boots / Charlotte Russe / floral print dress / target / Townhouse Boutique / tunic / utility vest / vest

Floral Tunic Dress & OTK Boots: Dog Life

floral tunic dress, over the knee boots

Please excuse the pug-a-bull butt….


…With the exception of one, it’s in every single shot. Every. Single. Shot. Apparently she found something profoundly interesting in that particular spot by the fence. That’s one of the 1,001 things I love about dogs. They find something that catches their attention and they are singularly focused; like a laser beam. They are in the moment. I mean, look at Macie. There I am, prancing around in the leaves and mulch like a fool (in a stellar dress I might add), not six feet away from her and she could care less. Because…There. Is. Something. Delicious. In. This. Dirt. And I love it. And I will stare adoringly at it until I can make it mine.  Oh yes, it will be mine.

Another thing I love about dogs? When mama was all done with her foolish human nonsense and headed for the house, Macie was right at my heels. All thoughts of the fence adventure were gone because her mama, who had been gone all day long (that’s like a week in dog time) was going in the house. And maybe, just maybe, there would be some couch cuddling. Because that is what a dog is truly profoundly interested in…love from their favorite humans.

Think about it for a minute. How much better would our lives be if we all would intensely focus on what we are truly interested in; what we truly love? And more importantly, who we truly love. And how sweet life would be if the highlight of our day was cuddles on the couch with our favorite human.


I am so entirely infatuated with this floral tunic dress. Ya, I know. I’m pretty much infatuated with all tunic dresses (Exhibit A, Exhibit B) at the moment, but I do have a special affection for this one. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the floral print being on a gray background; that’s a different spin on your typical floral print.

This is one of those situations where being elfin has a definitive advantage. On an average sized human, this would be a tunic, but on an elfin sized human it’s a dress. Good deal, right? I added no real embellishment other than my “everyday” necklaces and bracelets because seriously my friends, this dress does all the talking. The otk boots and military vest added just enough coverage to keep me warm in the ‘tween seasons temperatures. No leggings or tights required…at least not yet.


Dressing for the temperature at this time of the year can be tricky; it’s no longer hot, but not yet arctic. Tall boots keep your legs warm, while a vest (twill, fur, knit)will keep you toasty on top when a coat might be a bit too much.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more style ideas…

floral tunic dress, over the knee boots layered bracelets floral tunic dress, over the knee boots floral tunic dress, over the knee boots floral tunic dress, over the knee boots floral tunic dress, over the knee boots

Dress: Townhouse Boutique (Exact but different retailer, Similar); Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar);  Vest: Target (Similar)



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8 years ago

Love this dress on you, the colors are gorgeous!

8 years ago


Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago

Love those boots!!!!!! 🙂

8 years ago

I’m really loving those boots.

It is no secret I prefer dogs to humans, and you explained why so well.


8 years ago

I don’t mind the dog on the photos, not at all. This floral dress is a stunner especially with the gorgeous OTK Boots.

P.S. How tall are you?

8 years ago
Elements of Ellis
8 years ago

Haha! Love the doggie butt! Every time I try to get my bulldog to take blog pictures with me it’s a struggle to get him to point his head toward the camera instead of his butt. lol. Silly dogs! But your dress and boots are amazing!

8 years ago

Photobombing pooch (or bum-bombing in this case) Hahaha, So cute.
My dog does the same (often) or decides to jump up and ladder my tights (wee scamp).
It is nice to see another pair of OTK boots that I like….Sexy but not trashy, especially with that beautiful dress.
So feminine.

8 years ago

I actually would have never guessed about your dog in the background, but now that you say so I see him but it took me a bit to find him as my eyes drew to the outfit first. You look stunning!
Rachel xo
Thanks for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired me”
Garay Treasures

8 years ago

love the dress!beautiful boots

8 years ago

Dogs have it right and I agree, we should focus on what’s truly important more often! Your dress is gorgeous! Love the print and those fabulous OTK boots!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

Such a cute versatile dress, I love it! And I love the dog as well:)


8 years ago

“pug-a-bull butt”.. I was like W h a t ? Huh? And then I saw it in your photo’s and busted out laughing .. lol. Once in a while my cocker spaniel will be in the back ground. I just leave it for the humor as well.

Dress is really pretty. The print is perfect for fall.


8 years ago

You are serving up fierce in this outfit! I haven’t jumped on the OTK boot trend yet, but if I did I would totally pair them with a flirty dress like yours.

Hannah | The Outfit Repeater

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I love this look. With you I always have the feeling that there is no llok that you could not pull off.

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

How funny that your dog was so focused on that spot! Love those tall boots on you!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


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