Boho / boho dress / boots / Charlotte Russe / Forever 21 / moto jacket / Pink Blush Boutique / skirt extender / vest

Floral Tunic & Denim Vest: An Excellent Adventure

floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots

It’s a funny thing, how our senses have the power to take us back in time…


…and I mean full-on back in time like you just hopped in the phone booth with Bill and Ted. For me, it’s smell and sound that are the strongest in regard to time trippin’. This weekend I was fast tracked back to the 80’s/early 90’s with a double whammy of smell and sound. I had to pick up some hairspray on my weekly Walmart run. In light of the fact I use very minimal hairspray (only on my bangs and only occasionally), it’s one product I have zero brand loyalty to. So on a whim, I grabbed Aussie Headstrong Volume Hairspray. When I got home I tried it out just to see what it was like…you guysss…it has that exact same sweet slightly grape-like scent from back in the day! Remember Aussie Sprunch Spray? Omg. I used that stuff like the government was about to ban hairspray.

Remember when you were young and clueless and your weekend nights were comprised of getting ready to go out with your girls all decked out in your best Madonna-esque outfit with an arm party of rubber bracelets, piled on makeup and your hair fluffed to the point you had to walk sideways through a door? And you reeked of Designer Imposters body spray and Aussie Sprunch Spray? Okay, maybe that was just me, but you get the idea. One whiff of that sweet grape smell and I was right back there baby.

The second trip in the phone booth (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure) happened Sunday. My husband decided to sort out and organize our cd’s (yes, we still listen to cd’s…don’t judge) and came across one of our all time favorites. As a matter of fact, I just repurchased it for him a couple years ago because we played the first one to death. Monster Ballads; it’s a compilation cd of all of the finest power ballads the 80’s had to offer. Hey, I’ve never claimed to have high end musical taste. Needless to say, we blasted it from beginning to end. Nothing says “80’s” quite like Whitesnake, Poison and Cinderella now does it? Was I sitting at the computer paying bills? No, I was the assistant manager at National Record Mart all over again. Come to think about it, I just waxed poetic about my National Record Mart days a few months back. Good times my friends, good times.


Yes, I’m aware the sunlight is a bit too bright, but you have to work with what you’re given. Know what’s ironic? I recreated this outfit Saturday because when I wore it Wednesday we were in the midst of the big winter storm/monsoon. Too much rain, too much sun…what’s  a girl to do? #bloggerproblems

I already have floral tunic dress in gray. I really love it and have been on the prowl for the navy version since last fall. The thing is, as soon as either color is in stock somewhere, it sells out like, instantaneously. I finally found it at Pink Blush, but alas, it’s sold out again. I topped it with my trusty and always versatile denim vest which nipped it in a bit. The chiffon extender gave it the length I needed to wear it as a dress, and since it was warm enough out, the otk boots sans tights were enough to keep my legs covered.


Most of the time I don’t concern myself with the loose flowy nature of tunic dresses. I like the comfort and I like the look, but I know a lot of people are overwhelmed by the thought of wearing something with so much volume. Hence, the vest. If you want to wear a loose fitting top or dress, but are concerned that all of the fabric will make you appear blimp-like, simply layer a vest over top like I did today or here and here. It gives the tunic some shape without having to worrying about the sleeve bunching that would occur with a blazer or jacket.

**I’m so having a stellar blog week! First, I made the Stylish Over 40 bloggers list at Not Dressed As Lamb, then to make things even better Jess at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish featured me in her “Spotlight On:” interview Friday. The cherry on the proverbial sundae? Ann at Krembdelakremb chose me as one of her Style Stories favorites. I’m feeling so blessed in the blogging world right now. Please take a minute to stop by and visit all three of these fabulous women!


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots floral tunic, denim vest, over the knee boots

Tunic: Pink Blush (Similar);  Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar);  Vest: Similar;  Jacket: Forever 21 (Similar)

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8 years ago

This is such a fun outfit, I’m loving it!

8 years ago

Lol, loving the Bill & Ted reference…excellent! Also loving that vest – I almost bought a denim vest last week and didn’t. I’m kicking myself for it now!


8 years ago

Oh, the sounds and smells that take us back to the good old days… 🙂 You have seriously been rockin that lace extender this season and I love it! Looking great and I liked the tip about the vest.

Linda A Cassidy
8 years ago

loving the outfit and please tell me these are old pictures cuz if not that means your snow is all gone and I am going to cry…. we are never ever going to be snow free I swear.
The vest is perfect over the tunic, really does help balance ( and I agree with Jennie on the extender, I really do need one)

8 years ago

I can really see you being the “cool record store girl” : )


Darlene Fadem
8 years ago

Congrats on all your blogging recognition! It is well deserved. 😉

8 years ago

Great style! lovely floral dress!

8 years ago

Wow! I’m in love with this leader jacket perfect on your floral dress

Sincerely, Jennie
8 years ago

Love this blast-from-the-past outfit but how it’s still on trend!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

I’m one of those who used neither spray nor fragrance growing up. I couldn’t stand them. But yes, the sense of smell is a far stronger throwback trigger than any of the other four. When it’s a whiff of Milo, I remember mornings cupping my red mug, gulping down the hot beverage my mum made for me, wearing my convent girl elementary school uniform. A hint of my man’s aftershave on his pillow and I remember all those years we spent apart in a long distance relationship, and how I’d refuse to wash the pillowcases for weeks after he came… Read more »

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Isn’t it great when you’re on a roll, blogwise? Congrats. I must pop over to Jess’s blog and read the interview. Oh, too many blogs to catch up on but I will! And thanks for your offer re the camera info. Will ping you an email.
Great tip about the vest over the dress. I’m on the hunt for a denim vest this year. Fingers crossed I’ll find one!

8 years ago

You always do justice to these flowy trapze floral dresses. And I love how you extend the length to them with the layering underneath. I love the combo of the denim vest with the stunning blue jacket. I need to try that. And yeah I have blogger problems too (mentioned them in my latest post… when weather doesn’t cooperate) and I have to re-wear an outfit just to take pictures of it. Third world problems I know. LOL Last but not least you are a great storyteller. I have never in my life used much hairspray but the way you… Read more »

8 years ago

Oh and I forgot to say that I loved that you were featured on so many blogs. Very well deserved I must say. I read your post at Ann’s blog and your shout-out on Sheela’s blog. =)

8 years ago

Love the deets… the ruffles, the flowers, the layers, Your moto jacket is a great color, and I am taking the advice of getting some blues and cobalts in my closet. Oh my gosh, I used to use Aqua Net with my girl friend, and our hair never moved!! haha.. taking me back Deb

Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Such a pretty dress, love the patten 🙂

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Reading this is like reading a who’s who of the blogging world Debbie 🙂 well done! Lovin’ the idea of the vest over the voluminous dress to damp it down a little – clever thinking. That blue moto jacket is like a favourite one of mine, therefore gets full marks from me too x
Anna’s Island Style

8 years ago

Loving this floral dress. So boho & pretty

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