duster / JCPenney / Old Navy / sandals / shorts / style tips / target / vest

Gauze Duster Vest & Lace Tank Top: The Return Of Shark Week

gauze duster vest, lace tank top, wedge espadrilles

I’ve debated with myself many times over writing about this topic because, well…you know, it’s kind of personal…


…but truth be told, it’s probably less personal then the voices in my head or how I came to have my beautiful daughter. So, what the hell is the deal with this menopause crap?? Seriously. See, personal. But not really because it is or will be affecting each and every one of us who are of the female persuasion. Men don’t have to put up with any of the hormonal crap that we do. First there is boobs and periods and all of the physical pains and moody angst that go along with it, then pregnancy and childbirth and now…this? C’mon…you have got to be kidding me. I actually started having issues around 40; right around the time I had to get bifocals. Ya, 40 is a magical age.

Things got all irregular and erratic and well, haywire. Nothing for a month or two then all would be regular for months on end, but with the addition of zits the size of an extra head. Bloating to the point I could have gotten away with parking in the special spots at the grocery store for pregnant women. Then, bam…a period that would last for a month. I kid you not. A month. And hormonal moodiness that was absolutely off the freakin’ hook. If the wind blew the wrong direction it would piss me off. Fun times my friends. Fun times.

Finally, about six or seven months ago things seemed to have wrapped up. No more uterus ninjas, no more shark week, no more homicidal mood swings. Ahhh…yes. Peace had come to the land. But noooo…. About a week ago the girls were in so much agony I had to sleep in a sports bra; any of you who have been around awhile know of my undying hatred for bras and tights. So me sleeping in a bra is headline news. I haven’t had pain like that since I was pregnant. Then a ginormous painful zit showed up on the side of my nose. And the last two days, horror of horrors, coffee started making me nauseous. Wait, what? Let me explain. I suspected something was up when I was pregnant and didn’t yet know I was because simply the smell of coffee induced a gag reflex. Don’t be silly….I knew I wasn’t pregnant. But I did know that my hormones were off the hook again. More off the hook then they have ever been with the exception of pregnancy. Yep, shark week returned. After seven months of blissful normalcy. That ain’t even right man.


This gauze duster vest is yet another swimsuit cover up that I repurposed as a top. Honestly, it feels a little predictable over the lace tank top, but I was having one of those days. You know those days where you just can’t put an outfit together to save your life? Nothing looks right and you’re totally uninspired. I don’t know about you, but usually those days occur when I’m hormonally challenged so it makes sense. Anyway, to tone down the girly girl vibe I threw in the distressed denim shorts. The sandals are probably my most worn wedge sandals from the now defunct Colin Stuart line at Victoria’s Secret. While the gauze duster vest will indeed make a fabulous swimsuit cover up, you know I ‘ll be layering it over sweaters and such once cooler weather rolls back around.


I know I’ve said it before, but be on the lookout when you’re shopping or in your closet for items that can be repurposed for different uses. That way you get more bang for your buck and more versatility in your wardrobe.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals gauze duster vest, lace tank top, espadrille wedge sandals

Duster: Target;  Top: JCPenney;  Sandals: Victoria’s Secret (Similar);  Shorts: Old Navy



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Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Oh Debbie, I sympathise. I’m going through the menopause at the moment and I so understand about the boobs being painful. Mine was really sore last week. Horrible isn’t it? I think it can be really hard for men to understand (and some women if they sail through it). And I’m suffering insomnia too! Fortunately no hot flushes or night sweats so I’m grateful for that!
I hope you have a better week.
I don’t think your duster looks predictable. It absolutely suits the outfit – it really makes it especially with the wedges.

Erin Haigh
8 years ago

Oh dear GOD woman I’m knocking on 40’s door (March 9th is d-day) and now I’m scared hahahaha but I digress….on to better things: this duster is EVERYTHING! I have been contemplating the duster look but feared I was too short but if I’ve learned anything from you….#IWearWhatIWant so I’m gonna hit Tar-Jay next week and pick a few up…..loving you..erin

8 years ago

Ugh, that sucks! I hope you feel better soon! Love the outfit!

8 years ago

Our bodies do strange things, especially as we age. Hang in there. The menopausal crap passes and then it’s smooth sailing.

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Ugh, Ugh & double ugh Debbie!!
I mean it’s not death but how about a little normalcy, right? (you’re sure you’re not pregnant?–ha ha)
I definitely have learned your tip—trying to see clothing as double (or triple) duty is fun & economical!!

8 years ago

Not to worry, you will be free of this drama soon. . .Now lets talk about that fabulous easy breezy outfit you are wearing. You look so girly and cute, no one can even guess your age here and that duster is TDF.

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

I love this outfit, Debbie, and I feel your pain. I mean, I really feel it! 40 is like a magical number! For my 40th birthday, I got high blood pressure! Yay! My last visit to the eye doctor at 41, he said no bifocals yet, but probably at 42. I turned 42 3 weeks ago, so the next eye appointment I’m sure will end with bifocals! And the erratic, hemorrhaging has become the norm for me. It seriously is the grossest thing ever. And don’t talk to me about zits! My God! I always have had fairly nice, clear,… Read more »

Andrea Nine
8 years ago

Ugh, Damn hormones! I too just want to be done with it all. For me, it started going downhill at 43. My dr. Says I am peri memopausal but it feels like more….stupid hot flashes!! So sorry my friend, prayers for this hormone yo yo to be gone!!! On a happy note, you look like an Angel!! Love that whole look!!

8 years ago

Well, Debbie, I think you look beautiful ~ you’ve sorta become my style muse. I’ll be 55 in August and it was just this past year that things finally started to calm down. I haven’t even had a night sweat or hot flash in months. Of course now that I said that…

8 years ago

what a beautiful and unique duster! i love this look on you!

cute & little

8 years ago

I love the statement that amazing duster makes with your top and shorts! I would’ve thought dusters are only for cooler weather, but this all works together beautifully!

8 years ago

Absolutely stunning! Thanks for linking up with us

8 years ago

Ugh! Those crazy hormones! Hope things calm down soon! On the brighter side, I love your pretty duster styled with the edgy shorts! This is the perfect summer boho look!

Doused In Pink

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

What a gorgeous flowing top and it looks like it is nice and cool for the summer, too!


8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style

8 years ago

I love the idea of a long delicate duster with shorts .. such a cute addition to the summer wardrobe.


8 years ago

Deb this is a pretty and romantic look, love the duster on you with the lace top.Pretty pics! As far as hormones go. I have always had a week where I had to lay in bed, but now, I see some of those signs, the body overheating, etc etc, isnt it something to look forward to! Well, hope those hormones calm themselves down for u.
hanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday!
jess xx

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

I am going to be 44 in a few weeks and I am so not looking forward to menopause. It hasn’t affected me yet but I started using reading glasses a few months ago. I love this summery outfit and love the forest location making look so mystical.

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


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