similar);  Sweater: Grace and Lace;  Boots: JCPenney (Similar)


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9 years ago

The print of that dress is so pretty!

9 years ago

It is most certainly a journey. Being seriously ill or having an ongoing illness also makes you appreciate the small things in life. Not the best way to go about it, but like you wrote, sometimes you need the bad to appreciate the good.

Well written post lady!

I love your introspective posts.

Also you look amazing in that dress. The colours are gorgeous.

9 years ago

Lovely dress Debbie, and looks great how you have styled it 🙂

Thanks for linking up..

9 years ago

I really liked that look .. the floral dress with lace up boots .. was one of my favs 🙂


9 years ago

what a surprise when i saw the boots! charming look! (: ♥ | xoxo

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

you look great and yes perfect blend of both decades

9 years ago

You are rocking this 90’s inspired look! I love the print of your dress and those boots!

Doused In Pink

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

You always write such great stories in your posts, love this about your blog! Always something inspiring, funny, etc. to read about here. That necklace is so pretty with that dress, it goes perfectly with the colors in it.


Jodie filogomo
9 years ago

Hey…I have those thoughts too—that I’m thinking like a long ago philosopher!!
But what is really crazy is that sweater…how perfectly fabulous to be able to convert it like that! It doesn’t seem quite that long on the website’s model—would you mind telling me how tall you are? jodie

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
9 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Floral on black background is so chic

9 years ago

I love seeing real women wearing fashion, it’s so much more powerful and actually speaks to me.
I’ve been thinking about living in the moment as well, in fact it’s the theme of my brand new linky which I would love to invite you to come and linkup at

9 years ago

Wise words. Many never achieve this insight. Having the right perspective is important. It guides how I live my life.

9 years ago

Great message in today’s post and I enjoyed seeing this look. I remember wearing the floral dress and military boots trend. In fact, I am looking for a pair of military boots these days. I totally agree with you about the 90’s not being very memorable fashion wise. Anyway, you look great and the styling was perfect! Thanks for linking up and enjoy your weekend, Debbie.

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

You are so wonderful Debbie for taking these kids to participate in the practices.

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


9 years ago

WOW that sweater is magic and I truly love that floral maxi dress. Amazing. This post was great. I love that quote (your title). It is so true. It is by far the little things that end up being the big and most important things. I will definitely check out that app (I need closet organization for sure) and your awesome interview, right now!

Always a pleasure stopping by here and catching up my beautiful friend!

9 years ago

Debbie, that necklace! You forgot to tell us about that too. Is there a story behind it? It is quite lovely.

All the other stories up above, from the drive, and the advice on happiness. well it’s all quite pleasing to read not to mention the outfit.

Thanks for coming over and linking to the Kremb de la Kremb Style Stories No. 12 Link Up.

Love, Ann

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