Work Style

Gingham Shirt & Floral Print Dress: Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review Pt. 2

gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest

Can I start by saying how incredibly strange it is to color hair when it’s not attached to your head? Or anyone’s head for that matter…


…Ya, it was awkward to say the least. Not to mention washing it and then curling it while it’s hanging from a pants hanger. Awkwardness aside, I can’t tell you how super pleased I was with how the color came out on my Irresistible Me hair extensions. As I said in Part 1 of my review, I did the color myself and even with all of the experience I have I was a little bit nervous. Of course I did a test on one of the single clip strands first and since it turned out so beautifully I went ahead and did all of the pieces that my stylist had cut to match my hairstyle. The extensions I had chosen were the Royal Remi extensions in Royal Honey Blonde. I had planned on applying the red and lightening the tips a bit to match my red/blonde ombre. I didn’t do the red solid; I left small pieces honey blonde so that it would have dimension. When all was said and done the honey blonde tips worked with the blonde in my own hair so I didn’t lighten them further.

I clipped them in myself before going to work, and honestly it only added about an additional 5 minutes to my morning routine. I was able to get them anchored just about as solidly as when my stylist did them with very minimal fuss. I wore them all day at work and they weren’t at all uncomfortable. Keep in mind I have a sensitive scalp and ponytails or headbands will give me a headache, so I was really pleased with how comfortable they were. The only problem for me is that I have a habit of running my hands through my hair pretty often and that wasn’t something I was able to do. But that’s just one of my weird little mindless habits; it wouldn’t be an issue for most people. I had compliments on how nice my hair looked, but no one noticed I had the extensions in. And not once did anyone stop me to tell me Whitesnake called looking for Tawny Kitaen. I gotta say though with all of that fabulous smokin’ hot hair I did feel like bustin’ a move on the hood of David Coverdale’s car.


Maybe I’m being a little full of myself here, but I have to say this is definitely a master level print mixing layered masterpiece. The gingham shirt and floral print dress were made for each other were they not? Although I was pretty sure the dress was made for Converse when I styled it more casually the last time I wore it. The same goes for the gingham; the look was more casual on it’s last outing. A gingham shirt is a fresh alternative to plaid and it works so well with other prints. Initially the utility vest was purely functional…remember this is northwestern PA where you need your car heater in the morning and the air conditioner in the afternoon. Once I had it on though, I liked the way the more masculine vest played off of the girliness of the dress and gingham shirt so I kept it on all day. The mint green neckbling picked up the hint of mint (like how I rhymed there?) in the floral of the dress just enough to highlight it, and the pink sandals echoed both the gingham and the floral.


You can tone down on overly feminine outfit by adding a more masculine piece as a counterpoint and vice versa.

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest Irresistible Me hair extensions gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest gingham shirt, floral print dress, utility vest

Gingham shirt: Sophia Kaye Boutique;  Dress: Poppy and Dot (Similar);  Vest: Target

Disclosure: Hair extensions were provided c/o Irresistible Me. The opinions expressed herein are my own and not indicative of the opinions or positions of Irresistible Me.

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9 years ago

That dress is gorgeous and I love it layered with the Pink Gingham Shirt and Olive Vest over it. Such an unique look. As I have told you, the way you layer your dresses amazes me.

Oh and we totally should do a Bohemian Look. Perhaps the second look of October? Let me know, what you think. =)

9 years ago

What a gorgeous (sophisticated) outfit! And you’re right about mixing masculine and feminine pieces. I don’t know about hair-extensions so it’s interesting to read about your experience.

9 years ago

Gah! I love all of this : ) Brilliant pattern mixing! You are a super colourist! They turned out fantastic! And you saved yourself $. I was told to curl the extensions when they are in my hair. I think I should do like you though and curl them alone. It’d be easier. How many pieces have you added? Did you use the really large one? I find that they are painful for me after about 3 hours. I guess that is my FM. I find them a bit challenging to put in as well since my hair is so… Read more »

9 years ago

Wow! My hat is off to you for this work of layered wonder! I’m speechless! You’re a pro!
: signe :
: the daily savant :
Emerson & Oliver Dia Bracelet GIVEAWAY

9 years ago

Yep, print mixing on point.

9 years ago

…and OF COURSE i appreciate the David Coverdale comment… “in the still of the night I hear the wolf howl, honey, sniffing around your door-or-or”

9 years ago

Really fun combination of prints! Print mixing – I will get there one day!


9 years ago

Your hair looks so pretty! I love this colorful look! Perfect print mixing!

Doused In Pink

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

I am so impressed with how the coloring turned out – the extensions looks amazing on you. And of course, this is a fab outfit of pattern mixing and great mix of feminine with a touch of masculine!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


8 years ago

Hi Deb!
Hope you got my part 1comments, I really love the irresistible me extensions too. Yours looks great and I wouldn’t have been able to color mine to match my ginger hair. Love how they turned out on you!! Fab outfit I love olive with pink, great look!! When I wear the extensions I get better curls than my own hair and only wear 4 clips since I have alot. Again you look mahvelos

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