Boho Style / Work Style

Flutter Sleeve Top & Leopard Sandals: Weekly Randomness

Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals.

So many things happen in my daily life that either crack me up, make me go hmmm…or irritate me…


Oftentimes I think, “I need to share that on the blog” because you all have become like my personal posse of cyber-girlfriends. I want to tell you guys random stuff…you know, like when you send a meme to your bff’s at 11:00 at night simply because it made you crack up. Or is that just me? Anyway, I realized that oftentimes whatever that one thing was, it’s probably not enough to build an entire post around. Hence my decision to start doing a “Weekly Randomness” post starting today. It’ll be nothing more than a nonsensical list of my random musings and observations from the week before, in no particular order, for your reading pleasure. So without further ado…

  • Have you ever “lost” a contact lens in your eye? Well, I did…or at least I thought I did. I spent literally about 5 hours off and on freaking out while trying to find this damn contact lens in my eye only to discover it hiding in stealth mode on my bath mat, all dried out and sad. Um ya, I totally missed my eyeball and didn’t know it…dumb a$$…
  • It just might be a sign that I’m reading too much apocalyptic fiction (when I actually have both contacts in that is) when my first thought when the power went out the other day was, “OMG…the North Koreans fired off an EMP and fried the power grid!!” I actually texted my husband, my son and my bff and told them I thought the apocalypse was starting…happy to report, false alarm.
  • And then that very same night my most favorite apocalyptic movie, 2012 was on television…weird right?!
  • Few things are better for the soul than spending an entire afternoon with your bestie laughing until you almost pee your pants.
  • Another thing that is good for the soul is sitting outside at night and listening to the tree frogs. It’s like this nonstop rhythmic lullaby. Seriously though, w.t.h. are they talking about? How do frogs have that much to say to one another? Are they discussing where to find the juiciest mosquitoes? Or maybe where they’re planning to spend Winter this year? What I ask you, what??
  • Did you see this news article about the justice system in South Fulton, GA? It is comprised entirely of black women. So cool. Definitely worth the read.


This is another outfit from the last week or so of school. You might find it hard to believe, but the fab taupe flutter sleeve top is a Walmart score. Is it not adorable? It comes in a bunch of really pretty colors and it’s under $15 which is a pretty sweet deal. I mentioned awhile back that they were really kicking up their fashion game, and there hasn’t been a time recently that I’ve been there and not found about five things I wanted.

I paired it with my lightweight black slouchy pants that I’ve had for a few years. I’ve worn these poor things almost to death, but they’ve still got some life left in them. The leopard wedges I’ve also had forever and I still love them. They work with so many things and the wedge heel makes them comfortable for all day wear. They’re also super cute in the colder months with a pretty pair of socks. All in all it’s a pretty basic look, but the details on the top (the embroidery and tassels) and the standout wedges work to make it a little more than just basic.


I know style isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Walmart, but don’t disregard them when it comes to fashion. Walmart has definitely come a long way and is worth a second look for style on a budget.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals.Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals. Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals.Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals. Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals.Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals. Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals. Flutter sleeve top, black pants, leopard sandals.

Top: Walmart;  Pants: JCPenney (Similar);  Sandals: JustFab (Similar)


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6 years ago

First…you are totally right about Walmart!! And it’s smart of them to up their fashion game. They are probably tired of being second fiddle to Target when it comes to fabulous clothes!!
But I’ve totally done that when I was wearing contacts….along with many other crazy things….i remember once finding it on my shirt?

6 years ago

Oh man! Have you ever had your contact turn into a taco (fold in half) and literally get stuck under your upper eye lid?? This has happened to me more times than I want to talk about. The first time actually had me asking my husband if it was possible for it to get behind my eyeball! I’ve managed to always get it out without scratching my eye in the process. Win!

I enjoy your thoughts on life and this list of random was a fun read! This should definitely become a regular type post!

Reply to  Teri
6 years ago

Omg no…I’ve thankfully not had that happen yet! I’m glad you liked the post…I definitely think it’s going to be a regular thing!

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

OMG I LOVE 2012 too!! And all things apocalyptic – well, movies and books that is!
You look gorgeous, that really is a pretty blouse and cool that you found it in Walmart. When I was in the States, I loved Walmart lol. It’s so BIG lol! And it sells… EVERYTHING!!!
Suzy xx

6 years ago

I’m glad you were wrong about the apocalypse -ha! That Walmart top is stunning, the tone-on-tone embroidery really makes it look more sophisticated. I never think to look at their clothes–I’m usually trying to get in and out w/o getting exhausted!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Yes, I read the article about South Fulton and the all black women serving! Awesome! I am impressed with your WalMart find and I will make a stop to check out their fashion. Love your randomness – def made me smile! Keep’em coming!

6 years ago

I’m crazy about this new post idea! We get to know you better and knit the community closer. I too love apocalyptic movies, and just saw Blade Runner 2049. I liked it, it provided lots to chew on, and lots of Ryan Gosling closeup. : >

Great look with your new top and fab lace-up shoes, xox


Reply to  Patti
6 years ago

Thank you Patti! I thought it would be a fun way to share little snippets from my life. Another apocalypse fan…yay! I just can’t resist a good end of the world story…

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Can I start with ‘tree’ frogs. You have frogs in your trees..?! That’s made my day! Love you random thoughts – looking forward to more! Great outfit. These trousers are my favourite style at home xx


😂 Yep…they are the cutest little green frogs…and man are they noisy! You can’t beat a super comfy pair of pants!

6 years ago

I went as far as going to the Optician to search my ’empty’ eye for my lens. Jeez – it was at home on the bathroom floor! Great top and very cool shoes! Lise

Reply to  Lise
6 years ago

Okay…now I don’t feel so bad…😂

6 years ago

Eek, I have never worn contact lenses Debbie but now I that that lost n eye feeling. Glad to hear you found it! Lovely photos Debbie and outfit 🙂

Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow 🙂

6 years ago

Lol 😂 This post cracked me up. I don’t wear contacts but my hubby does and this has happened to him and as the supportive wife I just roll around laughing! Not so fun for you guys but trust me, it’s pretty funny! I sent my bestest gf all my random thoughts. It makes the experience a lot more fun that way. Regarding NK my hubby is also all about that! He just heard a ramble the other day and he thought it was NK! Love those leopard wedges! So unique and of course, anything animal print is always a… Read more »

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

very chic in neutrals. The sleeves are cute. You really rock them.

Emma Peach
6 years ago

I love listening to tree frogs, the sound always reminds me of Barbados. I’ve lost contact lenses in my eye and even managed to put two in one eye once! Lovely outfit, the shoes are fab! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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