That my friends is the question…
…what does fashion at a certain age, or any age really, look like? This question has been written about and then written about again. I think it’s probably safe to say that most of us in the over 40/over 50 style blog niche have written about it or at least touched on it at some point. It’s a question I come back to time and again, because it is after all, the foundation of my blog. It seems to be a never-ending debate and quite honestly, I don’t think we can write about it too much or too often. It needs to be shared with our friends, shared with strangers, shouted from the rooftops; it is whatever we want it to be. The fashion and retail worlds need to get it, the media and advertisers need to get it, society as a whole needs to get the fact that we can wear what we want, when we want and how we want to wear it. If you feel beautiful in something that you bought at Forever 21, then why shouldn’t you wear it? For that matter if you find something that you think is fabulously cool in the Alfred Dunner section at JCPenney, then rock on with your bad self.
I read an article yesterday that said a woman in her 40’s or 50’s should not wear the following:
- Big necklaces
- Anything leopard print (seriously, anything?)
- A lace dress
- Too much red at one time (a “smattering” is okay…um, what?)
- All black
- Distressed boyfriend jeans
I give you Exhibit A:
Apparently outfit 1/2 (original post) just might get me locked up in a mental facility. I had the audacity to wear a big necklace and leopard print. Oh, the humanity… Outfit 3 features the apparently socially unacceptable lace dress (original post). Outfit 4 showcases the terrifying effects of wearing too much red when you’re a 50 year old grown ass woman who should know better (original post). Bonus points because I’m certain faux leather leggings are on a list somewhere of things I shouldn’t wear. And outfit 5? Well, that all black look is just a travesty (original post).
And here’s the thing, in my opinion at least, I don’t look unattractive or dressed inappropriately in these outfit. I don’t look like I’m dressing too young or trying to be something that I’m not. Maybe others see my outfits differently, but I could care less. Some of what I’m wearing comes from Forever 21 and Nasty Gal; and no, I’m not ashamed of that, nor should I be. My point is no one has the right to tell us what we can and cannot wear. No. One. What you choose to wear gives you power; it’s part of your identity. You know what you feel good in, what you look good in. Follow what you know, not what someone else tells you is right. I’m all for learning new tricks to style things differently; I’m a sucker for any article with “How to style…” in the title or an article that gives me fresh new ways to do something I already do or maybe something I’d never thought to do. Those kinds of articles aren’t telling you what to wear or not to wear. They’re simply giving you ways to wear it better, and I’m all for that. That’s why when I offer up style tips they are merely suggestions of ideas you can try with things you already wear. They are not “rules” designed to make you feel badly about your sartorial choices.
I saved the final horror for today’s outfit…a woman over 40 who is insane enough to wear…are you ready for it? Distressed. Boyfriend. Jeans. And oh…my…God…they are layered over leggings. Yes, I’m a card-carrying member of the “I wear distressed boyfriend jeans over 50” club. And damn proud of it thank you very much. I’m not stupid though; it was freakin’ cold out so I layered them over black leggings. The sweater is one of those chunky delicious funnel neck sweaters I scored at Joe Fresh for under $10. It’s unfortunately sold out, but why wouldn’t it be for under $10? The fur vest I got roughly 1,001 years ago at Express and it’s still going strong. The boots stirred up quite a ruckus on my Instagram feed. People loved them. You know what’s cool? They are just a plain gray/taupe slouchy boot that never looked quite right and I had worn them maybe once. I was going to donate them, but then I got the genius idea of adding long leather laces wrapped around the shaft. And bada boom, bada bing…a boot I love. Sometimes a little tweak to something you don’t exactly love is all it takes to make it fabulous.
I’m all for cleaning out your closet and doing away with the things that you don’t love. But make sure to look over each item and decide whether or not there might be a slight change you can make to it that will make it worth keeping. Think adding laces or new laces to a pair of shoes or boots, changing the buttons, knotting a too long skirt or top at the hem, cutting the sleeves and neckline on a tee. I’ve even used a necklace to bling up the shaft of a pair of boots. You’ll only be limited by your imagination.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Sweater: Joe Fresh (Similar); Jeans: GAP (Similar); Vest: Express (Similar); Boots: Similar
Prize: $500 Nordstrom Gift Card
Co-hosts: TonieGirl // To Be Bright // – a lifestyle blog // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // The Mommyhood Mentor® // Krystal’s Kitsch // Sand, Sun, & Messy Buns // High Latitude Style // Peyton’s Momma //Threads For Thomas // Tailored and True // LeHoarder // Fashion Fairy Dust // Cityrocka’s Accessories and Celebrity Gossip Blog
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 3/7 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.
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