Advice For Real Life / Work Style

The Dimmest Of Light + Hoodie Dress & Plaid Blazer

hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots

Okay, my friends. I have stared at this blinking cursor for long enough…


…Occasionally I struggle with what exactly I want to write about or how I want to write it. A case of writer’s block if you will. Typically it happens when I am really really exhausted. Kind of like I am right now. For a couple of days now I have been stuck in regard to what I wanted to write. As is usual when this happens, it’s not for lack of things to say, it’s more for lack of functioning and cooperative brain cells to give me the ability to say it.

hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots

Although my lack of alert and functioning brain cells makes for a less than stellar post, I decided to go ahead and produce for you what I could. Why would I do that? Why would I share something that was less than high quality work? Because this is reality friends.

While it’s true that not all of us are bloggers, all of us do have days when we are simply not firing on all cylinders. We all have days when we are producing far below our usual level of excellence no matter if it’s writing a blog post, completing paperwork, cooking dinner or simply getting through the day.

What’s the point of this meandering drivel? The point is this…even when we are exhausted, tapped out and barely able to function we still make a valuable contribution even if it does not feel like it. We still can shine our light, even if it is a bit dimmer than usual. We still need to show up and share our gifts with the world because sometimes all it takes is the dimmest of light to lead another out of the darkness.

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Today’s outfit tells the story of perhaps the most comfortable dress ever invented. Who knew that taking the humble hoodie and transforming it into a hoodie dress would make such a difference? The moment that I spotted it at Walmart I had to have it…it spoke to my inner sloth. The day that I wore it though and realized just how comfortable it was made me go back for a second hoodie dress in black. Sadly it sold out super quickly both in stores and online, but I’ve linked some excellent options below.

Because I’m a huge fan of pairing opposites I layered my black and white glen plaid blazer over top. I love the super casual yet business-y vibe that the two together give off. As usual at this time of year, the over the knee boots and tights were necessary for practicality…it was just a bit too chilly for bare legs. Speaking of bare legs though, how cute will the hoodie dress be in the springtime paired with sneakers and no tights with a denim jacket layered over top? Definitely an outfit you’ll be seeing in a few months!

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I don’t know about you, but I always feel so much better in my clothing when I am actually comfortable in what I’m wearing. However, what is comfortable for me isn’t necessarily what is comfortable for you. While I could seriously wear this hoodie dress every single day, you might feel more at home in dress pants, a button down shirt and a pair of fabulous pumps.

The key is to determine exactly what pieces/styles of clothing make you feel most comfortable…physically, mentally and emotionally. Once you have honed in on the pieces that work for you, try to incorporate them into your daily wardrobe rotation.

“Being truly comfortable frees you from distraction and allows your true beauty the opportunity to shine…”

hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots hoodie dress_plaid blazer_otk boots

Dress: Walmart (Similar);  Boots: Amazon;  Blazer: Nordstrom (Similar)

**Disclaimer: Commission earned through shopping links in this post.

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5 years ago

Luckely your fashionable site of your brain is working just fine. Have a good weekend.

Marsha Banks
Marsha Banks
5 years ago

Having been a special educator for the first half of my career, I know how dead tired you get. Add in winter lack of sunlight, and it’s no wonder you’re exhausted! I love how you take that negative and make it a positive. I think that’s a) your innate personality, b) your background as an educator, and c) your need to just see the good! I love this dress, and if I had a need, I would definitely get one. Oh, heck! I don’t need one, but I probably will end up with one! I love the way you’ve styled… Read more »

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

You’re totally going to laugh, but I have a hoodie dress like this in my cart on Lord and Taylor (they were having a great sale) thinking it’d be a great coverup for the hot tub in the cooler months. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but if so we could be twinsies.

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

I love this pairing and it makes total sense to me, it is comfortable and put together and quite honestly looks like it just came off the runway! The boots are perfect and it just goes to show how versatile these pieces are! So good Deb!

5 years ago

‘It spoke to your inner sloth’, tee-hee. that made me giggle. I must have an inner sloth too cos I love this dress – it does look just sooo comfortable while still stylish. Lise

Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
5 years ago

Never would a hoodie dress ever have occurred to me. You’ve made this look both cozy with a little business thrown in. Take care, hopefully you’ll be able to recharge your batteries this weekend.

Leslie Susan Clingan
5 years ago

Great look. Adding that blazer kicks things up a notch and takes the dress from cute to professional. In the case of my blog, I have lots that I want to write about but I go through periods of wondering why what I have to say might matter at all. If I remember that I started blogging for my own sake…not to make money, not to try to set the world on fire with anything ‘profound,’ then I feel better. I blog about how I have rediscovered life since retirement…with blogging! Love all the options you provided. Heading off now… Read more »

5 years ago

Looove this comfy outfit!! My “light” for today has been flickering, no doubt! Loved reading this today! I needed it……..Thank you.

5 years ago

I love the concept of a hoodie dress but have never found just the right one for me.

Really like the pairing with the blazer.

Look, I have nothing important to say, either. Sometimes I just want to show support or say HEY I’M HERE I SEE YOU even when I have absolutely nothing to say.



Nicole of High Latitude Style
4 years ago

This outfit is stunning. The pink coat in your other post is a great find. Love how you styled that winter look. Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party.

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Right on, my friend. I have been firing on way less than all cylinders lately. The struggle is real. But Chrissy from Granola & Grace just reminded me the other day that we creatives sometimes need to embrace the down time when we struggle to create because that is where we receive the inspiration for creating later. I realized that in my fight to always be creating, I have been missing out on receiving inspiration. That being said, your outfit is freaking adorable. I love a good sweatshirt dress and may be combining a few of mine with blazers then… Read more »

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