The definition of rebel is “a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition” and in its adjective form “rebellious; defiant”…
…Oftentimes being viewed as a rebel or as rebellious has negative connotations. My friends, it’s time to change that point of view. Being a rebel is a good thing.
I suppose that all of my life I have been viewed as a rebel of sorts. Growing up in a small rural area everyone had a role that they were cast into whether they liked it or not. I was the stereotypical “bad girl” from every gritty movie you’ve ever seen that was set in a small town. I was the girl that parents did not want their children hanging out with. I came from that family that had no money, had broke ass vehicles in varying states of decay sitting in the front yard and were known to be rebellious trouble-making rabble rousers.
The irony is, those expectations and my background are not what made me a rebel. What made me a rebel was the fact that it became my mission to prove them all wrong. I was not going to be pregnant by the time I was 16, living in the trailer park waiting for my next welfare check to arrive. I’m not being melodramatic here; those words were actually said to me a time or two. My high school guidance counselor actually told me that going to college wasn’t an option for me because I didn’t have what it takes. Oh, really?
The way I saw it, I had two choices. Become what was expected of me or rebel. Rebellion won hands down. Not only did I put myself through college, but in addition to my bachelor’s degree I went on to earn two advanced degrees and was chosen as the outstanding graduate student in my department. I got a real job earning real money. And I own a house that does not have wheels. I am not telling you this to brag, I am telling you this to make a point. For the right reasons, rebelling is a good thing.
The way I choose to dress, to wear my hair, to present myself to the world is also a subtle (or perhaps not so subtle) form of rebellion. It’s a rebellion against the traditional view of how a woman over 50 should dress; a rebellion against who a woman over 50 is expected to be. The way I look, the way I think, the things that I enjoy doing…none of it fits the current mold of a 50-something woman. Those traditionally held beliefs are nothing more than antiquated nonsense. I am not trying to be something that I’m not, I am simply being who I am.
Those of us who are currently in our 40’s, 50’s and beyond are the trailblazers. We have to be the rebels. It is up to us to change the preconceived notions of what middle age looks like. I believe that we are making headway, but the work is far from over. It is up to us to show society, advertisers and businesses, and those younger than us that middle age is a great place to be. It is not a slow descent into irrelevance. So go out in the world and be a rebel. Without the rebels, there would be no change.
How fabulous is this Ageless Rebel graphic tank top? It’s the design of the beautiful and eternally young Angie, the founder of The Ageless Rebellion. I first discovered her on Instagram and now look forward to her posts every day. Not only does the graphic speak to my rebel soul, but it’s also beautiful. It’s available on a variety of shirt styles, but the graphic tank top was my favorite.
I paired it with my super soft and flowy Miranda Pants from Free People. Due to the lightweight nature of these pants they are easy to wear even if you happen to be elfin-sized like me. I do suggest that you size down a size or maybe two. They run really large and even though I purchased a small, the wide elastic waistband is still a bit too large on me. I actually should have probably exchanged them for an extra small.
Be a rebel. The world isn’t changed by followers…it’s changed by the rebel souls among us.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Pants: Free People; Tank Top: Rebel Shop; Sandals: Birkenstock (Similar)