boots / clutch / JCPenney / moto jacket / sequin top / style tips

Gold Sequin Top & Leopard Clutch: Goosebumps


how to accessorize a sequin top

I’m not one to have music playing all of the time; I’m more a creature of quiet…



…in the car or at home, I’m just as often listening to the quiet, lost in my own thoughts, as I am listening to music. Don’t get me wrong, I love music. I mean who doesn’t? It has the power to make you feel, to make you remember and to make you dance. It can bring a smile to your face or tears to your eyes. And in rare cases, goosebumps. No hyperbole here today my friends. There were truly times at the Elton John concert that I had goosebumps. I was completely mesmerized for over two and a half hours. The talent that man possesses is just beyond.

There was no opening act. C’mon, seriously. Would you want to be the musician that had to open for Elton? The concert was scheduled to start at 8:00. By 8:01 he had sedately walked on to the stage, sat at his piano and started to play. “Funeral For A Friend” was the opening song. Haunting, beautiful, goosebump inducing. If you’re not familiar, you’re missing out. Google it, play it, love it. Even if you aren’t a fan, you cannot deny the talent.

He played for over two and a half hours with no break. Nothing crazy, no back up dancers and wild choreography. Just the man, his piano and his band; several of whom have been with him since the 60’s. For me, the true indicator of talent is if a singer sounds the same live as on a studio album. Please, is there really any question here? Every single song sounded just as perfect as if you were listening to it at home. The boy and I were enthralled the entire time. It was everything we had hoped for and then some. There’s nothing better than when something you’ve wanted for so long turns out to be just as perfect as you imagined it would be. If you missed the story in regard to why this particular concert was so essential, take a quick read of Wednesday’s post.


What else would a girl wear to an Elton John concert other than sequins? There was no doubt in my mind that whatever I decided to wear it would involve sequins. I finally settled on my favorite gold sequin top. The slouchiness of it is perfect with boyfriend jeans. And in my humble opinion, the best boyfriend jeans to wear with a gold sequin top is the pair with the highest degree of rippage. Even though I just made that word up, you all totally know what I mean; not just distressed jeans, but ripped up jeans. Lucky for me, they just so happen to be my favorite pair. I actually attached the gold chain and wore the leopard clutch as a cross body bag because it was easier. No neck embellishment necessary; earrings and a few bracelets were all the extra bling that was needed.


As a general rule, if I’m wearing sequins (especially a top) I keep the accessorizing to a minimum. If you’re looking to go a little over the top, then feel free to pile on the neck bling. But if you’re going for the more subtle approach like I was here, stick to earrings and a bracelet or two. You can also add a standout bag or special belt. That way you’re still accessorized, but not to the point that passersby mistake you for a Mardi Gras float.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket gold sequin top, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans, moto jacket

Top: Ebay (Similar);  Clutch: Similar;  Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar);  Jacket: JCPenny (Similar)


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Sheela Goh
8 years ago

Debbie, darling Debbie, this is by far MY ABSOLUTE FAVE outfit from you 🙂 it’s precisely how I would myself be dressed for a concert (I might have more rings and cuffs but that’s me) and I love it. Love love love. In this instance, a succinct reply denotes gushing in abundance, pinkie swear.

And you have to have to have to link this up, it’s darling!!

8 years ago

Wow what a difference between him and Madonna who apparently lost any talent she had as well as her work ethic. Sounds like a fantastic show.


8 years ago

Oh, how I envy you! A friend of mine saw him last night, but I haven’t gotten a report about the show. I’ve seen Paul McCartney twice…absolutely magical! His voice is not what it once was, but the memories that came with the songs made the evening fabulous. My youngest and I have the same type of bond you do…music heard in the womb…it’s a powerful thing!

8 years ago

This is a delicious combination…so feminine, yet tough!
The sequins are gorgeous and that bag (sigh) I swear, I need that in my collection!
The perfect footwear for a concert too, plenty of height and stability (without the frump factor) and your toes are covered!

8 years ago

great outfit! very stylish!

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Super love this! Badass chic! Perfection, Debbie!

Thanks for linking up & happy Easter!

Dawn Lucy

8 years ago

These gold sequins look so fabulous paired with your perfect slouchy, distressed jeans.Your moto jacket and booties gave this just the right amount of edginess. I am glad you enjoyed the concert and it was nice to hear how his talent has remained. Just this morning, as I was cooking breakfast, I was listening to one of his greatest hit cd’s. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Hope to see you back next week.

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

8 years ago

What a fun concert! I love this mix of girly and edgy! The sequins are perfect with the distressed jeans and moto jacket!

Doused In Pink

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

You look like such a badass rocker chick in this look and I LOVE that!!
You Go Girl 😀
Suzy x

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Oh course it had to be sequins!!! I misread on my reply in your vintage blazer post and this was what you wore. Well, you’re rocking both outfits but sequins and Elton – match made in heaven!!

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