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Gray Shaker Stitch Sweater & Combat Boots: Pinstafamous

Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.

Has this ever happened to you…


…You’re scrolling through Pinterest, minding your own business, and boom! Up pops a picture of yourself. If you’re not a blogger, I suppose that would be super weird because ya, why would a picture of you show up in your Pinterest feed? As a blogger though, assuming you post on Pinterest, it is bound to happen. So, if you randomly show up in the Pinterest feed, does that mean you’re “Pinstafamous”? 🙂

Nevertheless, it is rather startling. You’re looking at all of the ideas and pretties, and there you are…mixed in with all of those ideas and pretties. It’s just a bit surreal. And if you have been blogging for awhile and haven’t tried this…google your name and then hit the images tab. I mean, as a blogger, you know that you’re out there, but you don’t realize how much until you hit google images. If you’re the impressionable sort, you might start thinking that you need to hire an agent and start leaving through the back door with a coat over your head to avoid the paparazzi. Me? I’m thinking maybe I should drop off the grid and move to a cave in the mountains.


I’ve said before that gray is my favorite neutral, and there is just something about the perfect chunky gray sweater that gets me every time. And this gray shaker stitch sweater fits the bill perfectly. I don’t know…there’s just something so inherently cozy about it. It makes me feel all wintry and warm like I want to curl up with a cup of hot coffee and a book while the snow piles up outside. And I don’t even particularly like snow. But this sweater makes me like the idea of snow.

I was in need of a new pair of combat-style boots and I really liked the slouchy feel to this pair. They’re perfect with jeans and dresses and are really comfortable. The only thing I don’t like is that the inside is lined with red flannel; the last pair I had was lined with blue flannel. Seriously, what’s up with that? It’s not a deal breaker, but I just don’t like that from certain angles the red is visible. #petpeeve. I added the brown belt for an unexpected pop of color, although I don’t know if “pop” is the right word when I’m talking brown, but you know what I mean.


Think outside of the box in regard to color combos. A black belt would have been the expected and easy way to go, but adding the brown belt instead provided interesting contrast against the gray sweater.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit. Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit. Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit. Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit. Gray shaker stitch sweater, combat boots and boyfriend jeans. Casual winter outfit.

Sweater: Charlotte Russe;  Boots: Kohl’s;  Jeans: GAP (Similar)

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Nancy Baten
7 years ago

That s fantastic when you find yourself featured!

Reply to  Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Pinstafamous! Love it! 🙂

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

How fun to see your own photo on Pinterest. And you are famous, Debbie!! Look how many women read your blog everyday!!

7 years ago

I like the messy-tuck with a belt and the matching fingerless gloves and the purple in your hair:)

7 years ago

I’m sure it must be a shock to unexpectedly see yourself, but it really isn’t surprising to the rest of us — you’re an attractive woman in colorful, stylish outfits. That’s catnip to many online admirers of fashion.

Andrea Nine
Andrea Nine
7 years ago

Adore the way you wrapped that belt on this fun, chic outfit. Been there on the Pinterest thing, it’s flattering and startling at the same time, lol. Have a fabulous day beautiful!!

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

7 years ago

I haven’t seen myself on pinterest yet but that would startle me too! This is such a cute and cozy look! Love your sweater and fingerless gloves!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

Love this! It happened to me at work! Someone was scrolling their Pinterest and found me! No one at work at the time knew I had a blog! LOL!
Stylin In St. Louis

7 years ago

You always make casual look so stylish, Debbie. I seriously like how you tied your belt and your decision to go with the unexpected in color.

I have been given a start when suddenly seeing one of my photos pop up on Pinterest. It is an odd feeling, to say the least. Reading this also makes me aware I really need to start watermarking my photos again…

Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Also, I am currently looking for co-hosts, so I hope you will consider the opportunity.
A Pocketful of Polka Dots

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