casual style

Gingham Skirt & Graphic Tee: The Written Word

Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.

Since I started FFD, my writing has really come a long way…


…Not that it has improved per se, but I have gotten more open and honest in regard to the topics that I address. When I first started I pretty much just wrote about the outfits and that was it. Then I started throwing in little anecdotes and silliness from my every day life. My readers seemed to enjoy that so I started to expand upon the written portion of my posts.

Fast forward to the present…now “The Story” portion of the posts are sometimes an even bigger hit than the outfit portion. And quite honestly, I love that. When my words and thoughts are meaningful to someone on a deeper level that means more to me than someone loving my outfit ever will. I’ve always wanted to write, and still kick around the idea of a book, so this space on the blog has become my outlet for my inner writer.

But with that interest in my writing comes bigger pressure and responsibility to put out solid, interesting and relatable content. I love writing posts, but every once in awhile I am either blocked or simply too tired to get all deep and meaningful. Even so, I still want to share a good post with a pretty outfit. Today is one of those days. I am just realllllyyy tired. I’ve been having some issues with sleep the past week or so; that’s one of the ironies of CFS. You are deliriously exhausted and yet have insomnia at the same time.

Added to that, yesterday my love and I spent the day rowing our daughter in a canoe around an absolutely beautiful lake. Side note: Thirteen year old girls are the masters of acting like they can’t do something so that they don’t have to do it. 🙂 If you want to check out a great shot from the canoe trip along with one of my deep one liner quotes, stop by the FFD Facebook page…and maybe throw me a page like while you’re there. I always include fun stuff that you won’t see here or on my Instagram. 🙂


Ahhh…this gingham skirt. I feared that it read too “picnic table cloth”, but once I had it on, the ruffles made it too awesome to worry about visions of table cloths. Red is really the only color of gingham that one has to be concerned about that with. I knew that when it was time to choose a new piece from Shein, I absolutely wanted a gingham skirt. I had several picked out, but I really wanted this one…the red was holding me back though. And then I thought to myself, “Seriously, you never care what people think anyway, so go with the red…table cloths be damned.”

I am so glad I did. Like I said the ruffles are a big selling point for me, but the asymmetric hemline really clinches the deal. It fits well, and it’s a lightweight seersucker-ish fabric; perfect for summer. I made sure to go a little tougher with everything else though. The Blondie graphic tee, the denim vest and the Adidas sneakers all helped to edge it up a little bit.


Don’t be afraid to give an unusual or difficult print a try like I did with the red gingham. If you love a print, find a way to make it work by using other pieces from your closet to make it you.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas. Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas. Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas. Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.

And because my little loves haven’t had a chance to photo bomb me lately…here’s some gratuitous puppy cuteness for your viewing pleasure…If you look to the right in the larger shot, that would be Jaida’s butt. She is on a hunting expedition in my plants (which is what she does all day, every day) and she could not be less interested in what mama’s is up to…

Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas. Gingham skirt, graphic tee and Adidas.

Skirt: c/o Shein;  Tee: Similar;  Vest: Old Navy (Similar);  Adidas: Nordstrom

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Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Lovely look! Although lovely doesn t sound good here! Oké, great look! I like mixed styles in an outfit! A bit girly girly, a bit edgy , sporty! Very nice. What is CFS?

7 years ago

I am in LOVE with that skirt, the gingham, the cut, the ruffles, it’s perfection! And Blondie is one of my all time faves so that just puts the whole outfit into another category of perfection for me. I just love the sweetness of the skirt and the edgy details you paired it with, and how cool are your Adidas with the laces wrapped around your ankles! Definite win!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

It’s nice to know that even you (because I consider you a bad ass in the area of self confidence) still looks at some items and thinks maybe not!! And then changes her mind!!! I’ve been doing that more lately—and it’s super fun!!

7 years ago

I’m not seeing any tablecloths – just pure edginess and cool delivered by the tee and sneakers!

7 years ago

Gingham never losses its charm and that is clear by your pics . 🙂

7 years ago

Love that you mixed gingham with a bit of rock & roll! This is definitely the opposite of preppy picnic!

7 years ago

Great look! Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

Sheela Goh
7 years ago

God, I hear you. The pressure to write “deep” content gets to me, often, and that’s when I back off from writing completely. I think you’re doing so well, Debbie, you’re adhering to a schedule, something which threw me off to begin with 🙂

7 years ago

I love how you styled your gingham skirt with a little edge! This is such a fun look!

Doused in Pink

7 years ago

I LOVE your outfit! You look amazing in the photos!

Have an awesome day!
xx Kris

7 years ago

I swear I never even once thought table cloth when I saw this skirt. It looks fantastic with your Blondie tee and vest. Super cute way of lacing your sneakers, too. 🙂

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

I love your stories, Debbie. I started my blog for the whole purpose of getting me writing. My passion is fiction, so I am dabbling with a few things here and there to try to get into “real” publishing. Glad to see I am among friends. Ha, ha. I just love this outfit. You always find these cute skirts with asymmetrical hem lines and I just love them. Everything, from the skirt to the tee to the denim vest. It is so you and I love it!! – Amy

7 years ago

What a beautiful skirt Debbie. Love gingham 🙂 Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays

Emma Peach
7 years ago

I love the gingham ruffle skirt! The way you’ve toughened it up with the Blondie T-shirt, denim vest and sneakers is brilliant! I’ve got a pinky red gingham skirt and a top to match, but I won’t wear them together – that would be overkill! I haven’t worn the skirt yet but when I do I’ll be taking inspiration from this fab outfit. I thought I’d already liked the FFD FB page but I must have missed it for some reason, anyway I have now 🙂

Emma xxx

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