chambray shirt / Chaos NY / frog graphic tee / graphic tee / JCPenney / Kohl's / lace pencil skirt / statement necklace / target / Uncategorized

Frog Graphic Tee & Lace Skirt: Chaos NY Collaboration & Discount Code

I was approached a while back by a fabulously cool little boutique in New York called Chaos NY which I had first discovered on Instagram. They carry a cool eclectic mix of items from all over the world. Their mission is to provide colorful chic looks to women everywhere. One of the things that I love about them (aside from the one of a kind gorgeous items) is the fact that they support artists from all over the globe as well as women’s cooperatives in South Africa, India, and South America. They believe in women supporting women and I am all for that.

They offered me a choice of several items and believe me, it was hard to choose. But of course, being me, I went for a graphic tee. And not just any graphic tee…a frog graphic tee.  I’ve mentioned before my love of poison dart frogs,and while this wasn’t a poison dart frog it was close enough to make me happy.  I couldn’t have been more pleased when it arrived. It’s super soft and loose fitting. It will be perfect even when the temperatures warm up because it’s so lightweight.

I couldn’t wait any longer to wear it, so I had to winterize it by layering it over a chambray button down. And of course I had to pair it with items you wouldn’t expect; a lace skirt and blinged out necklace. I got tons of compliments on it at work. I mean seriously, who wouldn’t love a giant frog on a t-shirt? It will look super cute with my denim boyfriend shorts (ya, I know you all can’t wait for the return of the ever-present summer boyfriend shorts) and Converse once the temperatures reach a level that human beings are able to be outside in without losing body parts to frostbite.

Because I love and appreciate you all so much (and you know that I do), I have a discount code so generously offered by the fine ladies at Chaos NY. From now until March 23rd, enter code FAIRYDUST30 at checkout and receive 30% off. Yes, you read that right…30% off!! So, what are you waiting for? Head over there right now and pick up a unique, hand-crafted item for yourself!

Linking up with: Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday at Mummy’s Got Style.

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Tee: c/o Chaos NY;  Skirt: Target (Old);  Pumps: Kohl’s (Old)  Coat: JCPenney

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Caro | The Twinkles Momma
9 years ago

LOVE that necklace! Absolutely fab! I’ve been wearing a huge necklace recently, over tees and jumpers, and it looks amazing! It’s something I wouldn’t have done years ago! x #Fashion Friday

Caro |

Maricel Edwards
9 years ago

That frog is FABULOUS! I love the graphic and the color! This must be my newest Mad Hunt then – animal tops. Heck, I already have a bunny; why not a frog? You look terrif in this winterized version but I can’t wait for summer for you coz I wanna see it with Chucks for sure!

9 years ago

The frog top and lace skirt are so pretty and fun. While that masculine-inspired gray coat is gorgeous, Debbie.

Have a great weekend, hun!

9 years ago

Love your frog top Debbie, you styled it perfect 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Isn’t Chaos NY fabulous and fun? Love it! Your frog shirt is totally cute, funky, and fun. Adorable, Debbie! Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!
Dawn Lucy

Mummy's Got Style
9 years ago

Looking fab! Thanks for linking up!

Margaret Dallospedale
9 years ago

I love this look!The top is amazing! I’m loving your lipstick color, looks so great on you!
Happy week end beauty!!!
Maggie D.
Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

9 years ago

Beautiful skirt…

9 years ago

Ahhh not to forget the coat from last photo is looking great also.

9 years ago

You had me at Frog! Clicking over now…


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