casual / casual outfit / casual style / Spring outfit / style tips

Gray Cocoon Cardigan & Pink Pumas: The Shoe Sheriff

Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.

Last week I figured that it was time that I forewarn my kids (students) of my upcoming absence from school…


…I’ll be out for about 2 weeks for my foot surgery, although I plan on being back for the last 2 weeks of the school year. Kids are pretty adaptable creatures, but my particular group of little darlings need consistency; any change to their world can throw them for a loop. After the initial flurry of spazzing out like only 12 to 14 year olds can summon up, I explained that it was only my foot, and yes, I would be back, but I would need them to help me out a bit upon my return. I also assured them that I would get their favorite substitute to fill in (which I did thankfully) while I was gone.

Being the inquisitive bunch that they are, they wanted all of the details. I explained about the bunion, what caused it, how it feels and the problems it causes. I told them that primarily it’s caused by heredity, but wearing high heels and age can also make a bunion worse. One of my boys, for whatever reason, latched onto the “high heels” part of the conversation and nothing else. Ever since he has become the self-appointed footwear police; the shoe sheriff if you will.

Every single day now, the first thing he does is check out what I have on my feet. If I’m wearing anything higher than a sneaker I get comments like, “Why are you wearing those ankle breakers?” or “What are you doing with those things on? You’re going to hurt yourself.” Even though I have told him that my foot hurts no matter what shoe I’m wearing he refuses to give up; he just purses his lips and walks away shaking his head at me like a disappointed father who’s frustrated with his unruly child.


I ain’t gonna lie…I’m a sucker for a perfectly slouchy cardigan sweater; one that feels as cozy and comfortable as it looks. This gray cocoon cardigan definitely fits the bill. Add to it the fact that it’s lightweight enough to work all year ’round and that makes it pretty damn near perfect. I bought the gray cocoon cardigan along with the same cardi in peach during a buy one get one sale, and I’ve been relentlessly stalking the site hoping that the navy blue and light blue versions make a reappearance.

This is just a typical Saturday getting groceries outfit; distressed jeans, tee, and sneakers. The sweet pink sneaks are Puma’s. Girls Puma’s actually; I’m lucky in that I have elfin feet to match my elfin sized body so I can dip into the kids section and save some bucks. The cold shoulder tee is pretty sheer so I added the pink floral bralette to give it a little more kick than a standard cami would.

I think this outfit is a fine example of how a few small details (the cardi, the bralette, and the unexpected sneaker color) can take an average every day look and make it something a little more special.


Even though warmer weather is right around the corner, make sure that you have at least a few lighter weight cardigans on hand. They make the perfect piece for layering when the air conditioner gets to be too much or for lazy summer evenings that cool off after the sun goes down.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas. Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas. Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas. Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas. Gray cocoon cardigan, distressed boyfriend jeans and pink Pumas.

Cardigan: Military Hippie;  Jeans: BlankNYC (Similar);  Sneakers: Puma;  Top: Similar

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

That’s cute that that boy cares about you!!
But I do wonder about the “real” reason for bunions!! I have my own theory which doesn’t involve heels (can I rationalize or what?)…but seriously, I think it’s more how we walk on our feet as opposed to what we are walking in. I used to wear heels everyday to work and never had issues. My issues came much earlier in life after years of gymnastics (no heels involved!!)

Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Oh that is so cute! You will be missing them won t you.

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

What a sweet student! He just wants to take care of you, Teach! Love your cocoon sweater. It looks so comfy! – Amy

7 years ago

My feet are miniscule, as well…just wondering what size you wear in women’s and girl’s? I never thought of shopping in the kids shoes…you have opened a realm of new possibilities to me!!
Loving the comfy and hip look!!

7 years ago

Too funny about the Shoe Sheriff! Those pink Pumas are adorable – the color is so soft and pretty. Great slouchy sweater, too. Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Also, I am currently looking for co-hosts, so I hope you will consider the opportunity.

7 years ago

A lovely relaxed look Debbie. Good luck with getting that Bunion done. Ouch!

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