I’m sure there are a plethora of New Year’s resolution posts floating around the Internet about now…
…You aren’t going to get that here though. The thing is, I don’t make resolutions. I’m not anti-resolution; if that’s something you’re into then more power to you. I just have found through experience, and there is research to back this up, most resolutions fail. And I figure, why set myself up for failure?
Goals are another thing entirely. It’s good to have goals. Human beings by nature are goal-driven creatures. Think about it…just about every single thing that you do has a goal driving it. From eating, to shopping, to working; there’s a goal behind all of it.
I set goals all year long. Nowhere is it written that January 1st holds dominion over goal setting. Some of the goals are small, others are large. If I see a need to work towards something, I set a goal. Whether it’s January or July is irrelevant. Like I said, goals are good. They are like a road map to get from where we are to where we want to be. Without goals, we just have random ideas with no plan in regard to how to make the ideas a reality.
This outfit is head to toe monochrome at it’s finest. Gray is my absolute favorite neutral; all shades from light heather gray to dark charcoal gray and every shade in between. I’ve had these gray boyfriend jeans forever and have worn them probably a zillion times, but somehow they have never made their way to the blog.
Another rarity is the beanie. A couple of years back I tried to make hats a “thing”. As in, I tried to make myself wear them because they really do add something to an outfit. The problem is, I’m just not a hat wearer. On this particular day though, the hat was a necessity. It was cold. And windy. So windy in fact, while taking these shots my beanie got snatched up and blown across an open field. Too bad I didn’t get shots of me chasing it…definitely one of my finer blogger moments.
The gray Bearpaw Demi Boots are believe it or not, my daughter’s. I have the same boots in Chestnut, but haven’t yet acquired a gray pair. Let me rephrase that. I had a gray pair. My daughter confiscated them several months ago before she had her own, and now unfortunately, they’ve seen better days.
And here’s an extra special treat for all of you…a chance to score your own pair of Bearpaw Boots…for free! Make sure that you scroll down and enter the giveaway for the Bearpaw Boots of your choice compliments of my friends at Bearpaw!
When putting together a monochrome outfit, regardless of the color, try to layer different shades of the same color. Also, different textures of the same color (denim, wool, knit) add more visual interest to a monochromatic palette.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Jeans: Old Navy (Similar); Coat: JCPenney (Similar); Sweater: Walmart (Similar): Boots: Bearpaw (Same)
**What’s better than a pair of Bearpaw Boots to keep you warm and toasty now that Winter is fully upon us? FREE Bearpaw Boots, that’s what! One lucky winner will receive a pair of Bearpaw Boots of their choice. The contest is open WORLDWIDE, so no matter where you are, enter NOW!