Delia's / Forever 21 / graphic tee / leopard joggers / leopard print lounge pants / Sears / statement necklace

Goin’ To The Chapel…But First Sheetz: Leopard Joggers, Graphic Tee And Peep Toe Booties

     Let me start by briefly explaining a couple of things. First of all, Sheetz is a regional mini mart/gas station/fast food carry out place in my area. Second, I know I tell a lot of stories about things I see at said Sheetz as well as Walmart. I’m just a small town girl at heart. I’ve never had aspirations to be elsewhere. Sure, it would be cool to live somewhere with some culture and opportunities to do a variety of things, but honestly there is so much absurdity around here to entertain me that I never get bored. I’m always the occasionally irritated, but usually highly amused observer.
     This morning we stopped at Sheetz to hit the ATM before heading out to this cool little festival in the woods. (See, how many of you city babes can say you were at a “cool little festival in the woods” this weekend?)  So, I’m standing at the ATM looking over my receipt when I catch a flash of white out of the corner of my eye. I look up and standing in line with some bags of chips and a pop is a bride. Yes, a bride. Fully decked out in two tons of fluffy ginormous tulle and some taffeta thrown in for good measure, a veil, fancy shoes…the whole bride get-up. And she’s just kind of standing there like it’s no big deal. She’s not all smiley and happy looking. No, she just looks like some chick in line at the mini mart with some snacks. But in a wedding gown.
     My brain was immediately bombarded with questions: Was she alone? Why didn’t the person she was with come in for her snacks? If she was alone, how in the hell was she driving a car in that giant dress? Why would a bride drive herself to her wedding? Wasn’t she worried about getting Dorito crumbs down the front of her gown? Did she just have a sudden munchie attack on the way the church? Why did she look so miserable? And probably the most basic question was WTF?? See, I don’t need any big city to keep me entertained when I’ve got this seemingly never ending wellspring of fabulousness that I call home. You know what? I think I’m going to snap some shots of some of the places around here so you guys get a better feel for my reality…that way at least you’ll know for sure I’m not making any of this up, nor am I experiencing drug-induced hallucinations.
     Ah….my beloved leopard joggers…I haven’t worn them for months so it was high time I let the leopard run free. Keeping with my comfy, but cool vibe I went with my oh so chic moon and stars graphic tee. I’ll be honest with you. I aspired to wear the peep toe booties with this outfit, but I have to figure out a way to protect my tootsies first. It’s only the left shoe that’s really a problem. I’ll come up with some sort of solution because I do love them. I ended up wearing my black Birken-nots which were fine, but the booties were better I tell ya.

Linking up with:  Creative Monday’s Blog HopMix It Monday’sMonday BloomStyle To Inspire Link Up and Visible Monday.

Pants: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Tee: Delia’s (No longer available):  Booties: Sears (In store purchase)

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Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

That graphic tee is super cool and I love those Leopard Joggers. Great Look!

Happy Monday Ms. Debbie!!

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

I feel your pain, it’s my right foot and it has caused great inconvenience when I try and wear particular shoes ( damn toes). try a little moleskin on the inside of the shoe in the area affected that sometimes works. Love the setting for the pics and the whole outfit is great

Suzanne Robertson
10 years ago

The imagery of the bride and the Doritos is pricely… hope she wasn’t left at the alter and having a junk food binge. Have a nice day!

Lauren {Fizz and Frosting}
10 years ago

That pants are so fun! And too funny about seeing a bride all decked out at Sheetz!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Ooooh! I adore that graphic tee! But not enough to go Mad Hunting for it. ;p Do you start work soon? I go back today. Argh. And I don’t look half as cool and comfy as you.

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Darn! Why is it when I really like something someone is wearing it is either sold out or old? hehe. Love the pants, so many cool ways to style it. Love you wearing it with the graphic t and fab boots. I went on a boot/shoe spree lately for fall. The wedding dress is crazy.. although not tooo many things surprise me anymore either/ Did she bail on her fiance?
from the link up,

please stop by, jess

Whitney and Blaire
10 years ago

Those pants are so fun! I love the peep toe bootie trend, but have yet to pull the trigger. Have a great week!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod

10 years ago

The bride story is so funny and mysterious! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you look cool in youir leopard joggers. xox

Beata B
10 years ago

I love those leopard pants! You look fantastic :

10 years ago

Does the shoe need to be stretched in the open toe area? You can put a baggie of water in the shoe and through the opening (make sure the bag is totally sealed), then put it in the freezer overnight. When the water freezes it expands, gently stretching the shoe. I have successfully stretched shoes with tights spots using this method. Sometimes, I have to do it more than once. You can stretch shoes about one and a half sizes by refreezing several times.


tara langdale
10 years ago

I love sheetz!! ahh, u make me miss pa. those leopard joggers are a fave of mine as well! I love the way you styled them with the rocker tee and booties, so fun!!

Tara Belle

Tiffany Opp
10 years ago

Oh my gosh, LOL! So random. I can’t believe there was a bride in line at the gas station. I would have at least made my bridemaids come in with me. Hehe!
Love the leopard pants, of course. They are so fun and look super cute with the graphic tee and the necklace.

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

First can I say Debbie i love this look, everything looks great together 🙂

Now i have this vision of a bride going to buy snacks, haha this is great 🙂

Thanks for linking up 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Hi Debbie, featuring your post this week 🙂

Thanks again for sharing 🙂

Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

You’re looking like anything but country- girl. Pretty sophisticated stuff, and you look like you could take on anything, then go have fun at the little country festival! This is a wow-outfit on a wow-girl !Perhaps the bride has “resting bitch face”… I have it. That’s why I grin in my photos. Some fool is always coming up to me and telling me to “smile.”Gotta say, I’m happy for you and envy you that you like where you live. This week, I have had way more than my share of good ol’ boys and mean spirited rednecks to last me… Read more »

Alexandra Stella
10 years ago

I love the moon and the stars 🙂 I also think your leo pants are funky. Shoes are a neverending source of irritation for me thanks to my right foot and its pinkie toe.

Alex – Funky Jungle

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