booties / bracelets / cami / JCPenney / midi skirt / Nordstrom / RubyClaire / sheer top / style tips

Gray Midi Skirt & Pink Cami: And Sometimes Your Heart Is Broken

gray pencil skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties

Those of you who stop by regularly already know how much I love my job…


…But sometimes with love comes pain.  I’ve been at this teaching gig for about 26 years now; I was a child prodigy and started teaching when I was 14. Um, ya. Anyway, the position I have right now is by far my favorite of my entire career. But no matter how much I’ve loved my job over the years, every so often (fortunately not very often) a kid will come along who just shatters my heart. That’s what happened yesterday. For obvious reasons, I’m not going into details, but suffice it to say that I’m really not kidding when I say I love my dogs way more than most people. And try to remember when you see a teenager out in the world acting a fool, maybe it’s because they’re simply an idiot. Or maybe, just maybe,  it’s because they’re carrying around a secret that’s so heavy and so awful they just don’t know how to deal with it. And tonight, make sure you tell your kids (2 or 4 legged) exactly how much you love them.


Enough of the heavy stuff. I picked this gray midi skirt up during the annual Nordstrom sale this summer. I loved it so much, I also snapped it up in black. You can’t go wrong with a skirt that’s as soft and comfy as a pair of jammies yet is still work appropriate. It doesn’t hurt that it fits like a glove too. Since the temperatures are still hovering in the sweltering range I went with lightweight layers on top. The brown peep toe booties won out over the black because in my mind, one expects black to be paired with gray. And you all know, when given the choice I’m not going to go with the expected. I also happen to really like the look of brown and gray together; they complement each other really well even though it seems like they shouldn’t.


Don’t be afraid to try unexpected combinations whether it be colors, prints or styles. If you open your mind, it opens your options.

Be sure to stop by the Fabulous Friday link up at A Pocketful of Polka Dots. Jennie has honored me by choosing my look from last week’s link up as one of her favorites, so head over and show her some love!

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

gray midi skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties gray midi skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties gray midi skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties gray midi skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties gray midi skirt, pink cami, brown peep toe booties

Skirt: Nordstrom (Similar, Similar);  Floral top: Thrifted;  Cami: RubyClaire Boutique;  Bracelets: Est1984Jewelry

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8 years ago

The challenges that come with our job. Some kids just don’t know how to deal so they act out instead. Really get under the teachers skin sometimes. I’ve been there. On the style note, I love your skirt and being soft as jammies is the icing on the cake. It looks great paired with that floral top. I always gravitate towards bold print but this is just super cute. I also love how you left the top unbuttoned for the most part, looks very effortless. Unexpected combinations are the best for real, I love! Well I hope you have a… Read more »

Suzy Turner
8 years ago

I have a similar skirt in blue and you’re right, it’s as comfy as jammies! I love your outfit… the colours really go well together. You look stunning!
As for the heart break, I’m sending virtual hugs 🙂
Suzy x

8 years ago

I count myself fortunate that this year’s batch is ten million times better than last year’s. True, it’s only the beginning of the school year, but I have hope. Oh, yes, I do! I send positive vibes your way in the hopes that your experience was just a fluke but I also know that sometimes, the bad stuff haunts you for a while. In those cases, I tell myself that “this, too, shall pass” and I forge on. I know you will too.

Susan (une femme)
8 years ago

Such a cute look! The florals with the grey are a nice mix. It’s been hot here too, am ready for some scarf and sweater weather!!

8 years ago

Yep I do the same thing! We are very similar in a lot of ways! Yesterday I wore an olive green quilted vest with a dressy tulle skirt. I now kind of wish I hadn’t, but it seemed a good idea at the time. I love putting crazy unexpected stuff together too. Wish we could meet IRL!!! We could rock out and wear crazy clothes together! On another note, I can only imagine what that secret is. I’m sorry for the kid and you. At least it sounds like he/she trusts you and you are important enough and have been… Read more »

8 years ago

I love you in soft pink. I happen to love pink with gray, also. The kimono-esque cardigan and midi skirt are beautiful, Debbie. =)

Linda Cassidy
8 years ago

I hope the one suffering and causing you the heart hurt is able to find peace. On a friviolous front love the outfit and love the smile, you need to do that more oftern

Lorna Mai
8 years ago

Baby pink and grey go so well together. Love the peep toes and your hair looks great.

Susan the
8 years ago

Love pink and gray. Great blouse. As usual I’m paying attention to your shoe and accessory choices. Cheers

Dawn Lucy
8 years ago

Your students are so lucky to have you, Debbie. And you look stunning … even extra stunning lately!

Thanks for being a part of Fun Fashion Friday. Hope your weekend has been fab!

Dawn Lucy

Megan Ballard
8 years ago

I am so sorry for whatever the incident was. You are still changing lives and I’m sure you are totally awesome doing it. I love this outfit. I was just telling my husband, I always love your posts because you have such a cool unique style! It’s perfect. You rock. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

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