bracelets / cardigan / duster / JCPenney / jeans / Nordstrom / Old Navy / style tips / tank top

High Low Tank & Long Cardigan: The World’s A Scary Place

high/low tank top, long cardigan, skinny jeans, pink sandals

I took these shots on Friday afternoon. It was a comfortable 70 degrees outside…


…As a matter of fact, in Friday’s post I mentioned that we had skipped spring and jumped right into summer. Um, ya. I guess summer would be right if your definition of summer includes snow. You guys, it snowed off and on all day Sunday. Snow. White precipitation that was supposed to be here in December, but wasn’t. And Sunday night into this morning we had a freeze warning. Not frost, but an actual freeze with low temperatures in the upper 20’s. As if getting buried under 8 inches of snow in April wasn’t bad enough. I had to wear a damn winter coat when I went out to pick up take-out Sunday. Apparently Mother Nature is having some sort of identity crisis. Or she has a seriously twisted sense of humor. Quite honestly, although I make light of it, the weather insanity not just here, but everywhere in the last few years has me more than a little freaked out. Much like the upcoming presidential election. The world is a scary place my friends, a scary place indeed.


Since the world is a scary place, that’s all the more reason to wear fabulous clothes. We might as well look good for the coming apocalypse. This sheer high low tank top is one of my favorite summer tops. The sort of tie-dye watercolor butterflies caught my eye as soon as I saw it a couple of years back. Literally, I saw it almost as soon as I walked into JCPenney and it drew me in like a magnet. Since it was warm, but still a bit breezy, a layer on top was required. And what it one of my go to’s for layering? One of my long cardigans of course. To make it an outright color explosion, I added my bright pink wedge sandals, and these sweet little tassel beaded bracelets that scream summer. Snow or not, it’s spring dammit.


It’s easy to add color to an outfit even if the base pieces are more neutral like my jeans and olive green cardigan. Simply throw in some bright via a top, shoes or your accessories. And we all could use a little color in our lives, no matter what season Mother Nature thinks it is.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals high low tank top, long cardigan, pink wedge sandals

Top: JCPenney (Similar);  Jeans: Nordstrom (Similar);  Sweater: JCPenney;  Sandals: Old Navy (Similar)


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8 years ago

Such a pretty top, Debbie. I love the colors and it looks especially great on you. Sorry about the snow! Unbelievable! Hope you have a great week!

Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

As always, super awesome ! And your backyard is so pretty! I forget what state you live in.

And a blogging question – can you explain what the “weekly link-ups” are?

Bettye who can’t believe it’s Monday. Already. And again.

8 years ago

We were supposed to get some snow but luckily escaped. It was cold yesterday though. I haven’t put away my winter clothing which is a good thing.

Love the colours on that top.


Susan B.
8 years ago

You look so pretty in those bright “ocean” colors! Snow?? That’s crazy! Though I do remember when I was living in New York in the early 80’s we once had a freak blizzard right after Memorial Day.

8 years ago

I just LOVE the butterfly at the bottom of your shirt <3


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I agree—might as well look good for anything that comes our way!!
In love with the shoes especially—could be because I have a pair that looks surprisingly like them only in peach color!!

Darlene Fadem
8 years ago

Cute look! As far as the weather goes…that darn snow better stop ASAP because I will soon be back in your neck of the woods. I don’t want to have to bring a winter coat with me!!

8 years ago

It’s already smoking hot here in Florida! I love your look, and the color combinations. Fab shoes too, xox


Ginger Wroot
8 years ago

What a chic, fun and colorful weekend outfit! The tassel bracelet, the gorgeous top, the bright pink sandals, the cardigan duster–you styled them together so perfectly!

8 years ago

This is a great look Debbie!
Just my kind of thing.
A perfect mix of colour and those vibrant pops making the whole outfit sing.
We are a pathetic 13 degrees here…..but at least it is sunny (no rain due until this afternoon).
We have been known to get snow in june! :oP
You are right about adding a pop of colour, whatever the weather throws at us!

8 years ago

The colors of this top are so pretty, bring on summer!

Irene Papadopoulou
8 years ago

ubelievable! such a wierd weather! love the colors of your top!

8 years ago

We had temps down below freezing on Sunday morning but luckily no snow. Your top is so pretty! Love the colors and your fun bracelet!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

I totally get you about the weird weather and what’s going on in the world…. and I LOVE your attitude! Might as well look fabulous!!! Haha! I believe if we do what we can to prepare for things ie have a little emergency kit on hand, and have a little faith in our hearts, we’ll be okay. 😉

I love how you pulled all of this color together, you look great in color!!! And that darling bracelet is too cute!

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

coming apocalypse – that made me laugh. It’s grey skies outside, nearly 7pm and the ice cream van has just gone down the road playing it’s music. Yup, we have a neighbourhood ice cream van! Doubt it will do much business today – it’s a bit on the nippy side! Sorry I’ve not stopped by for a while – life has thrown a cowpat or two. Anyway, even though this is a simple outfit, I love the blend of all the colours. The pink of the sandals with the top’s piping, the hues of the blues and greens and the… Read more »

8 years ago

Aww, great look Debbie, love the pops of pink 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

8 years ago

Beautiful combination! love your look!

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

What a beautiful explosion of color it is! I never would have thought to pair olive green with this, but it looks so good! Really very eye-catching. We also have been experiencing the crazy weather in upstate NY (I also originate from PA), but it is sort of normal up here. I had a friend tell me that where I live there are two seasons: Winter and July. And that’s about right. But it doesn’t stop from trying to LOOK like Spring even in the midst of a frost warning!


8 years ago

Snow! How crazy is that! Well, if it is any consolation it has been raining here all week! Gloom and doom. I need sunshine! Anyhow. I love the olive color with the soft palette in your top, look sooo good together. Pretty pink sandals as well Deb.
It often does the winter to summer thing here in Charlotte, ready for warm weather!
Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx

Michelle Orsi
8 years ago

Loving your watercolor top & your fun bracelets

8 years ago

Deb, You are inspiring me all the time with your outfit and clothing item choices! I’m thinking now that I may as well go ahead and buy a long cardigan like this even though I remember a long cardi making my bottom stick out. Maybe one with slits like this make it easier to wear…

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