I took these shots on Friday afternoon. It was a comfortable 70 degrees outside…
…As a matter of fact, in Friday’s post I mentioned that we had skipped spring and jumped right into summer. Um, ya. I guess summer would be right if your definition of summer includes snow. You guys, it snowed off and on all day Sunday. Snow. White precipitation that was supposed to be here in December, but wasn’t. And Sunday night into this morning we had a freeze warning. Not frost, but an actual freeze with low temperatures in the upper 20’s. As if getting buried under 8 inches of snow in April wasn’t bad enough. I had to wear a damn winter coat when I went out to pick up take-out Sunday. Apparently Mother Nature is having some sort of identity crisis. Or she has a seriously twisted sense of humor. Quite honestly, although I make light of it, the weather insanity not just here, but everywhere in the last few years has me more than a little freaked out. Much like the upcoming presidential election. The world is a scary place my friends, a scary place indeed.
Since the world is a scary place, that’s all the more reason to wear fabulous clothes. We might as well look good for the coming apocalypse. This sheer high low tank top is one of my favorite summer tops. The sort of tie-dye watercolor butterflies caught my eye as soon as I saw it a couple of years back. Literally, I saw it almost as soon as I walked into JCPenney and it drew me in like a magnet. Since it was warm, but still a bit breezy, a layer on top was required. And what it one of my go to’s for layering? One of my long cardigans of course. To make it an outright color explosion, I added my bright pink wedge sandals, and these sweet little tassel beaded bracelets that scream summer. Snow or not, it’s spring dammit.
It’s easy to add color to an outfit even if the base pieces are more neutral like my jeans and olive green cardigan. Simply throw in some bright via a top, shoes or your accessories. And we all could use a little color in our lives, no matter what season Mother Nature thinks it is.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Top: JCPenney (Similar); Jeans: Nordstrom (Similar); Sweater: JCPenney; Sandals: Old Navy (Similar)