brown boots / floral sweater / JustFab / / target

Flower Power And A Mullet

     I’m loving this sweater I recently purchased from  It’s lightweight, so it will be great for spring. Since the weather is cooler  I just threw a cami on under it.  I’m thinking my navy blazer will look fab over it for an additional layer of warmth.  I paired it up with my blue mullet skirt…so much more fun to call it a mullet skirt as opposed to a high-low skirt, am I right?  I went necklace free with this outfit.  I thought there was enough going on with the floral print and I didn’t want anything interfering with it.
     The problem I ran into was footwear related.  I needed boots to keep my legs warm since I wasn’t feeling tights that day.  Can I vent about tights for just a minute?  I. Hate.Them.  No, really. I do.  I do not like feeling confined and uncomfortable and if you google “confined and uncomfortable” I’m pretty sure tights would be at the top of the search results. Since I’m so petite, even small tights seem to go clear up to my neck once I get them on.  I could throw a blazer and belt over them and rock ’em like a jumpsuit.
     Anyway, back to the footwear.   My black boots didn’t look quite right and ankle booties weren’t an option because really, what good are warm ankles?  So, I went with the brown boots and I’m thinking it worked out pretty well.  They played well with the blue and gray and my legs were warm.  It was a win-win.

Linking up with:  Monday BloomVisible Mondays, and Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Sweater:;  Skirt: Target (No longer available);  Boots: JustFab (No longer available)

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Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I love that you went with brown boots. It’s unexpected.

I kind of like tights. They conceal that my legs aren’t tanned and perfect. Also they make me look taller. But putting them on or taking them off? Hate.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I thought the brown was a different choice. I do like the leg concealing part, but that doesn’t make up for the torture!
Debbie 🙂

une femme
10 years ago

What a fun top! Lookit you, rockin that mullet skirt. 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  une femme
10 years ago

Thanks! I am rockin’ the mullet…ha!
Debbie 🙂

josep-maria badia
10 years ago

How wonderful to look, I love the sweater and asymmetric skirt is beautiful.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  josep-maria badia
10 years ago

Thank you Josep!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

You are always making me click over to check out where you’ve bought something! On other blogs I think Ooo that’s nice then move on, here I say Oooooo *CLICK* (hurrying off to see that beautiful, but still comfy looking sweater)!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

And you’re the reason I always feel bad when I have to type “No longer available”!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

I really love your printed sweater! Such a great piece for fall and winter. I’d totally rock it with a flirty skirt (like you did) and then a pair of jeans and heels.
Nikki at

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Nikki
10 years ago

Isn’t it gorgeous…It will look fab with distressed jeans and heels!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

I really like that sweater! So bright and fun and I’m loving the print on front and plain arms (like the one I had on). It’s new and fun and fresh, right? I agree it will look great under a blazer and give it a completely different look. I think you are going to get a lot of wear out of it!
xo ~kim

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  popcosmo
10 years ago

Thanks Kim…the style is similar to yours. I definitely plan on getting lots of wear from it!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

Me too, loving the new sweater! And I agree with you that these boots are just right. Thanks for sharing your look with Vis Monday!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Patti
10 years ago

Thank you Patti…and thanks for hosting the link up!
Debbie 🙂

Mrs C
10 years ago

Ahhh… mullet skirt, so flattering! Looks wonderful with tall boots and sweater, best transition pairing!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mrs C
10 years ago

Yep….boots make everything more “fallish”. Thanks for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Love your new sweater and your skirt 🙂

Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays…

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Aww…thank you Claire. And thank you for always hosting such a fab link up!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

I love your top, it is so beautiful and totally my style!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Imogen
10 years ago

Thanks Imogen! You do look great in bright colors.
Debbie 🙂

Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

Looking very of the moment, and way cute … I like the look with the boots. How about adding a leather jacket? Gray, blue or boot-matching tan? Sorry about the tights. You shouldn’t ever have to wear them if you don’t like them!

Debbie Stinedurf
10 years ago

I actually did have a leather jacket on with this, but didn’t photograph it! I know, I agree about the tights, but a girls gotta stay warm!
Debbie 🙂

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