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Floral Top & Lace Vest: People Who Know Your Worth

floral top, lace vest, olive jeans

The best thing about getting older is the life lessons we learn and the wisdom that we gain from them…


…and I think the most important lesson I’ve learned over the course of my years on this planet can be summed up in this quote: “Be with people who know your worth. You don’t need too many people to be happy; just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.” It has been my experience that this applies across the board to friends as well as family. I can count on two hands, with a finger or two left over, the number of real friends that I have. And that is by choice not circumstance. I’m talking about people who are truly friends in the deepest sense of the wordThose who we can count on to have our back no matter what. The people to whom we can bare our soul and there is no judgement; no fear of it going any further than their ears. People who have seen us at our ugliest and love us anyway. When I was a pup what mattered most was the number of friends I had. Life was one big popularity contest. The thing is, more often than not, the more people you have in your social circle, the fewer friends you actually have.

There really isn’t much commonality among the women I count as friends. Most are around my age, but one is just a mere babe in her twenties. My best friend has been in my life for about forty years (no, that wasn’t a typo), and one of my friends is someone I’ve known casually for years, but only in the last year or so realized she’s a keeper. Some have a similar background to me, but others may as well be from another planet. Some work in education, others would take a bullet before being shut up in a room all day with young humans. The one thing that is common to them is that they are all fabulous human beings. I would trust them with my life. They make me laugh. They appreciate me for who I am. And I appreciate them right back. A few good friends beats a huge group of people you can’t really trust any day of the week.


Nothing special or fancy going on here. Just your basic jeans and top outfit. This particular floral top gets a lot of play. It might not appear so, but it’s actually super versatile. I’ve dressed it up with a blazer and skirt and worn it all year ’round although I’ve only blogged it a few times. It’s still not skirts with bare legs weather so while looking for a pair of pants I hadn’t worn in awhile I unearthed these olive cropped jeans that I haven’t worn since I don’t know when. Together they were fine, but I added the long lace vest to give them a little extra somethin’. Another little detail is underneath. The top is a tad low cut for work so I layered a black cage bralette under it. It gave me extra coverage with the added bonus of the strap detail above the neckline.


I know, I know…I often preach the value of layering. But there’s a reason for that. Layers are such an easy way to make a simple outfit just a little more special. As I said, the floral top and jeans were fine on their own, but the lace vest and cage bralette made the two less ordinary and more visually interesting. And doesn’t everyone need a little more visual interest in their lives?


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps floral top, olive jeans, black pumps

Top: JCPenney (Similar);  Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Pumps: Kohl’s (Similar);  Vest: Nordstrom (Similar)

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Sheela Goh
8 years ago

I am very much the same, Debbie. In fact, in Houston, neither my man nor myself have many friends. And that is by choice. Only birds of a feather can flock together, be that common thread a personality trait or a viewpoint, and somehow, we haven’t been able to connect with many. I personally prefer it that way. Like you, I can count on one hand the number of real friends in my life. And that’s perfectly alright. It’s been like that my entire life. It used to bother me as a teenager but not anymore 🙂 I’m equally comfortable… Read more »

8 years ago

This is such a pretty floral print, and I love the neckline of the top!

8 years ago

I was that way for some 24 years, with only one what I thought was a “true” friend. Turns out she wasn’t. Now I regret not giving a few other friends a better chance.

That is where blogging has stepped in and filled some of that void.

Love this long black crochet vest! I bought one almost the same about 5 weeks ago.


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Your thought reminds me of that commercial awhile back where the kids feels sorry for their parents that they only have 50 friends on facebook—yet the parents are the ones going out having fun in life!!
I totally agree that layering can make an outfit (yet there are times simplicity is key—although I have trouble doing those—ha ha)

8 years ago

Love the outfit. I have a hard time with army green and your floral top really makes everything fit together beautifully.


8 years ago

Nice look. The top is gorgeous, and the vest is cute.

Elements of Ellis
8 years ago

That is such a great quote and so true! I’d rather have a small group of great friends than a large group of kind of friends. I think as you grow up and everyone gets busy you realize who your true friends are who’s worth keeping in your life. Anyways, I love your black floral top! 🙂

8 years ago

Hi Debbie, I am same as you. I don’t really care for many friends in real life now. I have always been friends with a few at a time but I find that they are always nasty about others when they are not around so I know they do about me when I’m not there.

Love this look, your heels are beautiful, love the bows 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop..

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Real friends are rare and the ones you have need to be cherished, and it’s wonderful you cherish those you have. Acquaintances are two a penny.

I want those shoes! I actually thought the straps were part of the top and not the cage bralet. Love the colours of the top with the khaki.

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I love your outfit. I’d never thought that a lace vest would look so good with floral! Great style!

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

I don’t have many friends as well but the ones that I do have are there thick and thin.

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


8 years ago

I am definitely more careful about who I let into my inner circle these days and treasure those are there. One of those things we learn as we grow older. I am seriously Loving this look and thinking of how I can re-create it. 🙂

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

Debbie, this is so true and I do think it takes time and age to figure this out… Sometimes I see people on IG or FB and they have SO many friends, but really all that matters is the ones you can trust and love you at your best and worse. I love the zipper detail on your pants and the color goes great with the floral print on your top!


8 years ago

This is so true! I know a ton of people but only have a few close friends. I know we are there for each other through thick and thin and that’s what matters the most! The floral and lace is such a pretty combo!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

First of all… this outfit is tops. I love the colors, textures, and patterns. Totally winning in the “getting dressed” department. Next, I feel like I’ve kind of been on the same brainwave that you’re riding. Having disappeared from home to live in Europe for a few years, I had to leave a lot of people behind. Now that I’m back in the states, lots of my friends have gotten married and had kids and have moved on. It’s been interesting to see who will take the time to reconnect and who can’t/won’t. I think that’s just another sign of… Read more »

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