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Harem Pants & Printed Vest: My Style Icon

harem pants, printed vest, peep toe booties

When I was approached by Boohoo to participate in their My Style Icon challenge, one celebrity immediately came to mind…

Gwen Stefani. In my book, she can do no wrong style-wise. She is proof that age is absolutely not a limit in regard to style and that is definitely something I can relate to. She’s a print mix master, and she often mixes masculine with feminine. For Gwen, comfort is key; she’s often seen sporting harem pants (here, here, and here) and boyfriend jeans (here, here, and here), always with a killer pair of shoes. She also has a sweeettt graphic tee collection. Seriously, how can I not identify with her style?

I decided instead of trying to recreate one of her looks exactly, I’d put together a look that is me with a shot of Gwen injected into it. Make sense? Sort of an “inspired by” look. It took me quite awhile to settle on exactly what I wanted. When it was all said and done, I went with this gorgeous printed vest and black harem pants. Can I just tell you how comfortable they both are? The vest is lightweight and makes a stellar layering piece without adding bulk. It’s going to look just as great with jeans or a pencil skirt as it does with the harem pants. The harem pants are perfection. The softness of the material allows them to drape just right without that full diaper look that can happen when harem pants run amuck. C’mon…you all know what I’m talking about. They also break a fashion rule for me, which is a good thing because you all know my thoughts on fashion rules. Remember that outdated style edict that says if you wore something on it’s first go ’round you’re too old to wear it the next time it comes back in style? Ya, well, I had a zillion pairs of harem pants in the 80’s, so there.

So how about you? Who is your style icon?

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

harem pants, printed vest , leopard clutch harem pants, printed vest , leopard clutch stud necklace harem pants, printed vest , leopard clutch

harem pants, printed vest , leopard clutchharem pants, printed vest , leopard clutch

Harem pants:;  Printed vest:;  Booties: JCPenney (Similar)

Disclosure: Pants and vest were provided via Boohoo. The opinions expressed herein are my own and not indicative of the opinions or positions of Boohoo.

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Jaymie Ashcraft
9 years ago

Looks great!

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

what a stunning look, I love everything about this and PS your hair looks fantastic

9 years ago

TARDIS blue! J’adore! You look stunning in this ensemble. I’ve always been envious of your ability to rock the harem pants; I can’t wrap my mind around them yet to style them. I’m still all about the gauchos. At least we’re both breaking vertically challenged fashion rules though, eh? 😜

Reply to  debbies
9 years ago

I would reciprocate and say I miss you too, but I really haven’t because I’ve been reading your blog all along. I’m stalking you! LOL. I guess I just haven’t been commenting because your new layout requires logging in every time I want to post and more often than not, I do my blog reading on my phone in carpool before work, making logging in a trifle challenging. I’ll try to be better, though. No excuses for not keeping abreast of friends, right? ;p

9 years ago

The vest is really amazing! I love the cobalt blue .. such a rich and beautiful color.


lorna mai
9 years ago

Love the colour of your top Debbie. I’ve never had anything from Boohoo but its only down the road for me so I should really try them out. You look great.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  lorna mai
9 years ago

Good lord…I would be in sooo….much trouble if Boohoo was right down the street from me…lol! You really should give them a shot though. They carry some really great things at a budget friendly price.

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

That cobalt blue top is gorgeous and I love the vest you paired with it. Those pants look comfy, too! Stylish and comfy is the best combo!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

Nope, you can’t beat stylish and comfortable at the same time!

9 years ago

I love Gwen’s style and this look you recreated! Your printed vest is gorgeous!

Doused In Pink

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jill
9 years ago

Thanks Jill! Isn’t this vest gorgeous?!

9 years ago

I love this look! It is a perfect nod to Gwen’s style!


Whitney 'Nic' James
9 years ago

Absolutely LOVE this look. So great for the end of summer and early fall. Chic at it’s best!


9 years ago

I’m so in love with this look! Those shoes and that clutch are bomb. And you always look FAB!

Megan Ballard
9 years ago

You look fab in this blue!! I love the clutch. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

9 years ago

You look amazing!!! Also, it makes me want to highlight my hair! Yours looks fabulous!

Stopping by from the StyleSessions link-up!


9 years ago

My style icon is Reese Witherspoon, but boy did you nail this Gwen inspired look. I love that vest!
You are welcome for the feature on Tuesday.
Thanks for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo
Bloggers Who Have Inspired me link up is now Live, hope you can join in
Garay Treasures

9 years ago

Love this colour blue Debbie great look 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

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